Muscular Activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Muscular Activity


Muscular Activity Metabolism Supplies the energy needed to the actin filaments over the myosin filaments. It is a chemical process of converting food into ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Muscular Activity

Muscular Activity
  • Metabolism
  • Supplies the energy needed to slide the actin
    filaments over the myosin filaments. It is a
    chemical process of converting food into
    mechanical work and heat.
  • Some mechanical work is consumed by the body
    while other is consumed by physical activity
  • Basic source of energy for contraction of the
    muscle is glycogen or glucose which is abundant
    in the blood
  • Sources of energy (next time)

  • Metabolism - Sources of energy (see Figure 8-2
    Sanders McCormick (7th ed)
  • First 3-5 secs
  • adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-a high energy
    phosphate compound is mobilized. It breaks down
    to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) which releases
  • ATP ? ADP P (phosphate radical) free energy
  • ATP Regenerated
  • To continue muscular activity, ATP must be
  • creatine phosphate ADP ? creatine ATP
  • creatine phosphate is high energy existing in
    small amounts in muscles
  • Depletion of creatine phosphate occurs in about
    15 sec
  • Blood glucose or glycogen is mobilized. Glucose
    is a blood sugar which is converted by various
    stages first into pyruvic acid.

  • Metabolism further breakdown may be
  • Anaerobic work if O2 is not supplied to the
    muscle, pyruvic acid is converted into lactic
    acid while ATP is regenerated. Lactic acid
    accumulation causes muscle fatigue and pain
  • glucose 2 phosphate 2 ADP ? 2 lactate 2 ATP
  • Aerobic work if O2 is supplied, pyruvic acid is
    broken down into water and carbon dioxide,
    releasing large amounts of ATP
  • glucose 38 phosphate 38 ADP 6 O2 ? 6 CO2
    44 H2O 38 ATP
  • Oxidation of pyruvic acid in aerobic work
    involves enzymes, co-enzymes, and fatty acids
    (Krebs cycle, figure 3.4 Pulat)
  • O2 is key to efficient work. Its supply requires
    more blood be pumped to muscle per unit time as
    well as heavier breathing to oxygenate blood
  • Kilocalorie (kcal) most common measure of
    energy requirement for physical activity
  • Resting energy ? 0.3 kcal per minute for man of
    about 154 lbs
  • Resting male (laying down and no digestive
    activity) ? 1700 kcal/day
  • Resting female (laying down and no digestive
    activity) ? 1400 kcal/day

  • Metabolism
  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR) amount of energy
    needed per unit of time to sustain life
  • Total metabolism equals sum of
  • Basal metabolism
  • Activity metabolism
  • Digestive metabolism (10 sum of basal

Supporting Systems
  • Respiratory Response
  • Nose and mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs
    (consisting of bronchi and bronchioles, alveolar
    ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli)
  • Primary function is to expose a large volume of
    water-saturated air to a large volume of blood to
    facilitate exchange of gases between air and
    inhaled air
  • Gas exchange 70-90 m2 for average adult (surface
  • At rest, 250 ml of O2 is absorbed and 200 ml of
    CO2 expelled
  • Lung capacity
  • 7-8 L for tall athletic young male
  • Women 10 less
  • Untrained 60-80 of volume

Supporting Systems
  • Circulation
  • Heart acts as double pump blood vessels outside
    the heart can be categorized into 2 classes
  • Pulmonary vessels transport blood from the
    right ventricle of the heart through the lungs
    and back to the left atrium of the heart
  • Systemic vessels transport blood from the left
    ventricle of the heart to all the other parts of
    the body including the head and lower body back
    to the right atrium
  • Pulmonary and systemic ? peripheral circulation
  • Kidneys remove waste (toxic) from the blood
  • Liver, lungs, skin intestines also eliminate
  • Arteries carry blood away from the heart
  • Veins carry blood to the heart
  • Nutrition
  • Ingestion, digestion, absorption, and utilization
    of nutrient substances
  • Provides necessary fuel and chemicals for
    physical activity

Muscular Activity
  • Dynamic activity characterized by rhythemic
    contraction and relaxation of the muscles
  • Example turning a handwheel to open a valve
  • Alternating tension and relaxation allows more
    blood to circulate
  • Static activity characterized by a prolonged
    state of contraction, which restricts blood flow
    to muscles
  • Example holding a box in static posture
  • Since no glucose or oxygen are being received
    activity wont last long
  • Design Element Dynamic vs. Static
  • Compared to dynamic effort, static effort will
    require longer rest periods
  • Static effort could result in employee complaints
    and turnover
  • Designers should minimize job elements in a
    process with static loading

Energy Cost of Work
  • Energy demands increase with the onset of
    physical work. Increase depends on
  • Physical conditioning
  • Intensity of activity
  • Gender
  • Body weight
  • Cardiovascular response
  • At rest
  • Heart rate (HR) 60-85 beats per minute
  • Normal resting blood leaves lungs 97 saturated
    ? breathing harder will not increase O2 in
    muscles alone
  • At work
  • Increase cardiac output to increase O2 to
    muscles, more blood must flow thereby increasing
    cardiac output
  • Heart rate increases - pumping actions
  • Stroke volume volume per beat (rest 5 L/min
    hard work 25 L/min or more)
  • At 40 of a persons max capacity stroke volume
    stabilizes while HR increases

Energy Cost of Work
  • Cardiovascular response
  • Oxygen lag
  • Fig 3.5, p. 34, Pulat
  • O2 and heart rate are linear under submaximal
    work (fig 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 Pulat)
  • Violated when
  • Arms over head
  • Hot environments
  • Increased blood pressure (BP) consequence of
    increased cardiac output
  • Adrenal glands release catecholamines (hormones)
    that strength HR and increase BP
  • BP is necessary to fill heart (note _at_ 120
    beats/min, heart has ½ sec to fill between

Energy Cost of Work
  • Redistribution of blood (Sanders McCormick, p.

Blood Flow Distribution () Blood Flow Distribution ()
Part of body Resting Heavy Work
Muscles 15-20 70-75
Skin 5 10
Brain 15 3-4
Bones 3-5 0.5-1
Kidneys 20 2-4
Digestive System 20-25 3-5
Heart muscle 4-5 4-5
Energy Cost of Work
  • Physical work capacity workers capacity for
    energy output function of
  • Food, oxygen, sum of energy provided by aerobic
    and anaerobic process
  • Working at 30-40 of ones maximum aerobic power
    in 8 hour shift causes notable muscular fatigue
  • Energy cost of specific activities
  • O2 ? energy consumption have good relationship
  • Indirect measure of energy consumption
  • 1 L of O2 ? 4.8 kcal
  • Table 3.2 different activities kcal
  • Factors
  • As rate of activity increases, energy cost
  • Body weight increase energy cost
  • Men ? 3000-3500 kcal/day
  • Women ? 2500-3000 kcal/day
  • At age 65 ? 75 calories expended compared to
    those at age 25

Energy Cost of Work
  • Keeping energy cost of work at acceptable limits
  • For men
  • Maximum time-weighted average of 5 kcal/min due
    to activity energy cost of work
  • Maximum time-weighted HR average of 100 beats/min
  • For women
  • 4 kcal/min
  • 90 beat/min
  • Table 3.3 is a classification of work
  • Factors affecting energy consumption
  • Method of work
  • Work posture
  • Work rate or pace
  • Tool design

Energy Cost of Work
  • Fatigue
  • Manifested in slight tiredness to complete
  • Produce lactate - which can be a good predictor
    of fatigue
  • One subjective measure is the Borg-RPE (rating of
    perceived exertion) scale similar to scale
    being used in MP 1
  • Scale of 6-20 are linearly related to the HR
    expected for that level of exertion
  • Intended to rate exertion during dynamic work
  • Motivation highly motivated underrate their
  • Work-rest cycle
  • If workload cannot be maintained within
    recommended limits (work standards) there must be
  • Some charts have been developed to determine
    amount of rest required

Rest Allowance
  • (Kodak, 1986)

Example Someone working 10 minutes _at_ VH level
get 80 rest or 8 minutes
Rest Allowance
  • Murrell (1965)
  • Solve Problem 3 in Pulat
  • Using Murrell and method in text book

Strength and Endurance
  • Strength the maximum force that one can exert
    voluntarily (kilograms using dynamometer)
  • Static measured standing or sitting posture
  • Example Pushing a button on a cell phone
  • Design so that 95 of population can exceed these
  • Dynamic measured during work using dynamic or
    isokinetic strength testing devices that control
    for speed of movement
  • Speed of movement affects lifting ability
  • Characteristics of strength
  • Strength peak by late 20s, gradual decline to 75
    at age 65
  • Women on average have 2/3 strength of men
  • Exercise can increase by as much as 50
  • Maximum grip _at_ 135 degrees of elbow flex
  • Endurance ability to maintain activity over
  • Research says that people can only maintain
    maximum effort only briefly
  • 20 of peak static over time
  • 30 of peak dynamic work

Nervous System
  • Coordinates and regulates body activities
  • Responsible for the initiation and control of
    muscular activity
  • The basic element of the nervous system is the
    neuron. Neuron is composed of a nerve cell along
    with a minimum of two nerve fibers.
  • Dendrite brings messages to the nerve cell
    multiple dendrites may be associated with a cell
    therefore multiple paths may send signals
  • Axon takes messages to another cell a neuron may
    not have more than one axon.
  • Myelin coats the nerve fibers which serves to
    protect one nerve fiber's messages from another
    short-circuiting is prevented
  • Synapse is the gap between the dendrite of one
    neuron and the axon of another neuron.
  • Chemical/electrical process allow an impulse of
    one neuron to be passed to a succeeding on
    unaltered in 1/1000 of a second.

Nervous System
  • Three major parts to the nervous system
  • Central Nervous system which includes the brain
    and spinal cord
  • Peripheral Nervous system which controls the
    voluntary activity
  • Automatic system which covers the balance of the
    nervous system
  • Automatic Nervous System
  • Controls involuntary body activity including
    function of glands, smooth muscle tissue, and the
    heart. Includes the
  • Sympathetic or thoracolumbar division stimulating
    these fibers creates small amounts of thick
    saliva, depression of gastrointestinal activity,
    and increased heart rate and occur in emergencies
    such as freight and consume energy.
  • parasympathetic or craniosacral division
  • For example when people are in a health threat,
    parasympathetic affect blood pressure,
    constricting of the pupils, etc.
  • An axon in hand controls 3 -6 muscle fibers An
    axon in leg controls 100 -200 muscle fibers

Nervous System
  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • Controls the voluntary activity of the body
  • 2 major elements are the sensory and motor
  • Sensory system is responsible for conveying
    information from your senses to the central
    mechanisms sensory neurons have one axon and one
    dendrite each
  • Once a message is received and processed through
    the Central nervous system, signals are passed
    down the pathways to the appropriate muscles.
    Motor neurons lie in the central mechanisms, and
    their axons travel in groups called motor nerves
  • Speed of transmission
  • Motor fibers 70-120 m/s
  • Others 12-70 m/s
  • Considering the distance between the sensory
    organs and motor organs to the central mechanism,
    it is not uncommon to have reaction times in the
    300-500 millisecond range

Nervous System
  • Central Nervous System
  • Two parts spinal cord and brain
  • They are connected by the brain stem
  • Spinal cord is gray matter encased in a bony
    column called the spinal column.
  • contain the reflex neurons
  • contains the neurons of the sensory system
  • The brain
  • medulla - connects the spinal cord with the
    higher centers of the brain nuclei for the
    neurons of the automatic nervous system
  • cerebral cortex is the part of the brain where
    information is processed where information is
    stored most important with respect to perception
    and processing of information
  • Thalamus - relay station for the brain sorts out
    messages and directs them to correct motor
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