Title: Thera
- A volcanic eruption about 1500 BCE crippled the
Minoan civilization and may have been recorded in
2The Aegean
4The Minoans
- 2600-1450 BCE
- Major earthquake and palace destruction about
1700 BCE (or invasion?) - Thera eruption about 1500 BCE weakened Minoan
culture - Widespread palace destruction about 1450 BCE
- Supplanted by Mycenaeans from mainland about 1420
5Minoan Culture
- Maritime trading civilization
- Weapons and fortifications relatively few
- Non-Greek Language
- Script Linear A not yet deciphered
- Later adapted to Mycenean Greek (Linear B)
- Creative Art
- Sea themes abound
- Female figures predominate over male
6Minoan Vase, Heraklion
7Minoan Vase, Heraklion
8Minoan Vase, Heraklion
9Woman on a Swing, Heraklion
10Knossos, Crete
11Knossos, Crete
12Knossos, Crete
13Axe Emblems, Heraklion
14The Mysterious Phaestos Disk
15Mediterranean Volcanoes
16Thera (Santoroni)
17Eruption of Thera
- 1500 BCE according to artifact evidence
- 1600-1620 BCE by radiocarbon, ice core,
dendrochronology, possible Chinese record - Minoan civilization survived but probably
crippled by coastal damage - Must have been warning no bodies on Thera
18A Chinese Record?
- yellow fog, a dim sun, then three suns, frost in
July, famine, and the withering of all five
cereals. - Bamboo Chronicles about 1618 BCE
19Volcanic Explosivity Index
VEI Classification Description Ejecta volume Global Frequency
0 Hawaiian non-explosive gt 1000 m³ daily
1 Strombolian gentle gt 10,000 m³ daily
2 Vulcanian explosive gt 1,000,000 m³ weekly
3 Pelean severe gt 10,000,000 m³ yearly
4 Pelean/Plinian cataclysmic gt 0.1 km³ 10 yrs
5 Plinian paroxysmal gt 1 km³ 50 yrs
6 Ultra-Plinian colossal gt 10 km³ 100 yrs
7 Ultra-Plinian super-colossal gt 100 km³ 1000 yrs
8 Ultra-Plinian mega-colossal gt 1000 km³ 10,000 yrs
21Pre-Eruption Cutaway
22Plinian Eruption
23Collapse of Plinian Cloud
24Caldera Collapse Begins
25Caldera Collapse
26Caldera Collapse
27Caldera Collapse
28Caldera Flooding
29Caldera Flooding
30Phreatic Explosion and Tsunami
32The Plagues of Egypt
- Rivers turn to blood
- Frogs
- Gnats
- Flies
- Death of Livestock
- Boils
- Hail
- Locusts
- Three days of darkness
- Death of the Firstborn
33The Plagues of Modern Times
- Nothing good on cable
- RIAA Lawsuits
- Telemarketers
- Cell phones in public
- Middle seats on airliners
- Cellulite
- Spam e-mail
- Nigerian money scams
- Three dollars a gallon for gas
- Firstborn come back home to live