Title: CO2 geological storage Methodologies, capacity and options
1CO2 geological storage Methodologies,
capacity and options
- Dr Yves-Michel Le Nindre - BRGM
2Storage is the necessary complement to other
mitigation efforts, but
- If technological solutions exist for capture and
transport, storage is facing to the geological
uncertainty - Solutions and performances vary
- And industrial constraints differ
3A number of projects have proved the feasibility
of geological storage
EU world class projects
National projects
Example from BRGM involvement
4Conditions of storage must guarantee efficiency
and safety for centuries
- Understanding phenomena
- Selection of proper sites
- Predictive modelling
- Monitoring, Measure and Verification
- Risk assessment and mitigation
- Regulations and standards
5From regional exploration to industrial storage
The type of storage EOR, aquifer, coal seam,
must match the CO2 flux from the emission source
6General workflow
7Two philosophies of sink and sources matching
8First step - Mapping major CO2 emission
pointsand storage opportunities (EU GeoCapacity
WP 1.2 GIS mapping of new inputs and of existing
WP 1.3 EU maps of emission and geological storage
9Storage in aquifers Permian Rotliegend(EU
GESTCO project)
- Example of extensive aquifer in northern Europe
- Extent and facies of the Permian Rotliegend from
UK to Polish Basin - Neighbouring major CO2 emitters
10Storage in HC fields and coal seams
Geocapacity in hydrocarbon structures and EOR
Geocapacity in coal beds and ECBM potential
11Capacity calculations
- Raw calculation of reservoir capacity
- area mean thickness mean porosity CO2
density _at_reservoir conditions - Use geological model
- Define reservoir geometry
- Map spatial distribution of properties (K, f)
- Apply calculation to each mesh/block and
integrate spatially - Capacity of HC fields
- Vol. OOIP (or gas) FVF (Formation volume
factor) CO2 density _at_reservoir conditions - Field is considered as depleted
12Generic modellingexercise
Fmax 32
- Assuming a reservoir with variable properties
- Example of cut off on porosity
- Porosity gt16
13Towards a more realistic capacityapplying
- Applying cut off on porosity AND permeability
focus on the most promising volume - Storage efficiency
- Used space / available space
- Limitations by depth, traps, permeability,
injectivity etc. - Sweep efficiency
- Sweep water to replace it by CO2 depends on K,
vol, and boundary conditions, water and sediment
compressibility, CO2 dissolution - Sweep HC towards production well to replace it by
14Capacity estimation - confidence in storage
- The practical storage capacity estimate decreases
with the number of data and the degree of
15Second step site selection
Capacity (tm) A.D.f.hst.?CO2
Site selection criteria
Injectivity (kg/s/b) Q/?P
No use conflict Depth (gt800m, max) Capacity
(min) Injectivity Lithology Onshore/offshore Trap
? Seal integrity Distance/barriers from source
Sites selection
16Depth constraint
- Critical temperature 31 C
- Critical pressure 73,83 bar
- Average temp. gradient 25C / km
- Average hydrostatic pressure gradient 100 bar /
km - Average depth for CO2 supercritical state 800 m
17Injectivity is a limiting factor
Injectivity (kg/s/b) Q/?P
- Therefore the injection rate depends on the
maximum pressure allowed to keep the reservoir
and seal integrity (e.g. 20 bars) and of the
pressure build up when injecting - Reservoir simulations enable to estimate these
boundary conditions.
- Injectivity is the mass of supercritical CO2
injected by unit of time for a defined pressure
increase - It depends on the permeability (K) and of the
volume of the reservoir
- Lower injectivity values need additional
injection wells and cost
18Injection and reaction simulationafter 1000
years dissolution is the main process
Concentration of supercritical CO2 in the
Injection point
Amount of dissolved CO2 in the water (mass
fraction) Note that brine with dissolved CO2
migrates downward as it is approximately 10 kg/m3
denser than brine without CO2.
Audigane et al., 2006
19Sleipner case ideal but not usual
- In Sleipner, Statoil injects CO2 since 1996 in a
very high porosity, high permeability extensive
sandy aquifer. - It is not obvious to find a second Sleipner
near major steel plants
20Spatial analyse Source sink matching
- Select source(s), sink(s)
- superposition of data (main emitters, capacity of
storage, geology, fault, urban area, ) - Calculate the optimal transport route and
distance between sources and sinks - Distance cost
- Build a network of pipeline ?
- Land use going through an urban area or a
national park, crossing a big river - Obtain a GIS-based calculation tool with an
economic evaluation
21Main steps of a storage project
Knowledge of the site - Confidence in the
long-term evolution
22Options, concerns and economy
- Options
- Producing CH4 (and store CO2) gt ECBM
- Producing incremental HC (and store 1MT/y CO2) gt
EOR, EGR - Store large amounts / flux of CO2 (5-10Mt/y) gt
aquifers - Concerns
- ECBM gt Stacking pattern, petrography and
properties of coal seams, low capacity, needs
upstream research field experiment - EOR gt Constraints of flux and volume related to
HC production - Aquifers gt poor geological knowledge compared to
HC fields, injectivity ? - All gt routes
- Economy
- ECBM and EOR gt Direct valorisation of CO2 cost by
HC - Aquifers gt Avoiding CO2atm and taxes, needed by
high flux plants, can be combined with HC
production (various scenarios)
23Some constraints
Conflicts of use permitting
Reservoir properties
Seal properties
Geological knowledge
24Thank you for your attention !
- Keep in mind this diagram !