Linking Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Linking Language


Linking Language & Learning 3 Cultures & Communities Fall 2006 Scott, Grenvicz, Schwab, Dessein Series Overview This is the last of three power point presentations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Linking Language

Linking Language Learning 3 Cultures
  • Fall 2006
  • Scott, Grenvicz, Schwab, Dessein

Series Overview
  • This is the last of three power point
    presentations designed to make you think about
    second language learning.
  • This presentation begins with guiding questions
    to engage you in the material.
  • Discussion questions appear at the end of this
    presentation. You will write your ideas about
    these questions and turn them in to your teacher.

Series Overview
  • In the first presentation we talked about the
    meaning of COMMUNICATION and what it means to be
  • In the second presentation we made COMPARISONS
    between first and second language acquisition,
    and asked you to use your second language to make
    CONNECTIONS to other areas of interest, such as
    the information about Genie.
  • In this presentation we will explore what it
    means to become a L2 USER.
  • We will show how learning French helps you gain
    knowledge and understanding of other CULTURES,
    and allows you to participate in multilingual
    COMMUNITIES around the world.

Guiding questions
  • Discuss the differences between following two
    goals for students studying French
  • 1) Students will become bilingual in French and
  • 2) Students will use what they learn in French
    class to develop an understanding of other
    languages and cultures.

Becoming an L2 user
  • Becoming bilingual is a difficult goal to
    achieve because there is no clear understanding
    of what the term means (think back to our
    conversation about what bilingual means).
  • A more realistic goal for our language students
    is to become L2 users.

What is an L2 user?
  • An L2 user
  • uses a language other than L1 at any level for
    any purpose.
  • exploits whatever linguistic resources she/he has
    for real-life purposes, such as reporting
    symptoms to a doctor, negotiating a contract, or
    reading a poem.
  • stands between two languages (L1 and L2), even
    when apparently only using one.
  • has the resources of two languages (L1 and L2)
    readily available whenever needed.
  • Cook, V. 2002. Portraits of the L2 User.
    Clevedon, UK Multilingual Matters.

What can an L2 user do?
  • An L2 user
  • uses his/her understanding of L1 and L2 in
    settings where the language and culture are
  • is sensitive to cultural similarities and
  • has a tolerance for ambiguity.
  • is a member of the global community.

Will studying FRENCH make you an L2 user?
  • In 1999, French was the 11th most common first
    language in the world, with 77 million first
    language speakers and another 51 million second
    language speakers.

More facts about French
  • There are 113 million people who speak French (as
    a native or adopted language) fluently and use it
    on a regular basis.
  • There are 61 million people who live in a
    francophone country but do not speak French
  • There are 100 to 110 million students of all ages
    who do not live in a francophone country, but
    have learned, or are learning French.
  • French is the second most commonly-taught second
    language in the world (after English).

Who uses French?
  • Amnesty International
  • European Union (EU)
  • Interpol
  • International Olympic Committee
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation
    Development (OECD)
  • Red Cross and Red Crescent
  • United Nations (UN)
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)

In 2050
  • people aged 15-24 will speak the following
    languages (in millions)
  • Chinese  166.0  
  • Hindi/Urdu  73.7  
  • Arabic  72.2  
  • English  65.0  
  • Spanish  62.8  
  • Portuguese  32.5  
  • Bengali  31.6  
  • Russian  14.8  
  • Japanese  11.3  
  • Malay  10.5  

Being an L2 user in a multilingual world
  • Studying French will help you interact with
    people who speak Chinese, Arabic, or Bengali !
  • The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
    Languages recognizes that foreign language study
    sensitizes students to other languages and
    cultures, and prepares them to participate in our
    multilingual world.
  • They developed the national Standards for Foreign
    Language Learning in the 21st Century which
    outline learning goals to develop L2 users.

National Standards for Foreign Language Learning
in the 21st Century
  • The 5 Cs
  • Communication communicate in languages other
    than English
  • Cultures gain knowledge and understanding of
    other cultures
  • Connections connect with other disciplines
  • Comparisons develop insight into the nature of
    language and culture
  • Communities participate in multilingual
    communities at home and around the world

Specific learning goals are outlined for Chinese,
Classical languages, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Statement of philosophy
  • Language and communication are at the heart of
    the human experience. The United States must
    educate students who are linguistically and
    culturally equipped to communicate successfully
    in a pluralistic American society and abroad.
    This imperative envisions a future in which ALL
    students will develop and maintain proficiency in
    English and at least one other language, modern
    or classical. People who come to school from
    non-English backgrounds should also have
    opportunities to develop further proficiencies in
    their first language.

Standard 1 Communication
  • Communicate in Languages Other Than English
  • Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations,
    provide and obtain information, express feelings
    and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret
    written and spoken language on a variety of
  • Standard 1.3 Students present information,
    concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners
    or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 2 Cultures
  • Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other
  • Standard 2.1 Students demonstrate an
    understanding of the relationship between the
    practices and perspectives of the culture
  • Standard 2.2 Students demonstrate an
    understanding of the relationship between the
    products and perspectives of the culture studied.

Standard 3 - Connections
  • Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire
  • Standard 3.1 Students reinforce and further
    their knowledge of other disciplines through the
    foreign language.
  • Standard 3.2 Students acquire information and
    recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are
    only available through the foreign language and
    its cultures.

Standard 4 - Comparisons
  • Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and
  • Standard 4.1 Students demonstrate understanding
    of the nature of language through comparisons of
    the language studied and their own.
  • Standard 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding
    of the concept of culture through comparisons of
    the cultures studied and their own.

Standard 5 Communities
  • Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home
    Around the World
  • Standard 5.1 Students use the language both
    within and beyond the school setting.
  • Standard 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming
    life-long learners by using the language for
    personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Final discussion questions
  • Write your ideas about this question and turn
    them in to your teacher
  • Describe how your study of French language and
    culture makes you an L2 user. You might consider
    reviewing all three presentations as you
    formulate your answer.
  • This Power Point presentation is available at
  • http//
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