Increasing Explicitness in Fluency, Vocabulary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Increasing Explicitness in Fluency, Vocabulary


Increasing Explicitness in Fluency, Vocabulary & Comprehension Instruction Sharon Walpole University of Delaware Sara McCraw University of Delaware – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Increasing Explicitness in Fluency, Vocabulary

Increasing Explicitness in Fluency, Vocabulary
Comprehension Instruction
Sharon Walpole University of Delaware
Sara McCraw University of Delaware
Todays Agenda
  • Presentation on correlation between DIBELS data
    and DSTP scores Spring 2006
  • Paired jigsaw activity with our reading
  • Application of these ideas to first-grade
  • Small-group planning of school follow-up
  • Business meeting

Speed test . . . ready?
The Herdmans were absolutely the
worst kids in the history of the
world. They lied and stole and
smoked cigars (even the girls) and
talked dirty and hit little kids and
cussed their teachers and took the
name of the Lord in vain and set
fire to Fred Shoemakers old
broken-down toolhouse.
Rate 265 words per minute
  • Is speed reading real? Take a minute to read
    about Mike McKennas experience with a
    speed-reading course.

  • In its beginnings, reading fluency is the
    product of the initial development of accuracy
    and the subsequent development of automaticity in
    underlying sublexical processes, lexical
    processes, and their integration in single word
    reading and connected text.

  • These include
  • perceptual letter recognition?
  • phonological segmentation and blending?
  • orthographic graphemes and spelling patterns?
  • morphological grammatical morphemes? prefixes
    and suffixes?
  • Processes at the letter, letter-pattern, and word
    levels, as well as semantic and syntactic
    processes at the word level and connected-text

  • After it is fully developed, reading fluency
    refers to a level of accuracy and rate where
    decoding is relatively effortless where oral
    reading is smooth and accurate with correct
    prosody and where attention can be allocated to
  • (Wolf Katzir-Cohen, 2001)

Fluency requires the child to use phonics and
spelling knowledge automatically
Fluency requires the child to automatically
integrate phonics and spelling knowledge to
recognize entire words
Fluency requires the child to link recognized
words into natural phases, with appropriate
enunciation and emphasis
Fluency in Connected Text (textual)
Fluency at the Word Level (lexical)
Fluency within Words (sublexical)
Coaches Corner
  • What does that complex definition of fluency
    actually mean?
  • Can you think of examples of children in your
    school who get stuck at the first, second, or
    third level in the pyramid?

A definition is the enclosing of a wilderness of
ideas within a wall of words
  • Samuel Butler (1912)
  • Notebooks

Vocabulary Instruction
  • Many children learn vocabulary words indirectly
    from the adults in their life
  • Those who come to school with limited vocabulary
    can build their vocabulary through explicit
  • Research on vocabulary instruction strongly
    suggests a positive correlation between
    vocabulary knowledge and comprehension

Instructional Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary
  • Modeling
  • Synonyms
  • Definitions and Opposite Definitions
  • Semantic Maps
  • Word Continuum ranking words
  • Morphology
  • Context Clues

Not all words are equal
  • Tier 1Most basic words. Table, baby, run
  • Tier 2High frequency for mature language users.
    Span a range of domains. Coincidence, absurd,
  • Tier 3Low frequency, limited to a single domain.
    Isotope, refinery, lathe

Identifying Tier 2 Words
  • Importance utility words characteristic of
    mature speakers
  • Instructional potential words can be
    incorporated into various activities
  • Conceptual understanding students may understand
    the general concept, but need more clarity

Beck, McKeown, Kucan (2002)
How to teach vocabulary
  • Introduce target words (before/after)
  • Contextualized introduction
  • Explanation of meaning
  • Provide multiple opportunities to interact with
    the word
  • Use graphic organizers when needed
  • Encourage future use

Coaches Corner
  • When and how should we introduce new vocabulary
    terms to children?
  • Can you think of examples of children in your
    school who struggle with comprehension because
    they skip words or infer the wrong meaning?

Comprehension Instruction
  • Proficient readers use a variety of strategies to
    monitor and repair their understanding while
  • Teachers must teach students how to use each of
    these strategies through the gradual release of
    responsibility model (explicit instruction-modelin
    g-scaffolded practice-independence)

Instructional Practices
  • Begin with the most concrete literal
    comprehension at the sentence level
  • Increase level of difficulty literal
    comprehension at the passage/full text level
    (teacher supports by reading aloud more complex
  • Move to inferential level sentence level first
    followed by passage/full text level

Some DERF Assumptions
  • Phonemic awareness, decoding, and fluency are
    necessary but insufficient to guarantee reading
  • Teachers tend to assess vocabulary and
    comprehension (by asking children to demonstrate
    it) rather than actually teach it
  • Differentiated instruction can move from
    lower-level skills and tasks to higher-level ones

Remember direct instruction?
  • Tasks, even complex tasks, can be decomposed into
    specific components.
  • Each component can be taught and practiced to
  • Components can then be coordinated to accomplish
    higher-order tasks.

  • A Closer Look at Direct Instruction
  • During the 1970s and 80s, researchers worked to
    identify the characteristics of effective
    teaching. They asked two key questions
  • What do more-effective teachers do that
    less-effective teachers dont?
  • If less-effective teachers learn and apply these
    techniques, will the learning of their students
  • In 1986, a now-classic article by Barak
    Rosenshine appeared in Educational Leadership.
    In it, he summarized the findings of the huge
    body of effectiveness research.
  • The result is a teaching model called explicit
    instruction, or sometimes direct instruction.

The explicit teaching model is sometimes divided
into three phases
1 2 3
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Introduction of new material, organized into
clear objectives, tied to previous learning, and
accom-panied by modeling and monitoring by the
Keep in mind that most of the researchers who
studied effective teachers were not specifically
interested in reading instruction. This is why
the model sounds generic. It can be applied to
nearly any content subject! When reading
researchers, such as the National Reading Panel,
say that research favors explicit, systematic
instruction, this is the model they mean. Now
lets look more closely at the characteristics
Rosenshine extracted from the research.
For your teaching to be explicit, you should
  • Begin the lesson with a short statement of goals.
  • Begin the lesson with a short review of previous,
    prerequisite learning.
  • Present new material in small steps, with student
    practice after each step.
  • Give clear and detailed instructions and
  • Provide active practice for all students.
  • Ask many questions, check for student
    understanding, and obtain responses from all
  • Guide students during initial practice.
  • Provide systematic feedback and corrections.
  • Provide explicit instruction and practice for
    seatwork exercises and, where necessary, monitor
    students during seatwork.
  • Continue practice until students are independent
    and confident.
  • Rosenshine (1986), pp. 60, 62

Direct Explicit
Some confusion can occur when the phrase, direct
instruction is used interchangeably with
explicit instruction. This is because a
publishing company has long used Direct
Instruction in the name of its commercial
products. One way to avoid confusion is to say
Little d-i when referring to explicit teaching
and Big D-I when referring to the product. Of
course, you can also avoid confusion by using the
phrase explicit instruction.
Our book study today is designed for teachers who
want teachers to apply specific procedures from
little d-i to their own core scope and
sequence. Some of the authors have been
associated with Big D-I curriculum design, but
they have written this book specifically for an
audience not using DI.
Jigsaw Procedure
  • Break into three groups of 6-8 members (thematic
    groups fluency, vocabulary, comprehension)
  • Each group will split into two sub groups and
    will be assigned one chapter from the Carnine
    book (12,13, 15,16,18, or 19)
  • Plan 30 minutes in your subgroup and 20 minutes
    in thematic group to read and prepare the chapter
    presentation and demonstration
  • Presentation and demonstration will last 30
    minutes for each thematic group. During the share
    time, the paired groups will be working together
    to share what theyve learned

Fluency Beginning Reading Groups
  • Read chapter 12, pp. 145-161.
  • Discuss the main ideas in the chapter, and
    prepare a chart paper summary to share.
  • Prepare a teaching demonstration for needs-based
    instruction including both word reading in
    isolation and reading of decodable text. You can
    use procedures in the chapter to make up your own
    decodable text.

FluencyPrimary Reading Groups
  • Read chapter 13, pp. 163-179 .
  • Discuss the main ideas in the chapter, and
    prepare a chart paper summary to share.
  • Prepare a teaching demonstration for needs-based
    instruction that includes reading for accuracy,
    for comprehension, and for fluency. Consider
    whether you can accomplish this without
    round-robin reading.

Vocabulary Beginning Reading Groups
  • Read chapter 15, pp. 183-191.
  • Discuss the main ideas in the chapter, and
    prepare a chart paper summary to share.
  • Prepare a teaching demonstration for needs-based
    instruction including a variety of ways to
    introduce new vocabulary.

VocabularyPrimary Reading Groups
  • Read chapter 16, pp. 193-208 .
  • Discuss the main ideas in the chapter, and
    prepare a chart paper summary to share.
  • Prepare a teaching demonstration for needs-based
    instruction that includes a variety of ways to
    introduce vocabulary.

Comprehension Beginning Reading Groups
  • Read chapter 18, pp. 211-220.
  • Discuss the main ideas in the chapter, and
    prepare a chart paper summary to share.
  • Prepare a teaching demonstration for needs-based
    instruction including literal comprehension at
    both the sentence and passage level.

ComprehensionPrimary Reading Groups
  • Read chapter 19, pp. 221-235 .
  • Discuss the main ideas in the chapter, and
    prepare a chart paper summary to share.
  • Prepare a teaching demonstration for needs-based
    instruction including inferential comprehension
    monitoring at both the sentence and passage level.

Lets Plan . . .
Critically examine the materials and strategies your teachers use for needs-based fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Consider ideas from the book to increase explicitness in lessons from the core.
Use data and your core to decide what to teach. Use procedures weve reviewed today to decide how to teach if improvements are necessary.
Back in School
  • Apply concepts from todays work to plan
    needs-based instruction focused on developing
    fluency (at word, sentence or text level as
    needed), vocabulary, or comprehension. Test your
    plan for three days.
  • Consider strategies to share what you learned
    with the rest of your instructional team be
    prepared to share at our next meeting.

  • Carnine, D. W., Silbert, J., Kameenui, E. J.,
    Tarver, S. G., Jungjohann, K. (2006). Teaching
    struggling and at-risk readers A direct
    instruction approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ
  • Rosenshine, B. V. (1986). Synthesis of research
    on explicit teaching. Educational Leadership,
    43(7), 60-69.
  • Wolf, M., Katzir-Cohen, T. (2001). Reading
    fluency and its intervention. Scientific Studies
    of Reading, 5, 211-239.
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