Knowledge Discovery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Knowledge Discovery


Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining process of extracting previously unknown, valid, and actionable (understandable) information from large databases – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Knowledge Discovery

Knowledge Discovery Data Mining
  • process of extracting previously unknown, valid,
    and actionable (understandable) information from
    large databases
  • Data mining is a step in the KDD process of
    applying data analysis and discovery algorithms
  • Machine learning, pattern recognition,
    statistics, databases, data visualization.
  • Traditional techniques may be inadequate
  • large data

Why Mine Data?
  • Huge amounts of data being collected and
  • Walmart records 20 millions transactions per day
  • WebLogs Millions of hits per day on major sites
  • health care transactions multi-gigabyte
  • Mobil Oil geological data of over 100 terabytes
  • Affordable computing
  • Competitive pressure
  • gain an edge by providing improved, customized
  • information as a product in its own right

  • Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) is the
    non-trivial process of identifying valid,
    potentially useful and ultimately understandable
    patterns in data

Data Mining
Clean, Collect, Summarize
Data Preparation
Training Data
Data Warehouse
Model Patterns
Verification, Evaluation
Operational Databases
Data mining
  • Pattern
  • 12121?
  • 12 pattern is found often enough So, with some
    confidence we can say ? is 2
  • If 1 then 2 follows
  • Pattern ? Model
  • Confidence
  • 121212?
  • 12121231212123121212?
  • 121212? 3
  • Models are created using historical data by
    detecting patterns. It is a calculated guess
    about likelihood of repetition of pattern.

  • Note Models and patterns A pattern can be
    thought of as an instantiation of a model. Eg.
    f(x) 3 x2 x is a pattern whereas f(x) ax2
    bx is considered a model.
  • Data mining involves fitting models to and
    determining patterns from observed data.

Data Mining
  • Prediction Methods
  • using some variables to predict unknown or future
    values of other variables
  • It uses database fields (predictors) for
    prediction model, using the field values we can
    make predictions
  • Descriptive Methods
  • finding human-interpretable patterns describing
    the data

Data Mining Techniques
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Association Rule Discovery
  • Sequential Pattern Discovery
  • Regression
  • Deviation Detection

  • Data defined in terms of attributes, one of which
    is the class
  • Find a model for class attribute as a function of
    the values of other(predictor) attributes, such
    that previously unseen records can be assigned a
    class as accurately as possible.
  • Training Data used to build the model
  • Test data used to validate the model (determine
    accuracy of the model)
  • Given data is usually divided into training and
    test sets.

  • Given old data about customers and payments,
    predict new applicants loan eligibility.

Previous customers
Decision rules
Age Salary Profession Location Customer type
Salary gt 5 L
Good/ bad
Prof. Exec
New applicants data
Classification methods
  • Goal Predict class Ci f(x1, x2, .. Xn)
  • Regression (linear or any other polynomial)
  • Decision tree classifier divide decision space
    into piecewise constant regions.
  • Neural networks partition by non-linear
  • Probabilistic/generative models
  • Lazy learning methods nearest neighbor

Decision trees
  • Tree where internal nodes are simple decision
    rules on one or more attributes and leaf nodes
    are predicted class labels.

Salary lt 50 K
Prof teacher
Age lt 30
Decision Tree
Training Dataset
Output A Decision Tree for buys_computer
Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction
  • Basic algorithm (a greedy algorithm)
  • Tree is constructed in a top-down recursive
    divide-and-conquer manner
  • At start, all the training examples are at the
  • Attributes are categorical (if continuous-valued,
    they are discretized in advance)
  • Examples are partitioned recursively based on
    selected attributes
  • Test attributes are selected on the basis of a
    heuristic or statistical measure (e.g.,
    information gain)
  • Conditions for stopping partitioning
  • All samples for a given node belong to the same
  • There are no remaining attributes for further
    partitioning majority voting is employed for
    classifying the leaf
  • There are no samples left

Attribute Selection Measure Information Gain
  • Select the attribute with the highest information
  • S contains si tuples of class Ci for i 1, ,
  • information measures info required to classify
    any arbitrary tuple
  • entropy of attribute A with values a1,a2,,av
  • information gained by branching on attribute A

Attribute Selection by Information Gain
  • Class P buys_computer yes
  • Class N buys_computer no
  • I(p, n) I(9, 5) 0.940
  • Compute the entropy for age
  • means age lt30 has 5 out of 14
    samples, with 2 yeses and 3 nos. Hence
  • Similarly,

Classification Direct Marketing
  • Goal Reduce cost of soliciting (mailing) by
    targeting a set of consumers likely to buy a new
  • Data
  • for similar product introduced earlier
  • we know which customers decided to buy and which
    did not buy, not buy class attribute
  • collect various demographic, lifestyle, and
    company related information about all such
    customers - as possible predictor variables.
  • Learn classifier model

Classification Fraud detection
  • Goal Predict fraudulent cases in credit card
  • Data
  • Use credit card transactions and information on
    its account-holder as input variables
  • label past transactions as fraud or fair.
  • Learn a model for the class of transactions
  • Use the model to detect fraud by observing credit
    card transactions on a given account.

  • Given a set of data points, each having a set of
    attributes, and a similarity measure among them,
    find clusters such that
  • data points in one cluster are more similar to
    one another
  • data points in separate clusters are less similar
    to one another.
  • Similarity measures
  • Euclidean distance, if attributes are continuous
  • Problem specific measures

Clustering Market Segmentation
  • Goal subdivide a market into distinct subsets of
    customers where any subset may conceivably be
    selected as a market target to be reached with a
    distinct marketing mix.
  • Approach
  • collect different attributes on customers based
    on geographical, and lifestyle related
  • identify clusters of similar customers
  • measure the clustering quality by observing
    buying patterns of customers in same cluster vs.
    those from different clusters.

Association Rule Discovery
  • Given a set of records, each of which contain
    some number of items from a given collection
  • produce dependency rules which will predict
    occurrence of an item based on occurences of
    other items

Association Rule Basic Concepts
  • Given (1) database of transactions, (2) each
    transaction is a list of items (purchased by a
    customer in a visit)
  • Find all rules that correlate the presence of
    one set of items with that of another set of
  • E.g., 98 of people who purchase tires and auto
    accessories also get automotive services done
  • Applications
  • ? Maintenance Agreement (What the store
    should do to boost Maintenance Agreement sales)
  • Home Electronics ? (What other products
    should the store stocks up?)
  • Attached mailing in direct marketing

Association Rule Basic Concepts
  • number of tuples containing both A and B
  • Support (A? B) ---------------------------------
  • total number of tuples
  • number of tuples containing both A and B
  • Confidence (A? B) ------------------------------
  • total number of tuples containg A

Rule Measures Support and Confidence
Customer buys both
  • Find all the rules X Y ? Z with minimum
    confidence and support
  • support, s, probability that a transaction
    contains X , Y , Z
  • confidence, c, conditional probability that a
    transaction having X , Y also contains Z

Customer buys d
Customer buys b
  • Let minimum support 50, and minimum confidence
    50, we have
  • A ? C (50, 66.6)
  • C ? A (50, 100)

Mining Association RulesAn Example
Min. support 50 Min. confidence 50
  • For rule A ? C
  • support support(A , C) 50
  • confidence support(A , C)/support(A) 66.6

Association RulesApplication
  • Marketing and Sales Promotion
  • Consider discovered rule
  • Bagels, --gt Potato Chips
  • Potato Chips as consequent can be used to
    determine what may be done to boost sales
  • Bagels as an antecedent can be used to see which
    products may be affected if bagels are
  • Can be used to see which products should be sold
    with Bagels to promote sale of Potato Chips

Association Rules Application
  • Supermarket shelf management
  • Goal to identify items which are bought together
    (by sufficiently many customers)
  • Approach process point-of-sale data (collected
    with barcode scanners) to find dependencies among
  • Example
  • If a customer buys Diapers and Milk, then he is
    very likely to buy Beer
  • so stack six-packs next to diapers?

Sequential Pattern Discovery
  • Given set of objects, each associated with its
    own timeline of events, find rules that predict
    strong sequential dependencies among different
    events, of the form (A B) (C) (D E) --gt (F)
  • xg max allowed time between consecutive
  • event-sets
  • ng min required time between consecutive
  • event sets
  • ws window-size, max time difference between
  • earliest and latest events in an event-set
  • within an event-set may occur in any order)
  • ms max allowed time between earliest and
  • latest events of the sequence.

Sequential Pattern Discovery Examples
  • Sequences in which customers purchase
  • Understanding long term customer behavior --
    timely promotions.
  • In point-of--sale transaction sequences
  • Computer bookstore
  • (Intro to Visual C) (C Primer) --gt (Perl
    for Dummies, Tcl/Tk)
  • Athletic Apparel Store
  • (Shoes) (Racket, Racquetball) --gt (Sports
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