SBAS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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united republic of tanzania strengthening the policy and budget link through strategic budget allocation system (sbas) in tanzania the following areas will be covered ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SBAS


United Republic of Tanzania
  • Introduction
  • Salient Features of SP, MTEF and PER Process
  • Implementation of NSGRP through the Budget
  • Development and Application of SBAS
  • Achievements and Challenges
  • Conclusion then
  • Brief Demonstration of SBAS

1. Introduction
  • Various reform initiatives has been taken by the
    Government of Tanzania in improving resource
    management and service delivery to the public and
    society as a whole.
  • Such reforms include Strategic Planning (SP),
    Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and
    Public Expenditure Review (PER).
  • Tanzania also continued to implement Poverty
    Reduction Strategy PRS) from 2000/2001 up to
    2002/03 and a widely covered National Strategy
    for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP)
    commonly known as MKUKUTA from 2005/06.

  • Significant efforts are being made, through these
    reforms in addressing the issue of ensuring
    consistency in policies and budgetary provisions
    and strengthening the budget process.
  • The biggest challenge that emerged during
    implementation of NSGRP, was how to coordinate
    and provide adequate funding between complex
    cross - sectoral policy initiatives and budget
  • To that end, a Strategic Budget Allocation System
    SBAS was introduced to facilitate the resource
    allocation process.

2. Salient Features of SP, MTEF and PER
  • (i) Strategic Planning (SP)
  • Strategic Planning is a process that charts an
    institutions broad direction forward for
    achieving their broad mandates in the medium
  • SPs encompass Institutions mission and vision
    statements objectives, strategies, targets and
    performance indicators.
  • SPs take in consideration National
    strategy/policy frameworks i.e. Tanzania
    Development Vision 2025 and NSGRP and sector
    policies and strategies.

  • (ii) MTEF
  • MTEF is a prioritised three-year performance
    budget to implement the Strategic Plan
  • Based on available resources, it establishes the
    cost of implementing activities that will achieve
    the targets and meet set objectives
  • MTEF takes the objectives and targets developed
    in the SP and prepare activities and budgets.

  • (iii) PER Process
  • PER process is intended to enhance efficiency in
    public expenditure management.
  • The process involves evaluation of performance
    against approved budget frame and output targets.
  • Inputs from PER in terms of proposed policy
    issues and priorities are incorporated into the
    sector plans and budgets through the Plan and
    Budget Guidelines (PBG), which inform into the
    preparation of the annual Budget and MTEF.

3. Implementation of NSGRP through the
  • Background to the NSGRP
  • Adoption of the PRSP in 2000 provided a new
    momentum for fighting poverty and guidance on
    strategic resource allocation.
  • Under the PRSP initiative, the Government
    committed itself to accord priority status in
    resource allocation to PRS priority sectors,
    which were agriculture, basic education, primary
    health, water, rural roads, judiciary and HIV
  • Thus, during PRS I, expenditure policy
    intentions were assessed on the basis of progress
    made in rising the funding/budgets of these
  • The next PRS II (National Strategy for Growth and
    Reduction of Poverty NSGRP) was adopted and
    implemented starting 2005/06.
  • NSGRP is informed by the aspirations of the
    Tanzania Vision 2025 and Millennium Development
    Goals (MDGs).

  • NSGRP is addressing the need to become more
    outcome-oriented by adopting three clusters of
  • i) Growth and income poverty reduction
  • ii) Improvement of quality of life and social
    well being
  • iii) Governance and accountability.
  • The clusters are the highest level and beneath it
    are goals and cluster strategies, which cut
    across sectors.
  • Relevant actors, including MDAs, Regions and LGAs
    are linked to cluster strategies.
  • In order to ensure that what has been articulated
    in the NSGRP are implemented, deliberate actions
    are taken in integrating them in the
    Institutional Strategic Plans (SP) and Budgets.


Differences between PRS 1 and NSGRP/MKUKUTA
  • Linkage between NSGRP and Budgets
  • The explicit linkage between the NSGRP cluster
    strategies and the budget are currently
    undertaken in a process of budget formulation at
    two levels.
  • Level 1 is Budget formulation at Plan and Budget
    Guidelines Stage. This involves the inputting
    and processing of budget requests using a
    Microsoft Access software tool called SBAS.
    Resource ceilings are ultimately allocated to
    Institutions up to the level of targets.
  • Level 2 deals with inputting data in the
    Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) for
    preparation of Annual Budget Estimates and MTEFs.
    This stage involves going further to allocate
    resources down to activity and input levels.

4. Development and Application of SBAS
  • In order to implement the NSGRP and meet its
    requirements, a Microsoft Access software tool
    called Strategic Budget Allocation System (SBAS)
    was developed to manage the complexity of the
    budget data on cross-cutting strategies.
  • SBAS is a software tool to facilitate resource
    allocation including preparation of budget
    ceilings by the Plan and Budget Guidelines
    Committee (PBGC).
  • SBAS has two versions namely SBAS Micro and SBAS
  • The Micro version is used by MDAs to fill out
    their budget requests electronically and
  • The Macro version is used by the PBGC to analyse
    the requests and allocate resources according to
    the size of the resource envelope.

  • Inputting and Processing Budget Requests
  • Using SBAS
  • (i) SBAS Micro as an Interface for
  • Budget Planning
  • SBAS Micro was designed to be used by MDAs and
    Regions for inputting budget requests to the
  • The system was first designed to capture requests
    at the target level and inputs both NSGRP and
    non-NSGRP targets.
  • MDAs and regions can see which NSGRP cluster
    strategies are relevant to them in the system.

  • Non-NSGRP targets come from existing Strategic
    Plans and MTEFs and are internal to the MDA and
  • MDAs can analyse and compare NSGRP and Non -
    NSGRP budget requests at this formulation stage.
  • The updated software has facilities for costing
    of targets and activities financed through
    recurrent other charges (OC), local development
    and foreign development funds.
  • SBAS Micro has also a facility for enabling the
    user Institution to prioritize the targets and
    link them to the NSGRP cluster strategies.

  • In year 2005/06, SBAS Micro assisted in
    developing an interface for budget planning
    between MDAs and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) by
    enabling MDAs to fill in their MTEF budget
    requests and submit the same to MoF.
  • Requests inputted in the SBAS Micro were imported
    to the MoF at target level with textual
    explanations on
  • Major policy commitments and the rationale for
    such requests
  • Notable shifts or trends in policy with expected
    expenditure implications
  • Summary of critical issues identified in PER
    studies or in any other studies with budget

  • (ii) SBAS Macro as an Allocation Tool
  • SBAS Macro was designed to aggregate the MDA
    requests and to strategically facilitate the
    setting of ceilings according to available
  • Requests at target level are submitted to the
    PBGC for consolidation, analysis and resource
    allocation using Macro version.
  • The system provides different scenarios for
    distributing resources to both NSGRP and
    non-NSGRP targets.
  • In year 2005/06 PBG resource ceilings were issued
    at vote and target levels, with a clear picture
    of how much was set for use in financing NSGRP
    cluster strategies.

  • (iii) Improvements made to the SBAS
  • During budget allocation for year 2005/06
    2007/08, MDAs through SBAS, prepared their MTEF
    requests by replacing their existing SMART
    targets with pre-set NSGRP cluster strategies
  • The NSGRP cluster strategies were in some cases
    too broad and general to effectively serve as
    SMART MTEF targets.
  • Thus, in year 2006/07 2008/09, It was decided
    that cluster strategies should not be used to
    replace SMART MTEF targets.
  • The targets were then derived by Institutions
    during their strategic planning processes and
    associated with a cluster strategy in the updated
    SBAS2 Micro.

  • MDAs and Regional Budget Committees were
    responsible for assessing the relevance of the
    association between MTEF targets and NSGRP
    cluster strategies prior to submission of their
  • Budget requests within SBAS2 Micro were inputted
    at the level of an activity rather than MTEF
  • Regions also used SBAS for inputting budget
    requests to the PBGC.
  • On the other hand, LGAs linked their budgets with
    NSGRP using a Planning and Reporting Database
  • Final output from PlanRep is ultimately
    downloaded to IFMS for annual expenditure
    management purposes.

  • Interfacing Budget Information from
  • SBAS to IFMS
  • As explained above, PBG is Level 1 and the Annual
    and MTEF Budget is Level 2 of budget formulation
  • Final output from the SBAS Macro in terms of vote
    and target ceilings are interfaced into the
    Enhanced MTEF Model in the IFMS.
  • The Enhanced MTEF Model is a computerised system
    enabling MDAs and Regions to plan, upload and
    define targets and activities.

  • Target-level ceilings are disaggregated to
    activities and inputs for the Annual Budget and
    detailed MTEF preparation.
  • The model is, therefore, a tool designed to input
    performance based MTEF budgets into the IFMS.
  • IFMS has many facilities including those for
    production of performance reports used for budget
    monitoring and control.

5. Achievements and Challenges
  • Achievements
  • An outcome-oriented budget The outcome-oriented
    NSGRP is molding the budget to finance outcomes
    rather than sectors
  • Consistency between policy and budget SMART
    MTEF targets are associated directly with NSGRP
    Cluster strategies. These targets are then mapped
    down to the Government Finance Statistics (GFS)
    input levels

Linking Targets to Cluster Strategies
  • Standardized inputs to PBG MDAs and regions use
    a standardized template to fill out their MTEFs
    which are electronically imported into the Macro
    version of the Strategic Budget Allocation System
    for easy analysis
  • Stakeholders scrutiny of the budget Public
    institutions, Development Partners and others can
    easily see the consistency between strategic
    allocations at target level in the PBG and final
    allocations made to activities directly linked
    with NSGRP in the annual budget
  • Accuracy and consistent reports of estimates
    SBAS Macro version can produce output reports
    which analyze various categories of the budget
    i.e. targets directly linked with NSGRP, as well
    as others broken down to activities and
    distribution by institutions etc.
  • Harmonization of recent reform initiatives A
    planning and budgeting manual has been developed
    and was used as a working document by MDAs,
    Regions and LGAs in the 2006/07 planning and
    budgeting process.

Timing of the Planning and Budgeting Processes
S/NO. Process Timing Responsible
1 Review of macro-economic and performance of Sectors as a basis for Establishing National Budget priorities and policies and resource projection (PER Inputs) October - December PBGC
2. Revising and updating the SPs based on situational analysis and most recent performance including (NSGRP/ MUKUKUTA Inputs) September - October MDAs, Regions and LGAs
3. Preparation of budget requests based on revised SPs using SBAS-Micro version October - November MDAs, Regions and LGAs
4. Outlook and projection for the MTEF the financing aspect (SBAS Macro Inputs) October - December PBGC
5. Issuance of Plan and Budget Guidelines End of December Central Ministries MPEE and MOF
6. Preparation of Annual Budgets and MTEFs January Mid march MDAs, Regions and LGAs
7. Finalization of the National Budget Estimates and approval by Cabinet, Mid March - April MOF, Cabinet
8. Presentation of the Budget to the Parliament June Early August Respective Ministers
9. Budget Implementation July June Next Year MDAs, Regions and LGAs
  • Challenges
  • For cross cutting NSGRP cluster strategies,
    whereby multiple MDAs affect joint outcomes,
    allocation to targets and activities with such
    joint outcomes requires close collaboration and
  • The software that is intended for tracking NSGRP
    related and other expenditures has to be fully
    developed and operationalised.
  • Establish a linkage between the PlanRep tool used
    by LGAs and SBAS used by MDAs and Regions in
    order to integrate the National Budget.

  • NSGRP is the national organizing framework which
    accords high priority to growth and reduction of
    poverty in Tanzanias development agenda.
  • The strategic planning process, which involves
    formulation of interventions/strategies and
    targets is informed by NSGRP.
  • MTEF on the other hand, operationalises the SP by
    identifying and costing the activities under each

  • Since the budget has to encompass all the fiscal
    operations of Government and has to address all
    major policy decisions in the background of hard
    budget constraint and competing demands, senior
    management in every MDA, Region and LGA have been
    involved in the whole planning and budgeting
  • The process begins at preparation of SPs and goes
    further to the reviewing performance and
    indicating resource requirements using SBAS
  • During this stage, sector policies and
    institutional priorities are defined and
  • Resources needed to implement them are

  • SBAS Macro has been used as tool for facilitating
    resource allocation at target level and linking
    targets to NSGRP cluster strategies.
  • Significant efforts have been made to
    explicitly link policy and budget in the MDAs,
    Regions and LGAs.
  • However, in order to attain the desired NSGRP
    goals, strengthening inter-sectoral linkages and
    collaboration between institutions is still
    highly required.

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