Title: Compare and Contrast Essays
1Compare and Contrast Essays
- - To express similarities and differences between
two given elements
2Key Features
- multiple similar subjects
- Descriptive details
- Equal Time for topics
- Categorization
- Block or point-by-point
- organization
- transition to pinpoint
- like/different ideas
OMG! This was SO my dress first!
3Key words to look for in an essay prompt
- Compare
- Contrast
- Similarities
- Differences
- Likenesses
Discuss the similarities and differences between
a household goldfish and a saltwater shark
4Use These Words in You Essay
- Like ( like the goldfish, the shark also has
gills) - Similar to ( similar to the previous example)
- Differs ( the goldfish and shark differ in their
diets) - Also ( A Shark is also in the same family as the
goldfish) - Unlike ( unlike the goldfish, a shark has sharp
teeth) - On the other hand ( on the other hand, goldfish
do not bite)
5Venn Diagram
Topic A Differences
Similarities between Topics A and B
Topic B Differences
6Create a Venn Diagram for the Following Items
Minimum 5 observations in each diagram section
7Look at your Venn Diagram and create a sample
Thesis Statement
Topic A and B are similar in (example), but are
very different when it comes to (example), and
EXAMPLE Sharks and goldfish are similar in body
features, but are very different when it comes to
their food choices and demeanor.