Title: Plan schemes Registrar General, India
1Census in India
Office of the Registrar General Census
Commissioner, India
United Nations Workshop for South Asian countries
on Collection and Dissemination of
Socio-economic Data from Population and Housing
Censuses New Delhi, India 28 31 May 2012
2- Census 2011 is the 15th Census of India since
1872 - Census 2011 was held in two phases
- Houselisting Housing Census(April to September
2010) - Population Enumeration(9th to 28th February 2011
- Reference Date000 Hours of 1st March 2011
- In Snow Bound areas the Population Enumeration
was conducted from 11th to 30th September 2010 - Reference Date000 Hours of 1st October 2010
3Census OF INDIA 2011
Number of Administrative Units in Census 2011 Number of Administrative Units in Census 2011
States/UTs 35
Districts 640
Sub-districts 5,924
Towns 7,933
Villages 0.6 mn
4Some Facts about Census 2011 Some Facts about Census 2011
Cost USD 446 Mn
Cost per person USD 0.37
No. of Census Functionaries 2.7 Mn
No. of Languages in which Schedules were canvassed 16
No. of Languages in which Training Manuals prepared 18
No. of Schedules Printed 340 Mn
No. of Training Manuals Printed 5.4 Mn
Paper Utilised 8,000 MTs
Material Moved 10,500 MTs
5Challenges diverse vast
6Challenges Diverse Vast
7Census 2011 Process
8DATA COLLECTIONHouselisting Housing Census
1st Phase
- 35 items of information collected
- 2.7 million Census functionaries
- 15 million Schedules processed
- 16 languages
- ICR technology used for data processing
- Houselisting and Housing Census excluded
houseless households.
The data on amenities and assets covers normal
households only and excludes Institutional
9DATA COLLECTIONPopulation Enumeration 2nd Phase
- 29 items of information collected
- 2.7 million Census functionaries
- Approximately 250 million Schedules are to be
processed - 16 languages
- ICR technology used for data processing
11- Objectives
- Ensure complete and unduplicated coverage
- Improve Quality of the content
- Optimize Cost
- Deliver on time
12Complete Coverage Harnessing GIS
- Digitised boundary of more than 0.6 million
villages - Maps of 8000 Towns upto ward level
- Notional maps upto street and house level
- Satellite based digital maps of 33 Capital Cities
upto street and building level - Largest Producer of Thematic Maps in India
13Logistics Chain Innovative Step
Materials supplied by DCO
Schedules Printed At High-end Presses
Charge Officer
20, 000
2.5 million
- Database of language wise requirement of Census
Schedules in 20,000 locations - Packing according to the database
- Dispatch and delivery
- Return logistics
Through Indian Posts
14Improving Quality Training
- Training Alliance
- Training Methodology
- Improved inputs
- Scientific Training aids
A serious business !!
15ICT in Training
- Instruction Manuals
- Training Guides
- PowerPoint presentations
- e-Learning Module
- Intra net
- Training CDs
- Community Radio
- SMS/email
16Improvement in Quality Publicity
- Census Mascot (Lady enumerator)
- Campaign included -
- Mass media
- Public outreach
- Digital media
- Special attention to rural areas
- Sensitization of critical issues
- In local languages
- Involve all
- Print Ads in 16 languages
- TVCs and Radio Spots in 12 languages
17ICT in Census - Call Centre
- Call centres were set up at State level
- Redressal of grievances received from public
about non-enumeration - Direct communication with Enumerators in
reporting progress and clarifying doubts
18Data Processing
19Data Processing
- Indian Census - Always been in the forefront of
using latest technology - 1961 Census Unit Record machines used
- 1971 Census Key-punching (electrical cum
mechanical) machines used An IBM 1401 computer
with IBM card Reader used - 1981 Census Data Entry made using Key to Disk
machines. Processing by HP 1000 CD-Cyber 730
NEC - 1000 Computer System at NIC
20Capturing Information and Processing Very Large
volume of Census Data
- 1991 Census - Medha 930 Main Frame Computer
System used for Data processing. Unix based dumb
terminals used for data entry - 2001 Census First large country to use image
based Automatic Form Processing Technology, High
Speed Duplex Scanners used for image capturing - 2011 Census Using more developed ICR Technology
with advanced features.
21System flow at Data Centers
Export station
Scanning station
Supervisor Export completed batches as ASCII
file for further processing
Forms are fed thru scanners batch by batch
Supervisors Handle Quality check /Exceptional
Recognition stations
Form IMAGES stored in Network DISK
QC Exception
Tile/Correction station - Un-recognised
Characters are corrected by OPERATORS
Field by field character images are
automatically recognised
Tiling Completion stations
22Data Tabulation
- Provisional Population Totals for India and
States compiled from Enumerators Abstract
manually declared within about four weeks - Later, Household Schedules are collected, scanned
and processed - Extensive Quality Check and Data Validation are
being undertaken - 48 tables at India level and similar tables at
State/UT/District/ Sub-District/Town level have
been released on Houses, Household amenities and
assets for Census 2011. - More than 300 Tables to be published on Census
2011 at India, State, District level as per the
tabulation plan (being finalized).
23Tables released on Houselisting Housing Census
Series Category Indicators No. of tables
HH Household Series Number of households and size Ownership status Dwelling rooms No. of married couples Type location of drinking water source Main source of lighting Type of latrine facility Bathing facility Type of drainage (Waste water outlet) Availability of kitchen Fuel used for cooking Possession of certain assets like Bi-cycle, two-wheeler, car, telephone/mobile phone, computer/laptop(with or without internet), television Households availing banking services 42
HL Housing Series Number of Census houses and the use Condition of Census house Material of floor, wall, roof of Census house 6
Level of presentation India/State/District, some
tables upto Sub-District/Town.
Dimension T/R/U
24Tabulation Plan 2001 (Population
Enumeration) (2011 Tabulation plan is being
Series Category Indicators No. of tables
A General Population Area, Population, Density 20
B Economic Activities Workers, Industrial classifications, Occupations etc. 53
C Socio-cultural tables Age structure, Education, language Mother tongue, marital status, religion, disability 53
D Migration tables Place of birth, place of last residence, duration of stay, reason for migration 22
F Fertility tables Children ever born, children surviving, birth during last 12 months 20
HH Household Series Household size, composition etc. 54
SC Special tables on Scheduled Castes Selected indicators from the above series 16
ST Special tables on Scheduled Tribes Selected indicators from the above series 19
Level of presentation India/State/District/Sub-Di
strict/Town Dimension T/R/U by age, sex etc.
26Improvement in Quality Website
Interactive and instructive Internet effectively
used for training and governance Feedback/Dissemin
27Use of Social Networking SitesFacebook
28Use of Social Networking SitesFacebook
As on 25-05-2012
29Use of Social NetworkingSites Posts on
Facebook Wall
30Facebook Posts
Dr. Manmohan Singh The Prime Minister, Dr.
Manmohan Singh and wife of the Prime Minister
Smt. Gursharan Kaur being enumerated for Census
2011 at his Residence in New Delhi on February
Adviser to the PM on PIII, Sam Pitroda Congratula
tions on completing Census 2011! Citizens and
planners alike need access to timely and reliable
data. Looking forward to accessing the data
soon. 2011.
31Census of India on Twitter
32Census Info India
- Disseminated on an interactive CD
- Data on Demography, Economy and Education
- Time series data (From 1901 to 2001)
- Tables, Graphs and Maps
- Under preparation
- Would be disseminated on an interactive CD using
the latest version of CensusInfo - Will contain all the information as given in
CensusInfo 2001 along with the data on Census 2011
33Census Info India, 2001
34Census Info India, 2001
- Provisional data 2011 Census - released
- Data Dissemination Centers set up in ORGI and
Census Directorates worked as hubs for
dissemination - Census of India website used as a major platform
for data dissemination. - Launched Census Info Dashboard at Census of India
website to generate quick profiles on Provisional
Results released from Census 2011. - Set up workstation for research on micro-data on
from 1991 and 2001 Census at Jawaharlal
University, Delhi - inaugurated recently. - Participation in Book Fairs and Exhibitions in
different States to enhance awareness of census
36Plan for 2012 - 17
- The results of the Census of India 2011 will be
disseminated using all available modes, like, in
print, on CD, on web, etc - Census Data products will be developed and
disseminated - Social networking sites, like Face Book and
Twitter will be used to disseminate data and
sensitize visitors about availability and use of
Census data
37CensusInfo Dashboard on the Web
38CensusInfoState Comparisons
40Development of Census Data Products
- Data products on 2011 Census results for use by
different category of users will be prepared and
disseminated - These include
- Basic census tables, analytical reports, data
sheets - Subject specific CDs, Booklets, Website
development - CensusInfo India Dashboard on Website
- Map products and different publicity products
41Software module on Decision Support System (DSS)
- DSS is to be developed to access latest Census
Data at District, Block and Village/Town level
for use in planning. - Datasets to be used for DSS
- Primary Census Abstract at village/town level
- Village and Town Directory data as collected
through State Governments. - Linking of village level data with maps will
enable to identify less developed
regions/villages in terms of infrastructure and
42Data Dissemination Workshops
- Data Dissemination Workshop will be organized in
major cities by Census Directorates. - To sensitize the data users on the availability
of latest 2011 Census data on various indicators.
- Data Dissemination Workshop has already been
conducted on data pertaining to Houselisting
Housing Census 2011
43Census in School Programme
- The best place to begin this sensitization
process is with the school students who are
tomorrows decision-makers. - Sensitizing school students about availability
and use of Census data will be a major way of
disseminating Census 2011 data - Reading material on Census Data would be prepared
in attractive designs and styles in regional
languages - It is proposed to send one School Kit on Census
data to 100 schools per district in all the 640
districts in the country.
44Workstation for Research on Micro-data
- Workstation for research on census micro-data
already set up at Jawaharlal Nehru University,
Delhi. - The objective is to allow researchers to
undertake research on database of more than a
billion persons as collected in Census after
anonymizing the sensitive fields. - 18 more similar Work Stations are to be set up
shortly in different parts of the Country.
45Setting up of Digital Archive on Old Census
Reports maps
- To make the old Census Reports (1872 2001)
available for research it is proposed to digitize
them. - Available printed reports, microfiches,
microfilms, etc will be digitized by scanning
each page and then converting them into PDF. - Retrieval software would be used to access this
large collection of digitized Census Volumes. - Dedicated centres equipped with servers and
related facilities would be set up in all the 34
46Thank You
Office of the Registrar General Census
Commissioner, India 2-A, Man Singh Road, New
Delhi 110011 Website www.censusindia.gov.in E-
mail rgi.rgi_at_censusindia.gov.in