Forever Changed (We - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Forever Changed (We


Trisha Hongcharti 4th Period Ms. Turner THE SEASON ~ FOREVER CHANGED (WE RE ALL HOKIES TODAY) Lyrics On just an ordinary day, A weapon drawn, and lives forever ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Forever Changed (We

Forever Changed (Were All Hokies Today)
  • Trisha Hongcharti
  • 4th Period
  • Ms. Turner

  • On just an ordinary day, A weapon drawn, and
    lives forever changedOne act of violence __made
    the world stop and watch As on a drillfield by
    candlelight we prayed
  • With questions on our minds, we wonder where the
    future liesSo we look up to heaven with hope in
    our eyes

  • Where do we go from hereCan we overcome this
    fearAnd find a healing for the pain, and see the
    sun beyond the rain
  • We've got the strength to endure,And soon we'll
    feel more secureIn a world filled with hate,
    weve got to become something greatOh God, send
    your mercy this way, for we're all Hokies today

  • Verse 2And to the ones who fell that dayIn
    our hearts your love will never fade awayWe're
    picking up the pieces to build a better tomorrow
    We'll find a joy, yes, to move on from the
    sorrowBy the color of the leaves, you know God
    has us on his mindSo we look up to heaven with
    hope in our eyes

  • Where do we go from hereCan we overcome this
    fearAnd find a healing for the pain, and see the
    sun beyond the rainWe've got the strength to
    endure,And soon we'll feel more secureIn a
    world full of hate, weve got to become something
    greatOh God, send your mercy this way, for
    we're all Hokies today

  • The spirit lives on, don't let it be gone, let it
    shine foreverAnd through the heartbreak, for the
    lost and their sakes, let it bring us together

  • Where do we go from hereCan we overcome this
    fearAnd find a healing for the pain, and see the
    sun beyond the rain
  • We've got the strength to endure,And soon we'll
    feel more secureIn a world full of hate, weve
    got to become something greatOh God, send your
    mercy this way, for we're all Hokies today

Works Cited
  • Parks, Kurtis, et al. "The Season." MySpace. News
    Corporation, 18 May 2010. Web.      19 May 2010.
  • "All American Glossary of Literary Terms." UNCP
    Canada. The University of North      Carolina at
    Pembroke, 1 May 2009. Web. 25 May 2010.
  • Parks, Kurtis. "Kurtis Parks." MySpace. News
    Corporation, 27 May 2010. Web. 29      May 2010.
  • Tyler, Skip. "Lyrics for 'Forever Changed VT
    Memorial.'" Skip Tyler's Web Page.      Mr.
    Tyler Enterprises, Inc. , 2004. Web. 29 May 2010.
    ler_e/vt/      vtforeverchanged.htmlgt.
  • Tyler, Skip. "We Are Virginia Tech!" Skip Tyler's
    Web Page. Mr. Tyler      Enterprises, Inc.,
    2004. Web. 29 May 2010.      lthttp//teachers.hen
  • "pun." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
    Merriam-Webster, Incorporated , 2010.      Web.
    29 May 2010. lthttp//
  • Jones, Beth. "Roanoke-area guys sing their way
    through 'Idol' land." The Roanoke      Times.
    Times-World Corporation, 2010. Web. 29 May 2010.
  • Berrier, Ralph, Jr. "Songs of healing." The
    Roanoke Times. Times-World      Corporation,
    2010. Web. 29 May 2010. lthttp//
    tra/wb/      116406gt.
  • Nizza, Mike. "Seung-Hui Cho Who Is This Man?"
    The Lede. The New York Times      Company, 2010.
    Web. 29 May 2010. lthttp//
    m/2007/      08/30/seung-hui-cho-who-is-this-man/

Works Cited (Cont.)
  • "A Day of Remembrance April 16, 2008 ." Virginia
    Tech We Remember. Virginia      Polytechnic
    Institute and State University, 2007. Web. 29 May
    2010.      lthttp//
  • "Virginia Tech Wesley Foundation offers safety,
    solace." United Methodist      Church. United
    Methodist Communications, 2006-2009. Web. 29 May
    2010.      lthttp//
  • Moxley, Tonia. "VT shooting victim 'More than a
    survivor.'" The Roanoke Times.      Times-World
    Corporation, 2010. Web. 29 May 2010.
    lthttp//      246602gt.
  • Hutkin, Erinn. "Liviu Librescu Holocaust
    survivor blocked shooter, letting      students
    flee." The Roanoke Times. Times-World
    Corporation, 2010. Web. 29      May 2010.
  • "Forever Changed (We're All Hokies Today) -
    Single." iTunes. Apple Inc., 2010.      Web. 29
    May 2010. lthttp//
  • Fantz, Ashley, and Jeanne Meserve. "Witness
    survives by pretending to be dead."      CNN.
    Cable News Network., 2007. Web. 29 May 2010.
  • Bosch, Torie. "Thirty-Two Victims, Two Guns?"
    Slate. Washington Post.Newsweek      Interactive
    Co. LLC, 2010. Web. 30 May 2010.
    lthttp//      2164379gt.
  • McConnell, Ryan. "'Let's go, Hokies' is much more
    than a simple three-word      chant." Collegiate
    Times. Educational Media Company at Virginia Tech
    Inc.,      2010. Web. 30 May 2010.

Works Cited (Cont.)
  • Cramer, John. "Virginia Tech shooting victims."
    The Roanoke Times. Times-World      Corporation,
    2010. Web. 29 May 2010. lthttp//
    victims/      wb/113454gt.
  • Griffin, Drew, et al. "Campus killer's purchases
    apparently within gun laws."      CNN. Cable
    News Network., 2007. Web. 29 May 2010.
  • Lagorio, Christine. "List Of Virginia Tech
    Shooting Victims." CBS News. CBS
         Interactive Inc., 2010. Web. 30 May 2010.
    lthttp//      stories/2007/04/17/
  • The Associated Press. "Virginia Tech Massacre
    The Victims." Fox News. FOX News      Network,
    LLC., 2010. Web. 30 May 2010. lthttp//www.foxnews.
    com/story/      0,2933,266466,00.htmlgt.
  • Lazenby, Roland, et al. April 16th Virginia Tech
    Remembers. New York PLUME,      2007. N. pag.
  • (Dont worry, Mrs. T, I used Wikipedia for
  • "Virginia Tech massacre." Wikipedia. Wikimedia
    Foundation, Inc., 29 May 2010.      Web. 29 May
    2010. lthttp//

  • The Season was created in 2002 and is
    currently comprised of Kurtis Parks, Josh Kim,
    Jason Jolly, and Jordan Metzger. Kurtis Parks is
    the lead singer and pianist and a Glenvar High
    School graduate. He graduated from VT in 2004
    with a finance degree and is originally from
    Southwest Virginia. He competed in American
    Idols Season 4 and made it into the Top 50
    finalists. Josh Kim from Russellville, Arkansas
    plays lead guitar and does backup vocals. Also a
    VT alumni, he was a computer science major. These
    two worked on the lyrics to Forever Changed the
    day after the shooting. Soon after, they
    recruited drummer Jason Jolly (also from Josh
    Kims hometown) to record the song. Their most
    recent member, Jordan Metzger, is a bassist
    (Parks et al.).

If you always do what youve always done, youll
always be what youve always been. -The Seasons
Learn about the lead singer
Check out The Season online!
Kurtis Parks
Back to biography
Read about the song
Find out more about Kurtis Parks
Check out Kurtis Parks online!
Just an ordinary Monday
  • In the end, they shared a common fate Lives cut
    short on a spring morning when a cold wind filled
    with snowflakes and tree blossoms formed the
    backdrop for the deadliest shooting rampage in
    the nations history-John Cramer (Cramer).

Learn about who these victims were before they
were victims
Back to lyrics
Candlelight Vigil
  • Thousands of people gathered after
    sunset around 8oo PM, on the campus drill field
    for the candlelight vigil on April 17, 2007. This
    was held in memory of the 32 lives lost in the
    Virginia Tech massacre. As each victims name was
    called, a candle was lit. Thousands of candles
    were held by the attendees as they mourned for
    the lost. Music was played and speeches were
    made. To commemorate and end the memorial, the
    bell was sounded 32 times. Though the ceremony
    was over, they never stopped praying, but
    simply raised their candles higher. As a single
    voice called out Lets go thousands of voices
    returned with Hokies!
  • (McConnell).

Back to lyrics
The Weapons
Learn about these weapons
.22-caliber pistol
Glock 9 mm semiautomatic handgun
  • "Virginia has one of the easiest gun
    qualification laws in the whole United
    States,-Criminal defense attorney, Daniel Gotlin
    (Griffin et al.).

How he obtained them
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Learn about who these victims were before they
were victims
Learn about their families
Back to lyrics To the ones who fell that day
Back to lyrics For the lost and their sakes
Lives Forever Changed
  • Whether a victim, wounded, or witness, thousands
    of lives were forever changed
  • "It takes away things from how you can live your
    life. It just changes everything.-Heidi Miller
  • I dont think I would be here if it wasnt for
    him.-Caroline Merrey (Hutkin).
  • Learn about Liviu Librescu's heroic actions

Learn about Heidi Miller's story
Back to lyrics
Act of Violence
  • Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean college
    senior, killed 32 people in two separate attacks
    at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. He
    killed the first two at West Ambler Johnston
    Hall. Two hours later he invaded Norris Hall to
    finish his killings before committing suicide.
    The hiatus between the shootings consisted of the
    perpetrator sending NBC news evidence of his
    intended actions. Though only 32 died (33
    counting Cho), 25 were injured as well. This was
    the deadliest shooting incident by one person in
    the history of the United States (Lazenby et

Read about a witness's account of the shooting
who survived by pretending to be dead
Back to lyrics
We can build a better tomorrow you can help
How the universities are helping
How the church is helping
Back to lyrics
  • a type of figurative language in which a
    statement is made that says that one thing is
    something else but, literally, it is not ("All
    American Glossary").
  • By comparing two unrelated objects, this gives
    the reader a new perspective/understanding for
    the items being compared

Back to lyrics
  • the usually humorous use of a word in such a way
    as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the
    meaning of another word similar in sound("Pun").
  • This could be a play on words, as color of the
    leaves could represent the changing of the
    seasons in reference to the bands name

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Slant Rhyme
  • Instead of perfect or identical sounds or rhyme,
    it is the repetition of near or similar sounds or
    the pairing of accented and unaccented sounds
    that if both were accented would be perfect
    rhymes ("All American Glossary").
  • By not allowing the reader to predict or expect
    what is coming slant rhyme allows the poet to
    express things in different or certain ways ("All
    American Glossary").

Back to lyrics
  • A reference in a literary work to a person,
    place, or thing in history or another work of
    literature ("All American Glossary").
  • Allusions are often indirect or brief references
    to well-known characters or events ("All
    American Glossary").
  • Here the author is alluding to/speaking to God

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  • An extravagant exaggeration
  • In literature and poetry, used for emphasis on a
    persons opinions/emotions/mental state.
  • Used to increase the effect of a description,
    whether it is metaphoric or comic ("All American
  • Both are metaphoric hyperboles with the
    description being dramatized

Back to lyrics Made the world stop and watch
Back to lyrics In a world filled with hate
  • Is a style of poetry defined as a complete
    thought written in two lines with rhyming ends
    ("All American Glossary").
  • This particular couplet has 7 syllables each line
  • This rhyming couplet has an AABB (CCDD) rhyme

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