King Lear - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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King Lear


King Lear Second lecture The Fool One of the most wonderful conceptions, and wonderful roles, in the play. He s a jester, Lear s all-licensed fool, who s ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: King Lear

King Lear
  • Second lecture

The Fool
  • One of the most wonderful conceptions, and
    wonderful roles, in the play.
  • Hes a jester, Lears all-licensed fool, whos
    allowed to say anything.
  • Court jesters were originally mental defectives,
    retarded adults.
  • But later professional entertainers, comedians
    allowed to enliven court proceedings.
  • King James had a jester, Archie Armstrong, who
    was well known for an impudence verging on
  • Lears fool is certainly impudent, cheeky.
  • But he has an almost filial relation with him.
  • Calls Lear nuncle, uncle Lear calls him boy
    (even though Armin was in his early 40s).
  • His strange link with Cordelia Since my young
    ladys going into France, the fool hath much
    pined away.
  • And my poor fool is hanged, Lear says in the
    last scene he seems to mean Cordelia, but speaks
    of the Fool?
  • Its the Fool who needles Lear mercilessly about
    the foolishness of what he has done in giving up
    his kingdom.
  • And the fool disappears from the play after Act
    III, scene 6.

The characters dividing along moral lines
  • Kents intervention begins ceremoniously l.
  • But Lear demands plainness.
  • So Kent lets him have it Be Kent unmannerly/
    When Lear is mad. What wouldst thou do, old man?
    Note the familiarity of thou.
  • And his rhyming at 185ff seems to round off the
  • The play is dividing characters according to
    their language and rhetoric, their relation to a
    core truth.
  • The Burgundy/France test Cordelia becomes more
    desirable to France because of her dowerless
  • When Kent returns in disguise in 1.4, plainness
    becomes his middle name, devotion to Lear his
    absolute truth.
  • And his truth defines his quarrel with Oswald.
  • And his opposition to Oswald at II.2 his
    wonderfully inventive list of insults at l. 13ff.
  • No contraries hold more antipathy/ Than I and
    such a knave.
  • And even to Cornwall Sir, tis my occupation to
    be plain./ I have seen better faces . . .
  • Characters seem to run to the moral poles of the
    world of the play Cordelia vs. her sisters, Kent
    vs. Oswald, Edgar vs. Edmund.

Moral polarities
  • Goneril and Regans opposition to Lear at first
    seems understandable, commonsensical.
  • Their brief dialogue at the end of I.1.
  • Gonerils objections to the Fool, her problems
    with the hundred knights (1.4.195ff).
  • Her desire that he a little to disquantity your
  • Lears terrible curse of Goneril 1.4.271.
  • But Albanys reaction complicates.
  • Regans sympathy with Goneril, II.4
  • And they whittle down his 100 knights.
  • Oh reason not the need! What gives us our grip
    on life?
  • By this point their opposition seems to involve a
    basic opposition to Lear.

Moral polarities (cont.)
  • Edmund and Edgar
  • Edmunds role as a sort of renaissance new man
    his soliloquy at 1.2.
  • With a new sense of Nature almost Darwinian?
  • His opposition to Edgar and Gloucester.
  • And his eventual alliance with Goneril and Regan.
  • Edgars choice of disguise Poor Tom, the
    poorest, craziest, most abject sort of person to
    be found in Jacobean England.
  • Why such a role? Hes the son of an earl.
  • His feigned madness in stark contrast to Edmund?

Lears journey
  • Freud, in essay The Theme of the Three Caskets,
    thought death was somehow implicit in Cordelias
    Nothing, that she somehow represented death for
  • The parallel in an old morality play, The Pride
    of Life again the choice of three.
  • Lear says he wishes to unburdened crawl toward
  • But Goneril and Regans complaints about the
    course of his life he hath ever but slenderly
    known himself.
  • The best and soundest of his time hath been but
  • Lears journey seems to be one of discovering who
    he is before he faces death.

The Fools lesson for Lear
  • To the Fool, Lear is this fellow who has
    banished two ons daughters, and did the third a
    blessing against his will.
  • He deserves a coxcomb.
  • The Fools wisdom, which is nothing.
  • Dost thou call me fool, boy?
  • All thy other titles thou has given away that
    thou wast born with.
  • Who is Lear Lears irony at l.4.220.
  • But the Fool answers Lears shadow.
  • And in I.5 the Fool decides that Lear would make
    a good fool himself.
  • If Lear were his fool, he would have him beaten
    for being old before his time.
  • Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst
    been wise.
  • And the first stirrings of Lears madness ll.

Second stage of that journey
  • In II.4 Lear meets with Cornwall and Regan, who
    similarly chips away at his self.
  • O sir, you are old . . .
  • And she and Goneril begin to strip away his 100
  • And he feels himself becoming less and less.
  • You see me here, you gods, a poor old man/ As
    full of grief as age, wretched in both.
  • And he is on the verge of tears and madness.
  • The storm begins and Lear goes out into it.

Third stage the heath in the storm
  • The storm as a great anti-pastoral nature
    that shows humanity its utter insignificance.
  • But Lear madly -- tries to match the ferocity
    of the storm?
  • And seems to revel in its ferocity?
  • His concern for the Fool III.2.69ff.
  • And at III.4.28.
  • His prayer that recognizes the Poor naked
  • And the pat entrance of Edgar as Poor Tom.
  • Poor Toms role as repentant Mankind.
  • And Lears embracing of him as unaccommodated
    man, the thing itself . . .
  • . . . and attempting to imitate, identify with
    Poor Tom Off, off, you lendings!
  • Tom becomes Lears philosopher.

Fourth stage Lear completely mad
  • IV.6 Lear on the heath, mad, bedecked with
    weeds . . .
  • . . . stripped of all his identity he too
    unaccommodated man?
  • . . . encounters the blinded Gloucester.
  • How much of Lears discourse is madness, how much
    a new clarity? See Edgars reason in madness.
  • Gloucester O let me kiss that hand.
  • Lear Let me wipe it first. It smells of
  • Lears mad insights into authority a dogs
    obeyed in office thou rascal beadle
  • And the newborn infants tragic understanding of

The meeting with Cordelia
  • There was a climactic scene in the old morality
    plays when the penitent protagonist was given a
    garment of repentance by the saving Virtue
  • IV.7 Lear brought in, freshly clothed, asleep in
  • Cordelia slowly wakens him with music, kisses
  • Lears true delusion Thou art a soul in bliss
    . . .
  • And in kneeling plays the part of the morality
  • And slowly recovers a sense of himself.
  • But only in a relational sense to Cordelia? as I
    am a man, I think this lady/ To be my child
  • His guilt? No cause. No cause.
  • And then in V.3 he imagines his contented life in
    prison with Cordelia.
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