Title: Learning Arithmetic as a Foundation for Learning Algebra
1Learning Arithmetic as a Foundation for Learning
- Developing relational thinking
- Adapted from
- Thomas Carpenter
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
2Defining Algebra
- Many adults equate school algebra with symbol
manipulation solving complicated equations and
simplifying algebraic expressions. Indeed, the
algebraic symbols and the procedures for working
with them are a towering , historic mathematical
accomplishment and are critical in mathematical
work. But algebra is more than moving symbols
around. Students need to understand the concepts
of algebra, the structures and principles that
govern the manipulation of the symbols, and how
the symbols themselves can be used for recording
ideas and gaining insights into situations.
(NCTM, 2000, p. 37)
3Never the twain shall meet
- The artificial separation of arithmetic and
algebra deprives students of powerful ways of
thinking about mathematics in the early grades
and makes it more difficult for them to learn
algebra in the later grades.
4Arithmetic vs Algebra
- Arithmetic
- Calculating answers
- signifies the answer is next
- Algebra
- Transforming expressions
- as a relation
5Arithmetic U Algebra
- Arithmetic
- Transforming expressions
- as a relation
- Algebra
- Transforming expressions
- as a relation
6Developing Algebraic Reasoning in Elementary
- Rather than teaching algebra procedures to
elementary school children, our goal is to
support them to develop ways of thinking about
arithmetic that are more consistent with the ways
that students have to think to learn algebra
7Developing Algebraic Reasoning in Elementary
- Enhances the learning of arithmetic in the
elementary grades. - Smoothes the transition to learning algebra in
middle school and high school.
8Relational Thinking
- Focusing on relations rather than only on
calculating answers - Looking at expressions and equations in their
entirety rather than as procedures to be carried
out step by step - Engaging in anticipatory thinking
- Using fundamental properties of arithmetic to
relate or transform quantities and expressions - Recomposing numbers and expressions
- Flexible use of operations and relations
96 2 ? 3
10(No Transcript)
116 2 ? 3
- David Its 5.
- Ms. F How do you know its 5, David?
- David Its 6 2 there. Theres a 3 there. I
couldnt decide between 5 and 7. Three was one
more than 2, and 5 was one less than 6. So it was
1257 38 56 39
- David I know its true, because its like the
other one I did, 6 2 is the same as 5 3. - Ms. F. Its the same. How is it the same?
- David 57 is right there, and 56 is there, and 6
is there and 5 is there, and there is 38 there
and 39 there. - Ms. F. Im a little confused. You said the 57 is
like the 5 and the 56 is like the 6. Why? - David Because the 5 and the 56, they both are
one number lower than the other number. The one
by the higher number is lowest, and the one by
the lowest number up there would be more. So its
1357 38 56 39
14Recomposing numbers
- 8 7 ?
- 8 (2 5) ?
- (8 2) 5 ?
15Recomposing numbers
16Using basic propertiesRelating arithmetic and
- 70 40 7 X 10 4 X 10
- (7 4) X 10
- 110
- 7/12 4/12 7(1/12) 4(1/12)
- (7 4) X 1/12
- 7a 4a 7(a) 4(a)
- (7 4)a
- 11a
17Using basic properties(not)
18X2 - X - 2 0(X 2)(X 1) 0 X 1
0 X 2 0X -1 X 2
19X2 - X - 2 0(X 1)(X - 2) 0 X 1
0 X 2 0X -1 X 2(X 1)(X -
2) 6
20X2 - X - 2 0(X 1)(X - 2) 0 X 1
0 X 2 0X -1 X 2(X 1)(X -
2) 6 X 1 6 X 2 6X
5 X 8
21X2 - X - 2 0(X 1)(X - 2) 0 X 1
0 X 2 0X -1 X 2(X 1)(X -
2) 6 X 1 6 X 2 6X
5 X 8 (5 1)(5 - 2) 18 (8
1)(8 -2) 54
22Multiplication properties of zero
- ax0 0
- axb 0 implies a 0 or b 0
23Equality as a relation
24Percent of Students Offering Various Solutions to
8 4 ? 5
Response/Grade 7 12 17 12 17
1 and 2 ? ? ? ?
3 and 4 ? ? ? ?
5 and 6 ? ? ? ?
25Percent of Students Offering Various Solutions to
8 4 ? 5
Response/Grade 7 12 17 12 17
1 and 2 5 58 13 8
3 and 4 9 49 25 10
5 and 6 2 76 21 2
26Challenge--Try this!
- What are the different responses that students
may give to the following open number sentence - 9 7 ?? 8
27(No Transcript)
28Challenging students conceptions of equality
- 9 5 14
- 9 5 14 0
- 9 5 0 14
- 9 5 13 1
29Challenging students conceptions of equality
- 7 4 11
- 11 7 4
- 11 11
- 7 4 7 4
- 7 4 4 7
30Correct solutions to 8 4 ? 5 before and
after instruction
Grade Before Inst. After Inst.
1 and 2 5 66
3 and 4 9 72
5 and 6 2 84
31Learning to think relationally, thinking
relationally to learn
- Using true/false and open number sentences
(equations) to engage students in thinking more
flexibly and more deeply about arithmetic
32Learning to think relationally, thinking
relationally to learn
- Using true/false and open number sentences
(equations) to engage students in thinking more
flexibly and more deeply about arithmetic - in ways that are consistent with the ways that
they need to think about algebra.
33True and false number sentences
- 7 5 12
- 5 6 13
- 457 356 543
- 7 13/16 2 17/18 4 11/15
- 120 0
34Challenge--Try this!
- Construct a series of true/false sentences that
might be used to elicit one of the conjectures in
Table 4.1 - (on p. 54-55).
35Learning to think relationally
36Learning to think relationally
- 750 387 250 ?
- 7 9 8 3 1 ?
37More challenging problems
- A. 98 62 93 63 ?
- B. 82 39 85 37 - ?
- C. 45 28 ? - 24
38True or False
3935 47 37 45
4035 47 37 45
4135 47 37 45False
- 35 47
- (30 5) (40 7)
- (30 5) 40 (30 5) 7
- (3040 540) (307 57)
- 37 45
- (30 7) (40 5)
- (30 7) 40 (30 7) 5
- (3040 740) (305 75)
4235 47 37 45 False
- 35 47
- (30 5) (40 7)
- (30 5) 40 (30 5) 7
- (3040 540) (307 57)
- 37 45
- (30 7) (40 5)
- (30 7) 40 (30 7) 5
- (3040 740) (305 75)
43Parallels with multiplying binomials
- (X 7)(X 5)
- (X 7)X (X 7) 5
- X2 7X 5X 35
- X2 (7 5)X 35
- X2 12X 35
44Thinking relationally to learn
- Learning number facts with understanding
- Constructing algorithms and procedures for
operating on whole numbers and fractions -
45Number sentences to develop Relational Thinking
- (Large numbers are used to discourage
calculation) - Rank from easiest to most difficult
- a) 73 56 71 d
- b) 92 57 g 56
- c) 68 b 57 69
- d) 56 23 f 25
- e) 96 67 67 p
- f) 87 45 y 46
- g) 74 37 75 - q
46Learning Multiplication facts usingrelational
47A learning trajectory for thinking relationally
- Starting to think relationally
- The equal sign as a relational symbol
- Using relational thinking to learn multiplication
- Multiplication as repeated addition
- Beginning to use the distributive property
- Recognizing relations involving doubles, fives,
and tens - Appropriating relational strategies to derive
number facts
48Multiplication as repeated addition
- 3 ? 7 7 7 7
- 4 ? 7 7 7 7 b
- 6 6 2 ? 6
- 2 ? 9 h h
49Beginning to use the distributive property
- 3?6 6 4?6
- 3?6 3 4?6
- 5?4 2?4 4 8
- 5?6 3?6 g
- 6?7 a?7 b?7
- 6?7 h?7 h?7
50Multiplication facts
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
51Generating number facts based on doubles
- 3 8 2 8 8
- 3 8 16 8
- 3 8 8 3
- 4 9 2 9 2 9
52Multiplication facts
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
53Generating number facts for nines and fives
- 9 7 10 7 7
- 9 7 10 7 9
- 9 7 10 7 - ?
- 7 5 10 10 10 5
54Multiplication facts
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
55Appropriating relational strategies to derive
number facts
56A learning trajectory for thinking relationally
- Starting to think relationally
- The equal sign as a relational symbol
- Using relational thinking to learn multiplication
- Multiplication as repeated addition
- Beginning to use the distributive property
- Recognizing relations involving doubles, fives,
and tens - Appropriating relational strategies to derive
number facts
57(No Transcript)
583?7 7 7 7
- Ms L Could you read that number sentence for me
and tell me if it is true or false? - Kelly Three times 7 is the same as 7 plus 7
plus 7. Thats true, because times means groups
of and there are 3 groups of 7, 3 times 7 just
says it in a shorter way. - Ms L Ok, nice explanation.
593?7 14 7
- Ms L How about this, 3?7 14 7, is that true
or false? - Kelly Its true.
- Ms L Wow, that was quick, how do you know that
is true? - Kelly Can we go back up here pointing to 3?7
7 7 7? - Ms L Sure.
- Kelly Seven and 7 is 14, that is right here
drawing a line connecting two 7s in the first
number sentence and writing 14 under them.
Fourteen went right into here pointing to the 14
in the second number sentence. Then there is one
7 left pointing to the third 7 in the first
number sentence, and that went right here
pointing to the last 7 in the second number
604?6 12 12
- Ms L Ok, I have another one for you 4?6 12
12, true or false? - Kelly That is true.
- Ms L Ok, how did you get that one so quickly?
- Kelly Six plus 6 is 12, in this case, there are
4 groups of 6, so it is like this writing 6 6
6 6. Six and 6 is 12, that leaves another 6
and 6, and that equals 12. So one 12 is here and
one 12 went here indicating the two 12s in the
problem. What Im trying to say is there are
four 6s and you broke them in half and made them
into two 12s.
614?6 12 12 Continued
- Ms L Nice! Kelly, do you know right away what 4
times 6 is? - Kelly Yes.
- Ms L What is it?
- Kelly Its pause thirty- long pause two.
- Ms L Ok, do you know what 12 plus 12 is?
- Kelly Yeah. That is the same thing, 32.
- Ms L Do you have a way of doing 12 plus 12, to
check it? - Kelly Well, there are two 10s, 20- oh wait, I
was thinking of a different one! - Ms L You were thinking of a different
multiplication problem? - Kelly Yes. 4 times 6 is 24, because 10 and 10
is 20, and 2 and 2 is 4, put those together and
its 24.
624?7 ?
- Ms L Ok, here is another one. Four times 7
equals box. I want you tell me what you would
put in the box to make this a true number
sentence. - Kelly That would be short pause 28.
- Ms L Ok, how did you get 28?
- Kelly Well, I kinda had other problems that
went into this problem. If you go up here
pointing to 3?7 7 7 7 3 times 7 is the
same as 7 plus 7 plus 7. That problem helped me
and I used it with this problem, pointing to 3?7
14 7 3 sevens is the same as 14 and 7 You
add one more seven and that goes right to here.
Then she points to 4?6 12 12. This problem
also helped me because 4?7 is like My mind went
back up to here pointing to 3?7 14 7, and I
said, there is another 7 so I could put those two
7s together, thats 14, and there are two 14s, 10
and 10 is 20, 4 and 4 is 8, 28.
63Problem sequence
- 3?7 7 7 7
- 3?7 14 7
- 4?6 12 12
- 4?7 ?
64Inventing algorithms
- 612 300
- -457 -299
- 200 1
- -40
- -5
- 155
65- 292 87
- -549 -49.02
- -300 40.00
- 50 -2.00
- -7 -.02
- -257 37.98
66- 300
- -294 5/8
- 6
- -5/8
- 5 3/8
675 ½ __ ? Number choices ½, ¼, ¾, 3/8
- Choose one of the numbers depending on the level
of your students. - Change the problem to add additional challenge as
needed. - Allow students to choose one to vary the problem
and allow choice.
685 ½ __ ? Number choices ½, ¼, ¾, 3/8
- Put the problem into a context.
- It takes __ of a cup of sugar to make a batch of
cookies. I have 5 ½ cups of sugar. How many
batches of cookies can I make? - Solve for 3/8 cup of sugar for a batch.
69It takes 3/8 of a cup of sugar to make a batch of
cookies. I have 5 ½ cups of sugar. How many
batches of cookies can I make?
70It takes 3/8 of a cup of sugar to make a batch of
cookies. I have 5 ½ cups of sugar. How many
batches of cookies can I make?
71? 3/8 5 ½
- 8 3/8 3
- 4 3/8 would be ½ of 3 or 1 ½
- 12 3/8 4 ½ gt 4 ½ cups makes 12 batches
- Need to use 1 more cup of sugar
- Because 8 3/8 3, a third as much would be 1
- i.e. 1/3 (8 3/8) 1
- So you need 1/3 of 8, which is 8/3
- i.e. 1 cup makes 8/3 batches.
- So altogether you get a total of 12 8/3 or 14
2/3 batches -
72? 3/8 5 ½
- 8 3/8 3
- ½(8 3/8) ½ 3
- (½8)3/8 1 ½
- 4 3/8 1 ½
73Next subgoalHow many 3/8 cups to use the
remaining cup?
- 8 3/8 3
- 1/3 (8 3/8) 1/3 3
- (1/38)3/8 1
- 8/3 3/8 1
74Putting the parts together
- (8 3/8) (4 3/8) (8/3 3/8)
- 3 1 ½ 1 5 ½
- And
- (8 3/8) (4 3/8) (8/3 3/8)
- (8 4 8/3) 3/8 14 2/3 3/8
- So 5 ½ cups of sugar makes 14 2/3 batches of 3/8
cups of sugar
75Solving equations
76(No Transcript)
77From arithmetic to algebraic reasoning
- Attend to relations rather than teaching only
step by step procedures - Align the teaching of arithmetic with the
concepts and skills students need to learn
algebra - Enhance the learning of arithmetic
- Provide a foundation for and smooth the
transition to learning algebra
78Learning arithmetic and algebra with understanding
- Algebra for all
- Not watering down algebra to teach isolated
procedures - Develop algebraic reasoning rather than teaching
meaningless algebraic procedures - Learning arithmetic and algebra grounded in
fundamental properties of number and number
79AssignmentWhat you will do before the next
- You will be writing a series of problems that
you might use with your students to encourage
them to begin to look for relations. - Write a problem to assess student thinking
- Predict student responses
- Write a series of problems to address your
studentsback upextend??? - Try these with your students
80Assignment contd
- You will be planning a lesson with your
colleagues for a lesson study cycle - As a team choose a topic to be taught on December
6th - Choose a topic that is typically difficult for
students - Bring planning materials to the October session
- Addition is associative, but subtraction is not.
How about the following - Is (a b) - c a (b - c) true for all
numbers? - Is (a - b) c a - (b c) true for all
numbers? - Thinking
Mathematically p. 120 4
- What kind of number do you get when you add three
odd numbers? - Can you justify your response?
- Thinking Mathematically p.103 1
83Challenge--Try this!
- Design a sequence of true/false and/or open
sentences that you might use to engage your
students in thinking about the equal sign. - Thinking Mathematically p. 24 4
- Carpenter, T.P., Franke, M.L., Levi, L. (2003).
Thinking mathematically Integrating arithmetic
and algebra in the elementary school. Portsmouth,
NH Heinemann. - Carpenter, T. P., Franke, M.L., Levi, L.
(2005). Algebra in Elementary School. ZDM. 37(1),
1-7. - Carpenter, T. P., Levi, L., Berman, P., Pligge,
M. (2005). Developing algebraic reasoning in the
elementary school. In T. A. Romberg , T. P.
Carpenter, F. Dremock (Eds). Understanding
mathematics and science matters. Mahwah, NJ
Erlbaum. - Jacobs, V.J., Franke, M.L., Carpenter, T. P.,
Levi, L., Battey, D. (2007) A large-scale study
of professional development focused on childrens
algebraic reasoning in elementary school. Journal
for Research in Mathematics Education, 38,