Euro-American Witchcraft Timeline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Euro-American Witchcraft Timeline


0-300 C.E., Pre-Christian Roman empire: Sorcery as involving the manipulation of evil spirits miracles of Jesus may have been taken as a form of sorcery – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Euro-American Witchcraft Timeline

Euro-American WitchcraftTimeline
  • 0-300 C.E., Pre-Christian Roman empire
  • Sorcery as involving the manipulation of evil
  • miracles of Jesus may have been taken as a form
    of sorcery
  • 273-337 C.E. Constantine I converts to
    Christianity, which officially ended the
    persecution of Christians made famous under the
    previous emperor Diocletian.
  • 313 C.E. Edict of Milan, a decree from the
    emperors Constantine and Licinius that proclaimed
    religious tolerance in the Roman Empire.
  • With Christianity now sanctioned by, and slowly
    becoming the official religion of the Roman
    Empire, those who performed magic outside of
    that performed by Jesus or his followers were
    termed heretics and said to practice
  • Heresy Crimes against God
  • All other forms of magic now labeled sorcery
    and the work of the Devil. Other, non-Christian
    groups Pagans were thought of as worshippers of
    Satan the embodiment of everything amoral and
  • Middle Ages (5th-13th centuries) Roman Law
    Crimes against God punishable by death
  • Unrepenting heretics and witches were burned.
    Heretics were brought to attention of authorities
    only if an accusation was made against them.
  • 13th Century Europe Inquisitions Formal
    investigations whereby a unit of the Roman
    Catholic Church would convene to judge cases of
  • 1227-1235 Establishment of the Papal
    Inquisition Official regulation of Inquisition
    activities by Roman Catholicism and the Pope.
  • 1252 the papal bull Ad Extirpanda is introduced
    by Pope Innocent IV authorizing the imprisonment,
    torture, execution and property seizure of
  • Most areas in Continental Europe contained
    Inquisitors (mostly of the Franciscan and
    Dominican order)
  • At first punishment was mild (wear a crucifix or
    go on a pilgrimage). The goal was to get
    heretics/witches back on the Christian track.
  • Execution only reserved for those who steadfastly
    would not repent.

Extent of the Roman Empire at its peak in 120
C.E.Towards the end of the Dark Ages and into
the Renaissance (the time of the Witchcraze), the
Holy Roman Empire encompassed the areas on the
map below of Galia (France) Italia (Italy)
Brittania (British Isles) upper parts of Hispania
(Spain) and eastern parts of Germania (Germany)
Euro-American Witchcraft Timeline cont.
  • 1450-1650 Witchcraze in Continental Europe
  • In which many people (anywhere from 1,000 to many
    millions of people) were accused, convicted, and
    executed as witches
  • 1486 Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer against
    Witches). A book put out by the Catholic Church
    that classified witches as
  • Those who renounced the Catholic faith and
    devoted themselves, body and soul to the service
    of evil.
  • Engaging in orgies that included the Devil.
  • Shape-shifters that could fly and make magical
  • Mostly women, due to their weaker, stupider, more
    superstitious and sensual nature.
  • 1640s-early 1700s Witchcraze in England
  • On the outskirts of the Roman Empire, England had
    no Roman Law, no Inquisitors, no English
    translation of the Malleus Maleficarum until
    modern times, and a weak tradition of heresy.
  • Witches seen not so much as heretics, but instead
    as those who harmed livestock, caused diseases
    and hurt infants and children.
  • If found, they were tried under a Civil, not
    Religious authority. That is, until
  • 1640s King James I (Scotland) was a big proponent
    of the Continental European Witchcraze and opened
    the door for its occurrence in the British Isles.
  • 1640s-early 1700s Witchcraze in the United
  • 1692 Salem A farming society at the edge of the
    settled world where accusations of witchcraft
    erupted resulting in the jailing of over 100
    people and the execution of 19.
  • 2 young girls (ages 9, 11) experimenting w/
    divination techniques, apparently scared
    themselves and started acting strangely
  • Trashing around, contorting themselves in odd
    ways, constantly jumpy/nervous
  • Other girls and women began acting the same.
  • All medical explanations were ruled out, so
  • Witchcraft was suspected

The Evil Eye
  • Similar concept to Witchcraft
  • Found primarily in India, the Near East, parts of
    Europe and Mexico, the belief that a person is
    able to cause illness or some other type of
    misfortune simply by looking at or praising
    something or someone.
  • Power of the Evil Eye, like that of witchcraft,
    lies within the body of the individual. No
    spells, sorcery, chants, etc. are necessary to
    gain this power. It is innate.
  • If someone with the Evil Eye is jealous, the
    individual who is the object of that jealously
    may encounter misfortune, so
  • In some cultures it is recommended not to show
    off ones wealth/happiness in public for fear of
    this very occurrence.

  • Worship the concept of Satan/Lucifer (not the
    Devil of Christianity) who represents power,
    virility and sexuality. Do not believe in
    Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons/Human Sacrifice, etc.
    Everyone responsible for their own actions.
    Lust, greed, selfishness are things to be
    embraced as the normal state of a human being.
  • Church of Satan Founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor
    La Vey based on the principle that
  • human beings are inherently selfish, violent
    creatures. ? from the forward to the The Satanic
    Bible (1969). The Church of Satan is a form of
  • The pursuit of or devotion to pleasure as a
    matter of principle
  • Believe in indulgence over abstinence, vengeance
    over forgiveness, love only to those who deserve
  • Catholic sin as virtuous, but within Satanism,
    sin still exists in the form of
  • Stupidity, pretentiousness, self-deceit,
  • Magic used to help friends and family, but also
    to destroy the enemy.
  • Sigil of Baphoment Symbol for the church of
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