Title: Module 3
1Module 3
This training is provided under Susan B. Harwood
No. SH-21004-10-60-F-8. It does not necessarily
reflect the views or policies of the U.S.
Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade
names, commercial products, or organizations
imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
2Flagger Stations
3One-Lane, Two-Way Traffic Control
- Two flaggers
- One flagger
- Pilot car
Property of TMUTCD Reprinted with permission
4One-Lane, Two-Way Traffic Control
- Two flaggers
- One flagger
- Pilot car
5One-Lane, Two-Way Traffic Control
- Two flaggers
- One flagger
- Pilot car
6One-Lane, Two-Way Traffic Control
- Two flaggers
- One flagger
- Pilot car
7Work Zone Components for Flagging Operations
- Buffer Space
- Tapers
- Advance Warning
8Traffic ControlComponent Distance
- Buffer Space
- Tapers
- Advance Warning
9Work Zone Components for Flagging Operations
- Buffer Space
- Tapers
- Advance Warning
10Traffic ControlComponent Distance
Property of TMUTCD Reprinted with permission
11Traffic ControlComponent Distance
- Advance warning sign spacing
12Work Zone Components for Flagging Operations
Work Zone Components for Flagging Operations
- Buffer Space
- Tapers
- Advance Warning
13Participant Activity 3.1
14Participant Activity 3.1
15Roadway Diagram
- Create a TCP for the scenario provided.