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SOAPSTone Sample


SOAPSTone Sample On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty Three (by John Milton) Sample Poem: On His Being Arrived at the Age of 23 HOW soon hath time, the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SOAPSTone Sample

SOAPSTone Sample
  • On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty Three
  • (by John Milton)

Sample Poem On His Being Arrived at the Age of
  • HOW soon hath time, the subtle thief of
    youth,    Stolen on his wing my three and
    twentieth year!    My hasting days fly on with
    full career,    But my late spring no bud or
    blossom sheweth.
  • Perhaps my semblance might deceive the
    truth,    That I to manhood am arrived so
    near,    And inward ripeness doth much less
    appear    That some more timely happy spirits
  • Yet be it less or more, or soon or slow,    It
    shall be still in strictest measure even    To
    that same lot however mean or high,
  • Toward which time leads me and the will of
    Heaven.    All is, if I have grace to use it
    so,    As ever in my great Taskmaster's eye.

First, read the poem and define any unfamiliar
  • Hath- has
  • Subtle- not obvious
  • Hasting- quick
  • Sheweth- shows
  • Semblance- resemble
  • Doth- does
  • Indueth- endure, survive

Now consider the SOAPSTone
  • S is for Speaker
  • O is for Occasion
  • A is for Audience
  • P is for Purpose
  • S is for Subject
  • Tone is the mood of the poem

  • Speaker Is someone identified as the speaker?
    What assumptions can you make about the speaker?
    (e.g., age, gender, class, emotional state, etc.)

  • The speaker of the poem is a young man on his
    birthday (line 3 my).
  • The speaker does consider himself to be old
    looking (line 6 so near), but he thinks the
    inside doesnt match the outside.
  • The speaker is religious (L 14 great

  • Occasion What is the rhetorical occasion of the
    poem? Is it a memory, adescription, an
    observation, a valedictory, an argument, a
    diatribe, an elegy, a declaration, a critique,

  • The occasion is the 23rd birthday or close to it.
    He might be thinking about it approaching.
  • John Milton wrote a long time ago (he died in
    1674). What was the life expectancy? What was the
    age of 23 equal to? (life expectancy was 35)
  • The occasion of his birthday is causing the
    speaker to think about his life (perhaps,

  • Audience Does the speaker identify an audience?
    What assumptions can youmake about the intended
    audience? Is the speaker clearly addressing one
    person or the world?

  • I think the speaker is talking or thinking to
    himself. If he is taking stock of his life he
    might be thinking about what he has or hasnt
  • God might be part of the audience (last line), so
    maybe he is praying. He sure wants God to know he
    has been considered.

  • Purpose What is the speaker's purpose? In what
    ways does the poet convey this message? What is
    the message? How does the speaker try to spark a
    reaction in the audience? How is the poem
    supposed to make the audiencefeel? What is its
    intended effect?

  • If the man is taking stock of his life at this
    turning point, he might be thinking about what he
    has left to do.
  • I think that in line 4 he might be thinking about
    the children (no bud or blossom shewth) he
    doesnt have. This might be akin to a 55 year old
    man today looking back on his life.

  • Subject What is the subject of the piece? How
    do you know this? How does the poet present
    his/her subject? Does (s)he present it
    immediately or does (s)he delay its revelation?

  • Growing old, looking back, having regret, but
    having hope.
  • I think he is frightened of the years flying by
    (line 3 my hasting days fly on).
  • He feels that he may look like a man on the
    outside (L 5 my semblance might deceive the
    truth, but he still feels like a kid inside
    inward ripeness doth much less appear).

  • Tone What is the author's attitude toward the
    subject? What emotional sensedo you take from
    the piece? How does the diction point to tone?

  • In the first 8 lines the speaker seems a little
    sad about growing old because he never had kids
    and regrets it. He seems sad that his days are
    flying by, and lonely.
  • But the tone of the second six lines show that he
    realizes that there isnt much he can do about
    his situation. By the end of the poem he accepts
    the amount of time he has left ( L 9 be it less
    or more, or soon or slow). His resignation is
    made easier knowing that his God is watching and
    judging him (last line eye).

Other Things to Consider
  • Stylistic and Linguistic Elements syntax,
    language, literary devices,imagery, diction,
    detail. Use of accented language, metaphors,
    similes, alliteration, capitalization within the
    lines, repetition, etc.

Also Consider
  • Narrative Style How does the poet tell the
    "story" of the poem? What doesthe poet reveal?
    What does he/she conceal? What does (s)he
    invert/subvert?Is the poem "dramatic," almost
    play-like in its use of dialogue or theatrical
    conventions like the soliloquy? How does the poet
    treat time?

Think About
  • Evidence What kind of diction dominates the
    poem? What is the source of theimages (for
    example nature, weapons, law, science, theology,
    love, architecture,etc.). What do sound devices
    contribute to the poem? What was going on
    politically when the poem was written? (You will
    have to research the poems publishing date)

Consider This Too
  • Written language, especially poetry, is
    inherently a flawed translation of lived life.
  • -Mark Yakich

By using the SOAPSTone process you should get
more depth of understanding.
  • Your next step in the research paper is to find
    reliable, credible research that agrees with your
    SOAPSTone findings, as well as biographical and
    historical information on the author and time
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