Epidemiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Epidemiology in Action An Integrated High School Curriculum for Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Health By Annette Holmstrom Curtis High School – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Epidemiology

Epidemiology in Action
An Integrated High School Curriculum for Math,
Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and
By Annette Holmstrom Curtis High School Tacoma,
Washington 98422
Epidemiology in Action
CONTENTS Unit I What is Epidemiology? Unit
II Types of Epidemiology Studies Unit
III Measurement and Hypothesis Testing Unit
IV Understanding and Preventing Health and
Safety Problems
Epidemiology in Action
  • Unit I
  • What is Epidemiology?
  • Definition of Epidemiology
  • Its Purpose
  • How It Helps Us Answer Questions
  • Activities
  • A Plague Puzzle
  • Design a Disease Museum
  • Debate, Data, and Current Issues

Epidemiology in Action
Definition of Epidemiology Epidemiology is
the science of discovering causes of illness and
injury in populations. Epidemiology studies
are used to control and prevent health problems.

Epidemiology in Action
  • Scenario
  • Youve just arrived in Washington, D.C. for an
    International Conference on Epidemiology.
  • Your puzzle cards tell us two things
  • The city youve come from,
  • Whether youve got symptoms of some strange

THE PLAGUE PUZZLE Youve just arrived from
Paris, France.
Epidemiology in Action
THE PLAGUE PUZZLE Youve just arrived from
Paris, France.

If your card looks like this one, you are
displaying no symptoms.
  • If your card looks like this one, you are
    displaying a variety of the following symptoms
  • high fever
  • fatigue
  • severe back pain
  • sometimes stomach pain/vomiting
  • if your card also has an X on it, you have a
    rash on your face, hands, and forearms.

THE PLAGUE PUZZLE Youve just arrived from
Paris, France.
Epidemiology in Action
Epidemiology is the science of discovering the
causes of illness and injury in populations.
Epidemiology studies are used to control and
prevent health problems.
  • This is a health problem. We need to think like
    epidemiologists. Imagine you are the
    epidemiology team thats been called in to study
    our group and brainstorm answers to the following
  • What would you do first?
  • What information do you need to gather?
  • What are your initial guesses about the cause
    of illness?
  • How would you know who has this disease, for
  • What studies could you do to figure out what
    caused the outbreak?
  • How would you know if your studies were right?
  • If your studies were correct, what steps would
    you take to protect everybody else?

Epidemiology in Action
  • In the case of a real outbreak, the basic steps
    in an outbreak investigation are to
  • Gather information and confirm existence of
  • Confirm diagnosis,
  • 3) Establish a case definition a standard set
    of criteria for identifying who has the disease,
  • 4) Perform descriptive studies,
  • 5) Develop and test hypotheses,
  • 6) Implement control and prevention, and
  • 7) Report findings

Epidemiology in Action

To learn how to investigate a disease outbreak
in greater detail, the following websites provide
excellent lesson plans and resources How to
Investigate an Outbreak National Institute of
Health Infectious Disease Curriculum Virus
Encounters Note to teachers These materials
are free - for classroom use only.
Epidemiology in Action

In the case of our classroom disease, you may
have hypothesized that we are showing the
symptoms of a smallpox outbreak. In epidemiology,
our HYPOTHESES are based on research, and must be
able to be TESTED. You can research more detailed
information about smallpox signs/symptoms, and
the progression of the disease (what about those
card with red Xs?) at the websites below.

Source CDC/Fred Murphy, Sylvia Whitfield 1975
LINK Center for Disease Control Smallpox web page
Epidemiology in Action
  • 12 14 day incubation period
  • Early flu-like symptoms -- fever,
  • fatigue, back pain, stomach pain--
  • lasting two to three days.
  • When fever drops, rash appears,
  • spreads. Forms bumps/scabs.
  • 25 30 of those infected
  • die, survivors left scarred

Source CDC/James Hicks, Bangladesh 1973
Source CDC/Fred Murphy, Sylvia Whitfield 1975
LINK Center for Disease Control Smallpox web page
Epidemiology in Action
In any study, the first thing epidemiologists do
is gather information. We want to know the
Disease Distribution, or how the cases are spread
across a population by gender, age, geography,
etc. (See Unit III, for a more detailed
explanation of a Chi Square.) In our class
population, how are cases spread across our
population by gender, age, geography?

Infected Not Infected Total
Age 13-15
Age 16-19
New York
Epidemiology in Action
  • We also look for
  • Disease Determinants - risk factors or prior
    events associated with the appearance of the
    disease/condition, and
  • Disease Frequency - how many cases occur over
    a given time period (more detailed info on this
    in Unit III)

Collection of aids, left, used by polio victims,
including the iron lung
Link Polio Information Center Online (PICO)
SourceCDC/Meredith Hickson 1977
Epidemiology in Action

The Aids virus under a microscope Link HIV
Source CDC/Dr. Edwin P. Ewing/1983 Aids
Kaposis sarcoma
  • We also want to determine if the disease
    frequency is
  • Endemic - low to moderate level of disease in
    given area
  • Epidemic - level greater than what is expected
    in a given area
  • Pandemic - level greater than what is expected
    in several
  • countries and regions

Epidemiology in Action

To apply what weve learned so far, research and
investigate one of the following diseases, and
complete the activities on the assignment sheet.
DISEASES AIDS Influenza Anthrax
Bubonic Plague Tuberculosis Polio Ebola Meas
les West Nile Virus
Epidemiology in Action
  • ASSIGNMENT SHEET Designing a Room in a Disease
  • Research your assigned disease using the
    resources suggested. Present answers to the
    following questions visually in a museum room
    display (using butcher paper, display poster
    boards, or PowerPoint).
  • How was the disease discovered, and what was/is
    the case definition?
  • Give at least two real-life examples of
    researchers using the steps in an
  • outbreak investigation.
  • What were/are the disease distributions,
    determinants, and frequency?
  • Was/is the disease outbreak endemic, epidemic,
    or pandemic, and why?
  • What were some of the original hypotheses about
    the causes of this disease?
  • What IMPACT did this disease have,
    historically, on the course of world events?
  • Real-life account of someone who
    suffered/suffers from the disease
  • One visual that summarizes data a bar graph,
    pie chart, etc. Cite your source.
  • Pictures/artwork related to the disease
  • Include correct documentation for all your

Epidemiology in Action
CDC/Health Topics A to Z World Health
Organization Infectious diseases All the
Virology on the WWW NFID Web Sites Virtual
Library of Diseases Johns Hopkins Infectious
Diseases HIV infections
PICO Polio Information Center Online
WHO/OMS Malaria Tuberculosis
Ancient Enemy, Present Threat CDC
/Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases
(DVBID) Plague Home Page The
American Experience Influenza 1918
The 1918 Influenza Pandemic NOVA
Online Anthrax New Hampshire
Anthrax Outbreak of 1957
CDC/National Center for Infectious Diseases Viral
hemorrhagic fever CDC/Division of
Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (DVBID) West
Nile Virus Home Page
Epidemiology in Action
  • So what do epidemiologists do, and how do they
    help us solve problems?
  • Early epidemiologists studied outbreak of
    diseases, such as plague. They still do that
    today for example, theyd be on the front lines
    if a terrorist-caused outbreak of smallpox
    occurred and they also
  • Evaluate risk factors for diseases/accidents.
  • (Whats your risk of getting cancer?)
  • Conduct long-term population studies to
  • what causes diseases/accidents.
  • (If you start smoking as a teenager, what is
    your risk of developing
  • lung cancer by the time you are 50?)
  • Design and conduct experiments to evaluate
  • and prevention measures.
  • (Can stop-smoking education campaigns help
    prevent teen smoking?)

Epidemiology in Action
To give you an idea of how important epidemiology
studies are to todays world, consider an
important item to most teens today Their
Drivers License Most states have instituted a
Restricted or Graduated Drivers License for
teens. When you have a Restricted/Graduated
Drivers License, you are not allowed to carry
more than a certain number of passengers until
youve been driving for a specified time period
(varies by state). So why are they doing
that? Because of Epidemiology, thats why.

Epidemiology in Action

Website http//www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/nrd-30/
NCSA/TSF2000/2000ydrive.pdf Link to more studies
NHTSA Research and Development site Source
Traffic Safety Facts 2000 DOT HS 809 336 National
Center for Statistics Analysis, Research and
Development, 400 Seventh Street S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20590
Epidemiology in Action

Website http//www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/nrd-30/
NCSA/TSF2000/2000ydrive.pdf Link to more studies
NHTSA Research and Development site Source
Traffic Safety Facts 2000 DOT HS 809 336 National
Center for Statistics Analysis, Research and
Development, 400 Seventh Street S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20590
Epidemiology in Action
Other studies have shown a link between young
age, distractions (such as cell phones and
passengers) and a higher accident rate hence
the changes in the driver licensing laws. While
it may look like the epidemiologists are out to
make teenagers lives miserable, theyre working
for our HEALTH and SAFETY.

Source CDC/unknown
Epidemiology in Action
  • Assignment Sheet Debate, Data, and Current
  • To explore how epidemiology studies influence
    decision-making, take your assigned Risk Factor
    for health and safety, and examine
    epidemiological data that sheds light on the
    current situation. Use recommended bookmarks, or
    check other useful data bases to find your own
  • Then, decide on a change you think needs to
    be made, based on this data, OR a possible change
    that should NOT be made. This change can be by
    the government, the schools, families,
    communities, etc. Prepare a class presentation
    in which you
  • State the problem
  • Share the data
  • Note what the data does NOT say (how might it
    be misleading?)
  • Explain what change youre proposing/not
  • Tell us why this change should/should not be
  • Risk Factors
  • Alcohol/Drug Use
  • Teen Violence
  • Diet
  • Accidents

Epidemiology in Action
Debate, Data, and Current Issues - Example
  • State the problem Overweight children, at
    risk for disease
  • Share the data Explain chart/results you
  • Note what data does NOT say Could this
    vary by region? What about socio-economic class?
  • Explain what change youre School
    cafeterias should only sell healthy food
  • proposing/not proposing
  • Tell us why this change should/ Will lead to
    diabetes, heart disease, etc.
  • should not be made
  • Link CDC/NCHS - United States Growth Charts

Epidemiology in Action
Debate, Data, and Current Issues/Recommended
General N H A N E S - National Health and
Examination Survey - Homepage NIH Health
Information National Center for Health
Statistics The National Longitudinal Study of
Adolescent Health Alcohol/Drug Use National
Household Survey on Drug Abuse Statistics, SAMHSA
Office of Applied Studies Teen Violence Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention CANCER Cancer.gov Cancer Mortality
Maps Graphs Accidents Fatality Analysis
Reporting System (FARS) Sexual Risk Behaviors
(STDs, AIDS, Teen Pregnancy) Trends in Sexual
Risk Behaviors Among High School Students ---
United States, 19912001
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