Title: Reconciling Work with Family: Considerations of Time
1Reconciling Work with Family Considerations of
- Rhoda Reddock
- The University of the West Indies,
- St. Augustine Campus,
- Trinidad and Tobago
2Organisation of the Presentation
- Introduction The Current Context of Social Life
in the Caribbean - Economic Neo-Liberalism, Gender and Social Life
in the Caribbean - Gangs, Guns and Criminal Violence Implications
for the Care Work - Women and the Care Economy Reconciling Work with
Family - Conclusions and Recommendations
3The Current Context of Social Life in the
4Where are We Today Uncertain futures
Linden Lewis
- In 2003, Caribbean Sociologist and Gender Studies
Scholar Linden Lewis noted the following - The Caribbean is at a critical juncture of its
history and development. The economic and social
challenges facing the region are daunting to say
the least. The region faces a future without any
5Impact of Neo-Liberalism
- Today the Caribbean is facing a serious economic
crisis, the culmination of the impact of
neo-liberal economic policies over the last two
decades as well as the impact of the current
economic crisis in the Global North. - It has come after a close to 20-year period where
the forces of free trade and the free market
described by some as - The Washington
Consensus, were paramount.
6Impact of Neo-Liberalism Contd
- These policies facilitated the dismantling and
removal of the many of the social and economic
systems established in the Anglophone Caribbean
in the aftermath of the labour disturbances of
the 1930s and World War II (although not to the
same extent in all countries). In other words a
weakening of the social sector. - They also opened up local and regional markets by
insisting on the removal of subsidies on local
agriculture. - Â
7Impact of Neo-Liberalism
- With the decline in agriculture and manufacturing
local economic opportunities for the majority of
poor women and men have also significantly
declined resulting in increased poverty and
regional or international migration. - Yet women, especially middle-class women made
good use of educational opportunities resulting
in women having higher educational levels than
men at a time of increasing male school dropouts
and male youth criminality which is a major
concern in the region.
8Concerns with Masculinity
- The visibly improved performance of young women
in the education system where females comprise
60-70 of the university population has raised
questions about continued state support for
womens programmes - Today there is increased concern from the State
in high levels of youth criminality including
criminal violence, school violence and poor
educational performance. - .
9Youth Masculinities and Care Work
- The gains for women are often juxtaposed against
the losses for men - It can be argued that this is the negative
result of the lack of support for parents and
caring work. - Today child care and elderly care continue to the
primarily the responsibility of women with
limited support.
10Guns, Gangs and Youth Violence
- Â The issue of youth criminality brings together
many of the social, economic and gender questions
currently facing our region - The Caribbeans location within the regional and
global economy - The differential gendered impact of
socio-economic policy and - The collapse of the social sector in many
although thankfully not all of our countries over
the years of economic neo-liberalism
11Guns, Gangs and Youth Violence Contd
- The increased burden of care placed on families,
and on mothers in particular with little state or
partner support - The normalisation of the gun as the weapon of
choice through the globalisation of the US
entertainment industry - The emergence of the drug economy as a
replacement of the now disappearing productive
industries - The gendered constructions of masculinities and
the significance of violence within it
12Guns, Gangs and Youth Violence Contd
- The sexual division of labour and the
responsibilities of women and men within it - The need for attention to the quality of our
education systems and not only the quantity - The need to support parents in the normal yet
challenging role of parenting in the contemporary
world. - Â
13Women and the Care Economy in the Caribbean
- Reconciling Work with Family
14Caribbean Family and Household
- Caribbean sociologists and demographers have
stressed the concept of the household as not
coterminous with the concept of family. - Caribbean family forms defied traditional western
norms of family and were often considered
deviant. Social welfare systems are based on the
traditional conjugal family and the notion of the
male breadwinner despite the significant
deviation from this norm. - The idea of family in the Caribbean goes far
beyond the household to include all known
relatives, close friends of ones parents and
their children.
15Addressing Unwaged Work in the Caribbean
- Trinidad and Tobago was the first country in the
region to pass legislation on Measuring unwaged
work. - The Counting Remunerated Work Bill was introduced
in February 1995 and passed in 1996. - It was piloted in the Parliament as a Private
Members Bill by a woman independent senator
Diana Mahabir-Wyatt
16Unremunerated Work Act 1996
- It requires the CSO and other public bodies
- to produce and maintain statistics relative to
the counting of unremunerated work and to provide
a mechanism for quantifying and recording the
monetary value of such work - It examines agricultural work, care-giving of
the sick, the disabled, the elderly, and very
young work carried out in and around households,
unpaid social safety net work carried out by
both women and men in NGOs in satellite accounts
17Clotil Walcott and NUDE
- This cause had been championed for years by
Clotil Walcott, grassroots womens and labour
activist and founder of the National Union of
Domestic Employees (NUDE) which in 1980 was
affiliated to the International Wages for
Housework Campaign - Her daughter Ida Le Blanc would continue her work
on Domestic workers rights.
18Clotil Walcott 1925-2007
192000 Census Unremunerated Housework and Other
- Females 15 performed 1,204,461 hours work in the
week preceding the census - Males 15 performed 612,878 hours
- Most time was spent in Cleaning the house 21
- Males and 24 females, followed by Washing
Laundry - A sexual division of labour existed. Men did most
of the Gardening and rearing of animals and Home
Repairs and Maintenance - Males also participated more in sports and
leisure activities ( not included in the total
above) - Females more in community and volunteer work
20Social Reproduction in Jamaica 1999 (HDR 2000)
- This Study found that
- Much of womens work does not appear in national
statistics - Unpaid unrecognised activities were more
numerous in low-income households - Non-monetary contributions unvalued economically
and in relation to human value - Inability to measure this contribution prevents
an accurate assessment of output
21Time Use Study Red Thread Guyana - 2004
- This Study was carried out by a Womens
organisation affiliated to the International
Women Count Network, dissatisfied with the slow
pace of government action found that - the typical working day for women ranged from
14-18 hours, with little help from anyone, often
with minimal and unreliable technology, limited
access to amenities and with very little leisure
or free time for themselves
22Decent Work for Domestic Workers
- In June 2011 the ILO Convention on Decent Work
for Domestic Workers was approved in Geneva - This was the culmination of many years of
struggle by domestic worker organisations. - Central to this struggle was Ida Le Blanc
daughter of the late Clotil Walcott who had
fought for the recognition of unwaged work in
Trinidad and Tobago
23Ida Le Blanc
24Trinidad and Tobago Case
- The rest of this presentation draws heavily on
the study - Reconciling Work and Family Issues and Policies
in Trinidad and Tobago, by Rhoda Reddock and
Yvonne Bobb-Smith, ILO Conditions of Work and
Employment Series, No. 18, 2008.
25Case Study - Trinidad and Tobago
- Over the past few decades, the increasing
industrialisation and diversification of the
economy and the impact of the womens movement
have resulted in complex changes in society and
economy. - Families and households have had to respond to
the quick pace of technological change, workplace
demands, migration of family members, increasing
income inequalities, inflation and the resulting
social dislocation,
26Trends in Family Organisation
- Today much of the blame for the increase in youth
criminality and violence is placed on parents. - There has even been a call for parents to be held
legally responsible for the behaviour of their
children. - Womens involvement in work outside the home is
also blamed for this situation.
27Trends in Family and Household Organisation TT
- Women as household heads
- households below the poverty line tend to be
larger and headed by females who are often single
mothers with dependent children, or contain at
least one elderly person living alone or in an
extended family setting sometimes having
responsibility for the entire household. - Elderly in Households
- 22 of all households had at least one older
person (65 years and older). Of these, 42 were
extended family households while 21 comprised
persons living alone. -
- Parents utilize the services of paid help for
preschoolers, such as daily or live-in domestic
help. - They place children in the care of neighbours or
relatives. - They give responsibilities to older siblings
- They use private or public child-care services.
- They hire help for after school care.
- They choose jobs, which have flexible hours to
manipulate their work time around hours for
childcare. - They establish their own businesses.
29Trends in Family and Household Organisation
- Although families are small, they still depend on
extended family support e.g. grandmothers, other
relatives and friends - Where these are not available or in a crisis -
babysitters, child care centres etc. are used. - In many instances grandparents esp. grandmothers
become principal caregivers when parents migrate
or are no longer available to their children
usually due to drug addiction, alcoholism, mental
health problems, homicides, imprisonment or
chronic ill health e.g. HIV and AIDS.
30Male Single Parents
- Single fathers were a minority and more likely
than married fathers to be living in an extended
or complex household and therefore to have more
adult support available. She observed - Â
- A multi-family single parent male headed
household means that children have potentially
more access to adults than children living with
just their fathers. The problems of solo
parenting differs for men and women in the
Trinidad and Tobago context. Solo fathers
receive more volunteer help from friends and kin,
probably because men are assumed to be less
capable of childrearing than women - (Bronte Tinkew,199831).
31Family and the Sexual Division of Labour
- Women continue to have major responsibilities for
housework and child care - Some men have become more sensitized and share
responsibilities mainly in transporting children
to and from school, supervising homework and
grooming children - Women reported difficulties in assigning
housework to family members including children.
32Work-Family Conflict
- Difficulty in continuing breastfeeding after
returning to work
I returned to work when my son was 3½ months
old. I visit his daycare every working day to
breastfeed him and to express milk. How do I do
it? My day goes like this I breastfeed him at
about 700 am before we leave home. I drop my
(two) older children to school and then leave my
baby in St James. I begin my lunch hour at 1100
am and drive for 20 minutes from downtown, Port
of Spain (capital) to St James (suburbs). When I
arrive there, he is usually hungry and looking
out for me, so I breastfeed him immediately I
eat the lunch I have brought with me and drive
back to work, getting there by 1230 pm (Helen
Ross, t.i.b.s NEWS April//June 2004 1-2).
33Work-Family Conflict
- There is no synchronization of work hours and
school hours. Schools can end at any one of these
times - 12.15, 1.30, 2.00, 2.30, 3.00 or 5.15
p.m. (with extra lessons). - Women, increasingly a part of the labour force,
have used innovative coping strategies to reduce
the conflict that work-family responsibilities
produce and to manage their time - Men to a lesser extent are visible in this
respect but usually in specific areas e.g.
providing transportation.
34CASE STUDY 2 Fathers Contribution Transport
and Security
- Mr. J, Taxi-driver, does not live with his 3
children, he however shuttles them to school and
back home. One child attends school in Port of
Spain and two others in Maraval. Outcome
security for children, but severe loss of
earnings during peak hours.
35Work-Family Conflict
- The unpredictability of this countrys
infrastructure especially transportation and
utilities e.g. water and electricity - heighten
work-family conflict - The citizens fear of criminal violence has
placed more stress on working parents who seek to
ensure their childrens safety - Middle and upper-income women/parents use their
financial resources for babysitters, special
transport arrangements etc. low-income women are
unable to access similar support structures
36Case Study 3 Complex Transport Arrangements
- Mrs C. leaves South Trinidad for her job in Port
of Spain at 515 am arriving at work at 600 am.
- Her seven year old son travels to school a few
miles away in a carpool. When his father is not
at work, he takes him to school. - She leaves work between 400 and 500 pm and
arrives home between 630 and 800 pm in the
evening. - She notes that quality time with her son on a
daily basis is reduced to merely an hour or less,
as she sees him go to bed, and perhaps reads to
37Complex Arrangements
- Mrs. K has developed a network of resources...
Her day begins at 500. Because of the flexible
time in her new job, which she chose because it
helps with her plan, she can fully dress and
groom her daughters for school, and give them
packed lunch kits before a female taxi driver
transports them to the babysitter. They remain
there approximately an hour, before the driver
takes them to school. They have the reverse trip
in the afternoon, when they remain at the
babysitters until she is on her way home from
work, between 1600 to 1800, depending on the
structure of her day
38Implications for work-family reconciliation
39Areas of Challenge
- Lack of synchronization of work and school hours
- Day Care centres 3 mths 3 years
- Breast feeding support in workplaces
- School transportation
- Gender-sensitive parenting programmes
- Child support and fatherhood
40Compounding issues
- Illness/HIV/AIDS
- Sexual Division of Labour
- Migration
41Working time
- Full-time work
- Part-time work
- Work hours and school hours
- Flexible schedules
42Existing Family Support Benefits
- Widows and Orphans fund
- Employee assistance programmes
- Homework centres and after school Care
- Vacation Camps
- Disability Assistance Grants
- School Nutrition programmes
- Early Childhood Education Centre - State
- School transportation
43Recommendations - Data
- Need for Improved data collection and analysis.
The Central Statistical Office and various other
sources of Institutional Data need to be
strengthened to improve the quality and
timeliness of data for planning and analysis. - Greater use of gender indicators and gender
disaggregated data.
44Recommendations The State
- Strengthen Labour Ministries to improve
monitoring systems of work conditions in low
income occupations - Rationalize school opening and closing hours
- Increase the centralization of essential services
- Consider tax incentives to businesses that
implement practices to reduce work-family
conflict - Pass legislation to mandate child care centres in
all housing estates, office complexes and
industrial estates.
45Recommendations The Private Sector
- Flexi-time arrangements to be made standard
- Co- funded solutions e.g. Homework centres,
crèches, in all new office complexes, housing
schemes and industrial estates - DOCUMENT/PUBLICIZE BEST PRACTICES
- The AFETT survey of female friendly workplaces
and Selection of the Top5 a good example - Develop a workplace culture to encourage
contributions to work-family compatibility
46Selected Recommendations Trade Unions
- Introduce measures into collective bargaining
aimed to address work-family conflict - Facilitate gender sensitivity training for all
trade union personnel- male and female including
shared domestic responsibility - Develop a public education campaign to introduce
this issue and its impact, from parenting to
worker commitment
- Implementing these policies in the short run may
be costly but much less so than the other impacts
- Criminality and violence
- High rates of worker absenteeism
- Low productivity
- Poorly adjusted and unhealthy citizens