Title: Exeter Trip
1Exeter Trip
2Early Morning
- The day started by meeting at college at 6.30 am.
We then drove down to Manchester airport, ready
to fly down to Exceter.
3In Exeter
When we
arrived in Exeter, we had transport
arranged. We started the day in Exeter by going
to the University first, then to the Met Office.
4The University
When we arrived at the university, we were taken
to the maths department Where we met some of the
professors and had some refreshments.
5 We then had a tour of the university, given by a
student that attended. The tour was mainly of
the grounds and accommodation, as there was not
enough time to see all the separate
departments. The University of Exeter has two
campuses in Exeter and in Cornwall.
For the university website www.exeter.ac.uk For
the prospectus http//www.ex.ac.uk/prospectus/ F
or a virtual tour (from exeter.ac.uk) http//www
.exeter.ac.uk/ virtualtours/index.shtml? icidD056
6After our tour of the university, we had a talk
about the weather. The talk showed the governing
equations which are used to predict weather, how
the formulas are created, the characters of
atmospheric flow, and the models in spherical
geometry. The presentation http//blood.osfc.ac.u
After the presentation, we had dinner
at the University cafe, before Going
to the Met Office.
7The Met Office
When we arrived at the met office, we had a
presentation on the Met Office and what its
everyday tasks where, including facts, staff
information, environmental issues, observation,
for forecasts are produced and about the day.
The presentation can be viewed at http//blood.os
8After the presentation provided by the met
office, we had a tour of the Met office. This
started inside, where we saw how the weather
is predicted from the pictures which
are received on the computers. We was also
shown the super computers.
9The tour continued outside, where we viewed the
instruments which predicted the weather.
10 View a video of the trip at (filmed by Andrew
Preston) https//mail.osfc.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir
.asp?URLhttp// blood.osfc.ac.uk/apn/aimhighermat
View the webcam at the Met Office http//www.meto
ffice.gov.uk/weather/ uk/webcam/exeter/index.html