Black Bear Encounter Safety Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Black Bear Encounter Safety Policy


Black Bear Encounter Safety Policy Ministry of Natural Resources Scope All MNR employees who may be required to work in field locations known to be black bear habitat ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Black Bear Encounter Safety Policy

Black Bear Encounter Safety Policy
  • Ministry of Natural Resources

  • MNR undertakes a variety of operations that
    involve employees working in black bear habitat,
    occasionally this may result in an encounter
  • Objective To provide an overview of the policy
    and ensure that you understand all of your
    responsibilities as related to policy

  • All MNR employees who may be required to work in
    field locations known to be black bear habitat
  • All contractors
  • Any MNR employee responsible for storage and/or
    transportation of Ministry issued bear spray
  • Policy can be located in Outlook under public
    folders-Natural Resources-HealthSafety

  • To ensure individuals to whom this policy applies
    are aware of the ways to prevent and respond to a
    black bear encounter
  • Policy does not govern nuisance bear management
  • Will provide a means for employees to request
    bear spray and address the hazards associated
    with its use
  • Requirements under OHSA and Criminal Code of
    Canada (prohibited weapons)

Training Standard
  • All staff must receive training or instruction in
    black bear awareness and encounter techniques and
    review material in Appendix one of policy, before
    working in field
  • Will view two videos
  • Staying Safe in Bear Country
  • Working in Bear Country
  • Appendix two, specific training in bear spray
    safe work procedures, must be completed if spray
    is issued/responsible for storage or transport

Mandatory Requirements
  • Records of training must be kept on file at the
    workplace and made available to JHSC
  • A supervisor may only grant an employees request
    for bear spray if
  • 1.The individual received training per
    appendix one
  • 2. The individual received training
    per appendix two
  • 3. If the individual has a medical
    condition ( allergy, asthma) a
    clearance/approval must be obtained from a

Mandatory Requirements
  • Bear spray canisters are to be a maximum size of
    260 grams and must display a pesticide control
    product act registration
  • A bear spray inventory form must be filled out
    and kept on file for all bear spray being issued
  • Any lost canisters of spray are to be reported to
    supervisor and issuer
  • All employees must carry a whistle, air-horn or
    both while engaged in field activities

Mandatory Requirements
  • If issued bear spray an employee must
  • 1. Store in a locked cabinet or other secure
    place when not in field
  • 2. Transport in a vehicle in such a way that
    accidental discharge will not effect occupants
    (not in passenger compartment)
  • 3. Not transport in aircraft (MNR/Commercial).
    Turbo Beaver float compartments only
  • 4. In field carry in manner that provides
    immediate access
  • 5. Ensure it is not shared or available to
    anyone not properly trained or instructed
  • 6. Return any discharged or partially discharged
    canister for replacement

Mandatory Requirements
  • All issued spray remains property of the MNR, and
    must be returned
  • 1. At the end of the field session
  • 2. When their employment with MNR ends
  • 3. Following accidental or intentional
    discharge for replacement
  • 4. Upon request from the MNR
  • Any instances of discharge (except training),
    must be documented and reported to
  • 1. The Supervisor
  • 2. The local JHSC
  • 3. The Occupational Health and Safety Unit in
    the HR Branch

Mandatory Requirements
  • If transporting an air-horn by aircraft, three
    conditions must be followed
  • 1. The air-horn must contain
    tetrafluorethane, so that it will
  • not fall under dangerous goods (IATA
    legislation )
  • 2. It must be disassembled, and a cover
    placed on the canister valve
  • 3. The pilot must be advised of the presence
    of the air-horn
  • Where the ministry has contracted for services of
    another employer, confirmation must be obtained
    from the contractor that they are aware of the

  • Managers
  • 1. Review work activities to determine policy
  • 2. Ensure mandatory requirements are implemented
    in local operating procedures
  • 3. Provide the local JHSC or Health and Safety
    Rep with a copy of the policy
  • Supervisors
  • 1. Ensure employees have all required
  • 2. Confirm employees are complying with bear
    safety working procedures
  • 3. Ensure all records ( training, storing and
    issuing ) are maintained
  • 4. Account for all bear spray in the workplace
  • 5. Review all reports of bear spray use, conduct
    investigation if required, report any cases to
    Occupational Health and Safety Unit and local

  • Employees/Workers
  • 1. Works in compliance to the policy, training
    and instruction provided and uses issued spray
    only in accordance to Ministry instructions
  • 2. Does not use bear spray that appears to be
    defective or unsafe, notifies supervisor of such
  • 3. Reports any black bear encounter where
    employee felt threatened, and reports any use of
    bear spray (accidental or intentional)
  • JHSC or Health and Safety Rep
  • 1. Monitors the application of policy as part or
    regular committee duties

Black Bear Awareness and Encounter Techniques
  • Hazards and Situations
  • 1. Activities that require frequent
    stooping/bending, increase chance of a surprise
    encounter. Stand up and scan often
  • 2. Working in thick bush or under noisy
    conditions (windy, rivers)
  • 3. Seasonal food sources ( spawning, various
    berries, dumps). Also the smell of rotting
    carrion. ( a presence of scavengers, ie. Ravens
    may indicate a rotting carcass)
  • 4. Fresh Bear sign, ( moist vs. older dry sign )
    learn to recognize, scat, tracks, recent
    digging, recent feeding areas, marking
  • 5. Females with cubs, especially in the spring (
    unwilling to move ). Will usually send cubs up a
    large tree making a distinct sound
  • 6. A close encounter with cubs may result in
    vocalizing, huffing, moaning or jaw popping or a
    bluff charge
  • 7. Dogs are not advised
  • 8. Base sites or camps often attract bears, take
    appropriate actions before bear activity starts

Preventative Measures
  • Stay alert, pay attention, take advantage of
    increased lines of sight ( ridge tops )
  • Making frequent noise when moving may limit the
    chance of startling a bear
  • Avoid wearing perfumes/colognes that may cause a
    bear to investigate the smell
  • If carrying food, ensure it is in an airtight
  • Avoid carcasses, if you do come on one, walk
    slowly away in a direction that is open
  • If you see a bear, move away in a direction that
    gives the bear an escape route.

Preventative Measures
  • Bears will travel over 100kms to a food source
  • The majority of problems occur due to improperly
    stored garbage/food, bears can quickly associate
    humans to food sources
  • Bears will lose their natural fear of humans with
    repeated exposures to a food source and may
    become destructive or dangerous
  • Never intentionally feed bears, even from a
  • Besides garbage dumps, pet food left outdoors,
    compost, fruit trees, beehives, bbq, bird
    feeders, sweetcorn and grain fields may attract

Preventative Measures
  • Avoid camp areas often used by others
  • Plan your camp to reduce the likelihood of
    setting up near abundant natural food sources
  • Select a site that is open and provides good
    viewing prior to stepping out of
  • Keep site clean, dont burn food scraps or fat in
    fire pit
  • Do not cook, eat or store food/toiletries in your
  • If bears become aggressive and enter
    tent/trailers, think about installing electrical

Encounter Techniques-Common Encounter
  • A bear may avoid you without your knowledge, the
    bear will sense human activity and leave without
    you knowing it was present
  • If sighted from a distance the bear may leave the
  • The bear runs in the opposite direction when it
    first sees you, the bear wants to avoid human
  • If a bear seems unconcerned with your presence it
    usually means you are outside its personal space.
    The bear may be feeding, do not approach

Encounter Techniques-Close Encounter
  • A bear that does not avoid you could be curious,
    asserting dominance or in extremely rare cases be
  • Surprise- most encounters that lead to contact
    are caused by the bear being startled at close
  • A bears personal space differs from bear to bear
  • A bear will show signs when you are entering its
    personal space (a change in body posture such as
    head down, eyes narrowed or ears back). This may
    lead to snorting or huffing, jaw popping,
    avoiding eye contact, swatting vegetation, foot
    stomping and finally a bluff charge

Reasons why a bear will approach
  • Defensive- you are too close, the bear will show
    signs of stress
  • Curious- bear may stand, ears forward, nose in
    air, information gathering not threatening
  • Testing Dominance- bear may glance your way with
    ears up and no stress signs
  • Food Conditioned-has associated humans to a food
    source without any previous bad experiences
  • Predatory-eyes fixed, following you, may press
    closer and closer assessing if it is safe to
    attack. This is extremely rare

Your Response
  • Depends on circumstances and bear behaviour
  • If acting defensively, assess and respond
  • Remain calm, stand your ground, do not run. Raise
    your arms and talk to bear in calm voice. You are
    assuring the bear you are not a threat
  • Try to slowly move upwind and back away from the
    bear the way you came, always keep your eyes on
    the bear
  • You cannot outrun a bear

Your Response
  • If you must continue forward give the bear time
    to leave. Make noise and proceed with caution.
  • A female with cubs does not want to risk any
    injury to her offspring, give lots of personal
  • Predatory like behaviour may just mean you are in
    the intended path of the bear, move slowly away
    leaving a clear path for the bear
  • If you have responded accordingly and the bear is
    still intent and focused on you, its time to
    become aggressive

Becoming Aggressive
  • Make yourself appear as large as possible
  • Stand on high ground
  • Raise your arms high
  • Shout aggressively
  • Utilize a whistle or air-horn
  • Use a shovel or stick whatever is available in
    an aggressive manner
  • You want the bear to think it may become injured
    if it persists
  • The bear cannot think you are prey by acting
    subordinate, you must act as if you are
    dominant to the bear

Becoming Aggressive
  • If a black bear attacks (defensive or predatory),
    for whatever reason your response is the same
  • DO NOT PLAY DEAD (disregard advice from video
    staying safe in bear country)
  • Fighting is your best chance to end the attack
  • Fight back with everything you have
  • Strike at face and eyes, use whatever you can,
    rock, stick, pen etc.
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