Problem Solving - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Problem Solving


Nawwaf Kharma * * * Programming as Problem Solving with Applied Algorithms Algorithm Design as Instruction selection, configuration and sequencing The intimate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Problem Solving

Problem Solving Algorithm Design for Robots
  • Nawwaf Kharma

  • Programming as Problem Solving with Applied
  • Algorithm Design as Instruction selection,
    configuration and sequencing
  • The intimate relationship between robotic
    hardware and controlling software
  • Several robotic (and human) programming problems,
    with hints!
  • Lessons learned and guidance issued ?

Programming as Problem Solving
  • One definition of programming is it is applied
    problem solving
  • - You have a problem (e.g. need a program to
    calculate the area of the circle).
  • - What inputs and outputs are needed?
  • How does what is entered produce the right
  • What needs to be done?

Group Exercise
  • Problem An ant is in a corner of a room at the
    ceiling. There is a bowl of sugar at the opposite
    diagonal corner of the room on the floor. The
    room is a cube with the width of the room 3m.
  • In groups of 2 or 3
  • Discuss different ways for solving the problem.
  • Use speech, writing and drawing to explain your
  • Can you use drawing to help you solve the
  • Come up with a preferred solution.
  • Can you prove that your solution is correct?

  • stop()
  • Stops both motors, then moves onto the next
    instructio if you want it stop and wait use
  • forward(time1)
  • This moves the robot forward for time1
    milliseconds (ms).
  • spinRight(time1)
  • Moves robot in a tight circle to the right using
    both motors time1 ms.
  • turnRight(time1)
  • This moves the robot to the right in a looser
    circle than spinRight() using both motors time1
  • spinLeft(time1)
  • This moves the robot in a tight circle to the
    left using one motor for time1 ms.
  • turnLeft(time1)
  • Moves robot to the left in a looser circle than
    spinLeft() using 1 motor time1 ms.
  • backward(time1)
  • This moves robot backward time1 ms.

bumpIt(int time1) Using both touch sensors on
ports 1 and 3 If either touch sensor is true
then move the robot backwards. bumper(x) Using a
touch sensor on port x Returns true if contact
is made. checkBumpers() Using both touch sensors
on ports 1 and 3 If either touch sensor makes
contact then true is returned else false
is. checkLight(x) Uses a light sensor on port x
Returns true if the sensor is above a black
line halt() Stops the robot until the view button
is pressed change_direction(A,B,C) A sets the
duration, B power to left motor and C power to
the right motor checkLight_x(X) which produces
true value for light levels measured to be
between 33 and 42 by the light sensor on port
X. measureLight(X) Returns the light level as an
integer for a particular sensor port X. from
Types of Instructions
  • A. Get inputs from sensors
  • B. Process inputs (and state variables)
  • C. Make decisions
  • D. Send outputs to effectors
  • Example
  • If (checkLight(1) !checkLight(2))
  • turnRight(1000)

Instructions Relate 2 Hardware
  • Although
  • (a) instructions are given, such as the set of
    instructions for Lego Mindstorms robots or the
    Atmega8 chip
  • (b) and processing and decision making
    instructions are related to robot software
  • The actual number and especially meaning of the
    inputs and of the outputs are determined by robot
    hardware design you map I/O from/to the

Distance ahead (x2)
Movement of a leg (x6)
Instructions Relate 2 Software
  • Software are programs and programs are applied
  • Definition algorithm is an effective method for
    solving a problem using a finite sequence of
    instructions http//
  • So, given a set of instructions, and a hardware
    design, the next thing is figuring our how to
  • Configure instructions how many milliseconds?
  • Sequence instructions check first then move.
  • Example
  • If (checkLight_x(1) AND ! checkLight_x(2))
  • turnRight(2000)

Provisional Summary
  • The programmable controller of a robot determines
    your basic set of instructions
  • The hardware design of a robot determines the
    number and meaning of the inputs and outputs
  • These two (controller and hardware) define the
    limits of possible software solutions, where
    software applied algorithm
  • So, algorithm design is really instruction
    selection, mapping, configuration and sequencing.

Problem 1
  • Create an algorithm then program, using the
    instructions provided, to make a robot trace out
    a square. Each side of the square will be the
    same length as the distance covered by the robot
    when it moves forward a second.
  • A. What algorithm came to your mind? Why?
  • B. What does this algorithm demand in terms of
    inputs and outputs?
  • C. Is this the only solution? Which one do you
    prefer and why?
  • problems 1-4 adapted from Problem Solving with
    Robots by Scott Turner

Problem 2
  • Get two identical robots to do a little dance.
    The moves are up to you. A robot will initiate
    the dance (a) when it has been moving for 5
    seconds (without incident) and (b) upon detection
    of the other robot- you may assume there are no
    other objects in the area. When a dance
    terminates, the robots should select an arbitrary
    direction to move in.
  • What are the robots states of existence?
  • For every state, what inputs and outputs does it
  • What is the dance routine, and how does a robot
    select an arbitrary direction?
  • How would the addition of 4 walls (of an empty
    room) change your approach?

Problem 3 (human)
  • Write down a detailed list of instructions for
    opening a fizzy drinks bottle.
  • Your instructions must clear enough so that
    somebody could use to open the bottle based ONLY
    on your instructions. The person should not get
    wet whilstopening the bottle.
  • Constraints
  • It is a person opening the bottle.
  • The bottle top is a screw top and is not glued
  • The person has use of both hands and is strong
    enough to open the bottle under normal
  • The person understands simple words such as
    grip, turn, clockwise, anti-clockwise, left and
    right, on off and combinations right hand on
    bottle top.
  • You do need to specify which hand is used.
  • Your instruction should not be able to
    interpreted in an other way.

Problem 4
  • Produce a line following robot routine. The robot
    should follow a black line. You may configure the
    robot with any number of light sensors in any
    configuration. If a light sensor is above a black
    line it returns a true otherwise false. You
    may assume that 2 sensors can over the width of a
    black line.
  • What are all the robots states of existence?
    What defines every state? How do you decide a
    change of state?
  • When in a state, what routine should be executed?
  • Did you include start and end states?
  • How would the addition of noise (e.g.
    variable-width line) affect your design?
  • Should you design for a perfect world then
  • add noise or are you better off designing
  • For the real world?

  • Robot Based Problem Solving is actually the
    co-design of hardware and software (i.e.
    algorithmic) solutions to real world problems
  • Generally speaking, one should design a combined
    solution, which is implemented through hardware
    and software
  • In many cases, hardware design restricts (and as
    such defines the scope of) algorithmic solutions
  • One may approach robot control algorithms as one
    does a state machine, with
  • Different states each with its own handling
  • It is important, however, not to assume that your
    simplified model of the world is the real world!
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