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THE ORIGINS OF JUDICIAL REVIEW Topic #11 * * * Article III Section 1. The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Topic 11

Article III
  • Section 1. The judicial power of the United
    States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and
    in such inferior courts as the Congress may from
    time to time ordain and establish. The judges,
    both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall
    hold their offices during good behaviour, and
    shall, at stated times, receive for their
    services, a compensation, which shall not be
    diminished during their continuance in office.
  • Section 2. The judicial power shall extend to all
    cases, in law and equity, arising under this
    Constitution, the laws of the United States, and
    treaties made, or which shall be made, under
    their authority--to all cases affecting
    ambassadors, other public ministers and
    consuls--to all cases of admiralty and maritime
    jurisdiction--to controversies to which the
    United States shall be a party--to controversies
    between two or more states--between a state and
    citizens of another state--between citizens of
    different states--between citizens of the same
    state claiming lands under grants of different
    states, and between a state, or the citizens
    thereof, and foreign states, citizens or
  • In all cases affecting ambassadors, other
    public ministers and consuls, and those in which
    a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall
    have original jurisdiction. In all the other
    cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall
    have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and
    fact, with such exceptions, and under such
    regulations as the Congress shall make.

Article III (cont.)
  • The Supreme Court is established by the
    Constitution (so Congress need not create it and
    cannot abolish it).
  • But the size of the Supreme Court is fixed by
    Congress, not the Constitution.
  • Congress must also by law establish other
    inferior U.S. (federal) courts (and can
    subsequently abolish or change them).
  • All federal judges serve during good behavior
    (Congress cant change this).
  • Federal judges must be paid salaries, which
    cannot be cut.
  • U.S. courts have jurisdiction over all cases that
    arise under the Constitution, federal law, and
    treaties, as well as some other cases (e.g., in
    which the U.S., states, or citizens of different
    states, are parties).
  • The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in a
    very small number of cases (e.g., in which states
    are parties),
  • that is, such cases are tried before the Supreme
    Court itself (so there can be no appeal).
  • Otherwise, the Supreme Courts jurisdiction is
  • that is, such case are tried before other
    (inferior) federal or state courts but may
    reach the Supreme Court on appeal.

The First Congress
  • When the first U.S. Congress met in the Spring of
    1789, it had an incredibly heavy agenda.
  • It had to pass a law setting up a federal court
    system, in a manner consistent with Article III.
  • It had to pass laws establishing the executive
    departments State, Treasury, War, Navy, and
    Post Office.
  • It was politically obliged to propose a package
    of constitutional amendments that would include
    the Bill of Rights that the original Constitution
  • James Madison was the floor leader in the House
    of Representatives.
  • He shepherded the necessary legislation through
  • Members proposed a wide range of constitutional
    amendments, many of which reopened the structural
    issues that the convention had resolved by
    difficult compromise.
  • Madison skillfully deflected such amendments and
    got Congress to propose a package of 12
    amendments that explicitly secured certain rights
    but did not change the structure of the

The Judiciary Act of 1789
  • An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the
    United States
  • Sec. 1. Be it enacted, That the Supreme Court of
    the United States shall consist of a chief
    justice and five associate justices, . . . .
  • Sec. 2. That the United States shall be, and they
    hereby are, divided into thirteen districts, . .
    . .
  • Sec. 3. That there be a court called a District
    Court in each district, to consist of one judge,
    who shall be called a District Judge, . . .
  • Sec. 4. That the districts shall be divided into
    three circuits, . . . That there shall be held
    annually in each district . . . a Circuit Court,
    which shall consist of any two justices of the
    Supreme Court and the district judge of such
  • Sec. 9. That the district courts shall have
    cognizance of all crimes and offenses that shall
    be cognizable under the authority of the United
    States . . . . with a number of exceptions.
  • Sec 11. That the circuit courts shall have
    original cognizance over the exceptional cases
    . . . and appellate jurisdiction from the
    district courts . . . .
  • Sec 13. The Supreme Court shall have appellate
    jurisdiction from the circuit courts and courts
    of the several states in the cases hereinafter
    specially provided for and shall have power to
    issue writs of prohibition to the district
    courts, when proceeding as courts of admiralty
    and maritime jurisdiction, and writs of mandamus,
    in cases warranted by the principle and usages of
    law, to any courts appointed, or persons holding
    office under the authority of the United States.
    . . .
  • A writ of mandamus orders an public official to
    carry out a ministerial duty.

Constitutional Interpretation
  • We now briefly revert back to social contract
  • A Hobbsian constitution would be short and
    sweet and unambiguous
  • We the people of the United States, in order
    insure domestic tranquility maintain a state of
    peace and provide for the common defense forget
    about a more perfect union, establishing justice,
    promoting the general welfare, and securing the
    blessings of liberty do hereby give up all of
    our natural liberty and rights and delegate them
    to an all-powerful central government, embodied
    in the person of George Washington, who
    accordingly has authority to exercise unlimited
    power (including naming his successor) in order
    to carry out these functions.
  • This constitution has the virtues of brevity,
    simplicity, and lack of ambiguity --- but few
    other virtues.

Constitutional Interpretation (cont.)
  • In contrast, a Lockean constitution tries to
    make lots of distinctions (in particular, between
    powers delegated to the government and powers
    denied to the government) and, as a result, has a
    lot of provisions that are open to differing
    reasonable interpretations.
  • Many of the provisions of such a constitution are
    ambiguous because
  • they are written in mere words,
  • the words may reflect compromises made by its
    framers, and
  • some issues were left open or unaddressed by its
    framers, e.g.,
  • unilateral succession by states, and
  • who has the final say in interpreting the meaning
    of ambiguous aspects of the Constitution.

Constitutional Interpretation (cont.)
  • For example Article 1, Section 8. The Congress
    shall have power . . . to regulate commerce . . .
    among the several states. . . . The Interstate
    Commerce clause
  • What does commerce include?
  • Just buying and selling goods? (or services?)
  • Transporting goods from where they are produced
    to market?
  • What happens in fields, mines, factories, etc.?
  • What does among the states (or interstate) mean?
  • For example, if commerce includes transportation,
    is it interstate only at the moment goods cross
    from one state to another?
  • What does regulate mean?
  • For example, does the power to regulate include
    the power to entirely prohibit certain goods in
    interstate commerce?

Constitutional Interpretation (cont.)
  • Who has the power to interpret such
    constitutional provisions?
  • Congress itself?
  • The British Parliament is the sole interpreter of
    its powers.
  • The states?
  • The doctrine of nullification (and massive
  • Special bodies?
  • The Council of Revision in the Virginia Plan
  • A special Constitutional Court (as in Germany
    and elsewhere)
  • The (ordinary) courts?

Judicial Review
  • The power of judicial review is the power of a
    court to interpret both the provisions of the
    Constitution and the provisions of a law and to
    declare the law unconsti-tutional and null and
    void if it judges the law to be incompatible with
    the Constitution.
  • No explicit language in the Constitution
  • gives federal courts the power of judicial
    review, and
  • no explicit language denies them this power).
  • The language of the supremacy clause does
    obligate state courts to exercise a power of
    judicial review.
  • This Constitution, and the laws of the United
    States which shall be made in pursuance thereof
    and all treaties made, or which shall be made,
    under the authority of the United States, shall
    be the supreme law of the land and the judges in
    every state shall be bound thereby, anything in
    the Constitution or laws of any State to the
    contrary notwithstanding.

Hamilton, Federalist 78
  • The judiciary will always be the least dangerous
    branch. The judiciary has neither FORCE nor
    WILL, but merely judgment and must ultimately
    depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for
    the efficacy of its judgments.
  • The complete independence of the courts is
    peculiarly essential in a limited Constitution, .
    . . which contains certain specified exceptions
    to the legislative authority such, for instance,
    as that it shall pass no bills of attainder, no
    ex-post-facto laws, and the like. Limitations of
    this kind can be preserved in practice no other
    way than through the medium of courts of justice,
    whose duty it must be to declare all acts
    contrary to the manifest tenor of the
    Constitution void. . . .
  • No legislative act contrary to the Constitution,
    can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm,
    that the deputy is greater than his principal
    that the servant is above his master that the
    representatives of the people are superior to the
    people themselves.
  • The power of judicial review does not by any
    means suppose a superiority of the judicial to
    the legislative power. It only supposes that the
    power of the people is superior to both and that
    where the will of the legislature, declared in
    its statutes, stands in opposition to that of the
    people, declared in the Constitution, the judges
    ought to be governed by the latter rather than
    the former.

These two portraits sit side-by-side in the
Supreme Courts Private Dining RoomMarbury
v. Madison
Marbury v. Madison
  • Marbury v. Madison (1803) was the first case in
    which the SC claimed and exercised a power of
    judicial review.
  • The immediate issue was of trivial significance
    (quite often true in landmark SC cases) and was
    embroiled in early party politics.
  • The Presidential election of 1800
  • Republican Thomas Jefferson defeated the
    incumbent Federalist John Adams.
  • The Republicans (actually the ancestor of todays
    Democratic Party) also took control of Congress
    from the Federalists.
  • But the lame duck Federalist Congress passed an
    amendment to the Judiciary Act, creating a lot of
    new judicial positions, which were filled at the
    last minute by Federalist appointees.
  • William Marbury received such a midnight
    appointment to a minor judicial post in the new
    District of Columbia.
  • His commission was signed by President Adams and
    sealed by the Secretary of State but, by
    oversight, not delivered to Marbury by
    Presidential inauguration day.
  • The new Secretary of State, James Madison, did
    not correct this oversight.

Marbury v. Madison (cont.)
  • Marbury sued Madison in the Supreme Court, asking
    the Court to issue a writ of mandamus ordering
    Madison to deliver the commission.
  • The SC (and the federal judiciary as a whole) was
    of course dominated by Federalist appointees.
  • It had a new Chief Justice, John Marshall,
    himself a midnight appointee who had been Adams
    Secretary of State.
  • Marshall did not recuse himself from the case.
  • Marshall (like other Federalists) was suspicious
    of the Jeffersonian Republicans and might have
    liked to get even by issuing the writ.
  • But he feared a writ would be ignored or defied,
    revealing the weakness of the SC and setting a
    bad precedent for the legitimate authority of the
    courts (the last bastions of Federalist authority
    of the national level).

Marbury v. Madison (cont.)
  • Marshalls opinion
  • Has the applicant a right to the commission?
  • Yes, it is being illegally withheld.
  • Has the applicant a legal remedy for this wrong?
  • Yes, a writ of mandamus can properly be directed
    against a public official who fails to carry out
    a ministerial duty.
  • Is the applicant entitled to the particular
    remedy for which he applies?
  • No, the SC does not have the power to issue such
    a writ.
  • But why not? The Judiciary Act explicitly gives
    the SC that power.
  • Because the Judiciary Act is in that respect

Marbury v. Madison (cont.)
  • Why is the Judiciary Act unconstitutional?
  • The judicial power of the U.S. extends to all
    cases that arise under U.S. law.
  • But the Constitution distributes this judicial
    power in two ways
  • between the SC and inferior courts, and
  • between original and appellate jurisdiction.
  • The Constitution gives the SC original
    jurisdiction over a few types of cases and
    Marshall says Congress can neither restrict or
    expand this original jurisdiction.
  • By giving the SC itself the power to issue writs
    of mandamus Congress tried (unconstitutionally)
    to expand the SCs original jurisdiction.
  • So while Marbury has a valid grievance, he needs
    to go elsewhere (e.g., to a Federal District
    Court) for the remedy.
  • Marbury never did this and never got his

Marbury v. Madison (cont.)
  • The was a very clever and convenient argument.
  • It repeatedly affirms that the (Republican
    controlled) Executive Branch is in the wrong.
  • It does this without actually testing the power
    of the SC to issue the writ and have it obeyed.
  • In the immediate case, the SC made a
    self-restrained decision in that the SC denied
    itself a power that Congress had tried to give
  • But in the long term the SC was claiming (and
    exercising in a minor way) the far more sweeping
    power of judicial review
  • that is not explicit in the Constitution, and
  • that it could exercise in the future in far more
    important cases.

Marbury v. Madison (cont.)
  • Marshalls general argument about whether the
    power of judicial review is implied by the
    Constitution is generally cogent and reasonable.
  • Remember that Alexander Hamilton made a similar
    argument in Federalist 78.
  • And most delegates at the constitutional
    convention evidently assumed courts would have
    this power.
  • However, his specific examples focus on easy
    cases where the Constitution is exceptionally
  • no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported
    from any state
  • no bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall
    be passed
  • no person shall be convicted of treason unless on
    the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt
    act, or on confession in open court.
  • He emphasizes that judges take an oath to uphold
    the Constitution.
  • But he does not note that members of Congress who
    passed the Judiciary Act (and all other
    officials) take an identical oath.
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