CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 18-19 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 18-19


Lec 18-19 Directory-Based Shared-Memory Multiprocessors & MP Synchronization Larry Wittie Computer Science, StonyBrook University http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~cse502 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 18-19

CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec
18-19 Directory-Based Shared-Memory
Multiprocessors MP Synchronization
  • Larry Wittie
  • Computer Science, StonyBrook University
  • http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/cse502 and lw
  • Slides adapted from David Patterson, UC-Berkeley

Review Assignment
  • Caches contain all information on state of cached
    memory blocks
  • Snooping cache over shared medium for smaller MP
    by invalidating other cached copies on write
  • Sharing cached data ? Coherence (values returned
    by a read), Consistency (when a written value
    will be returned by a read)
  • Reading Assignment Finish Chap. 4 MPs and start
    Chap 5 Memory Hierarchies.

  • Review
  • Directory-based protocols and examples
  • Synchronization
  • Relaxed Consistency Models
  • Fallacies and Pitfalls
  • Cautionary Tale
  • Conclusion

A Cache Coherent System Must
  • Provide set of states, state transition diagram,
    and actions
  • Manage coherence protocol
  • (0) Determine when to invoke coherence protocol
  • (a) Find info about state of block in other
    caches to determine action
  • whether need to communicate with other cached
  • (b) Locate the other copies
  • (c) Communicate with those copies
  • (0) is done the same way on all systems
  • state of the line is maintained in the cache
  • protocol is invoked if an access fault occurs
    on the line
  • Different approaches distinguished by (a) to (c)

Bus-based Coherence
  • All of (a), (b), (c) done through broadcast on
  • faulting processor sends out a search
  • others respond to the search probe and take
    necessary action
  • Could do it in scalable network too
  • broadcast to all processors, and let them respond
  • Conceptually simple, but broadcast does not scale
    with p
  • on bus, bus bandwidth does not scale
  • on scalable network, every fault leads to at
    least p network transactions
  • Scalable coherence
  • can have same cache states and state transition
  • different mechanisms to manage protocol

Scalable Approach Directories
  • Every memory block has associated directory
  • keeps track of copies of cached blocks and their
  • on a miss, find directory entry, look it up, and
    communicate only with the nodes that have copies
    if necessary
  • in scalable networks, communication with
    directory and copies is through network
  • Many alternatives for organizing directory

Basic Operation of Directory
k processors (or k snoopy nodes). With
each cache-block in memory k presence-bits, 1
dirty-bit With each cache-block in cache
1 valid bit, and 1 dirty (owner) bit
  • Read from main memory by processor i
  • If dirty-bit OFF then read from main memory
    turn pi ON
  • If dirty-bit ON then recall line from dirty
    proc (cache state to shared) update memory turn
    dirty-bit OFF turn pi ON supply recalled data
    to i
  • Write to main memory by processor i
  • If dirty-bit OFF then supply data to i send
    invalidations to all caches that have the block
    turn dirty-bit ON turn pi ON
  • If dirty-bit ON then recall line from dirty
    proc (cache state to invalid) update memory
    supply recalled data to i send invalidations to
    all caches that have the block leave dirty-bit
    ON turn pi ON

Directory Protocol
  • Similar to Snoopy Protocol Three states
  • Shared 1 processors have data, memory
  • Uncached only in memory no processor has it
  • not valid in any cache
  • Exclusive 1 processor (owner) has data in its
    cache or Dirty memory copy is out-of-date
  • In addition to cache state, directory must track
    which processors have data when in the shared
    state (usually bit vector, 1 if processor has
  • Keep it simple(r)
  • Writes to non-exclusive data (exclusive changes
    can be private) ? write miss
  • Processor blocks until access completes
  • Assume messages received and acted upon in order

Directory Protocol
  • No bus and do not want to broadcast across
  • shared interconnect no longer is a single
    arbitration point
  • all messages have explicit responses
  • Terms typically 3 processors involved
  • Local node where a request originates
  • Home node where the memory location of an
    address resides
  • Remote node has a copy of a cache block, whether
    exclusive or shared
  • In example messages on next slide P processor
    number, A address

Directory Protocol Messages (Fig 4.22)
  • Message type Source Destination Msg Content
  • Read miss Local cache Home directory P, A
  • Processor P reads data at address A make P a
    read sharer and request send data block to P
  • Write miss Local cache Home directory P, A
  • Processor P has a write miss at address A make
    P the exclusive owner and request old data for P
  • Invalidate Home directory Remote caches A
  • Invalidate a shared copy at address A
  • Fetch Home directory Remote owner cache A
  • Fetch the block at address A and send it to its
    home directorychange the state of A in the
    remote cache to shared
  • Fetch/Invalidate Home directory Remote owner
    cache A
  • Fetch the block at address A and send it to its
    home directory invalidate the block in the
    remote ex-owner cache
  • Data value reply Home directory Local cache
  • Return a data value from the home memory (read
    miss response)
  • Data write back Remote cache Home directory A,
  • Write back a data value for address A (invalidate
    or sharer response)

Implementing a Directory
  • We assume operations atomic, but they are not
    reality is much harder must avoid deadlock when
    run out of buffers in network (see Appendix E)
  • Optimizations to lessen network traffic, shorten
    latencies, or work by (bottleneck) directory PU
  • For read-miss or write-miss of Exclusive
    cacheblock send data directly to requestor from
    owner instead of owner sending to memory and then
    memory sending to requestor
  • For read-miss or write-miss of Exclusive
    cacheblock let directory send cacheblock owner
    id to requesting remote node and let requestor
    send message to owner to lessen work by directory
    (see next slide)
  • For write-miss of Shared ( non-modified) block
    let directory send cacheblock value and list of
    sharing nodes to requestor and let requestor send
    invalidate requests to all nodes with a
    cacheblock copy to lessen work by directory (see
    next slide)

Example Directory Protocol (1st Read)
Read pA
P1 pA
Dir ctrl


ld vA -gt rd pA pA is page for add A
Example Directory Protocol (Read Share)
P1 pA
Dir ctrl
P2 pA


ld vA -gt rd pA
ld vA -gt rd pA
Example Directory Protocol (Wr to shared)
D for dirty block, modified from memory copy
P1 pA
Dir ctrl
P2 pA


st vA -gt wr pA
Example Directory Protocol (Wr to Ex)
D for dirty block, modified from memory copy
P2 pA EX
Dir ctrl


st vA -gt wr pA
Basic Directory Transactions To Let Remote CPU Do
Much Coherency Work For Directory
A Popular Middle Ground
  • Two-level hierarchy
  • Individual nodes are multiprocessors, connected
  • e.g. mesh of SMPs
  • Coherence among nodes is directory-based
  • directory keeps track of nodes, not individual
  • Coherence within nodes is snooping (or directory)
  • orthogonal, but needs a good interface of
  • SMP on a chip support external directory snoop

  • Why Synchronize? Need to know when it is safe for
    different processes to use shared data (or code)
  • Issues for Synchronization
  • Need uninterruptable instruction to fetch and
    update memory (an atomic operation)
  • User level synchronization operation using this
  • For large scale MPs, synchronization can be a
    bottleneck need techniques to reduce system
    overhead from contention for same lock by several
    processors and the latency of synchronization

Uninterruptable Instructions to Fetch and Update
Memory Values Used as Locks
  • Atomic exchange interchange a value in a
    register for a value in memory
  • 0 ? synchronization variable is free
  • 1 ? synchronization variable is locked and
  • Set register to 1 swap
  • New value in register determines success in
    getting lock 0 if processor (PU) succeeded in
    setting the lock (PU was first) 1 if another
    processor had already claimed access
  • Key is that exchange operation is indivisible by
    other stores
  • Test-and-set sets(gt1) a lock value and tests
    prior lock value to see if PU has control of
    locked data (or code)
  • 0 gt synchronization variable was free, so now
    owned by this PU
  • 1 gt synchronization variable is owned
    (previously set) by another
  • Fetch-and-increment returns the prior value of a
    memory location atomically increments it in
  • Use to give PU unique pointer to job in a task

Uninterruptable Instruction Pair LL SC to Fetch
and Update Memory Atomically
  • Hard to have read write in 1 instruction use 2
  • Load linked (or load locked) store
  • Load linked (ll) returns the initial value
  • Store conditional returns 1 to new value reg if
    it succeeds (no other store to same memory
    location since preceding ll) and 0 otherwise.
  • Example doing atomic swap (exch) with LL SC
  • try mov R3,R4 put new exchange value in
    R3 ll R2,0(R1) load linked value from
    lockgtR2 sc R3,0(R1) store conditional if
    same, R3gtlock, 1gtR3 beqz R3,try retry if
    sc not store R3 value (so just 0gtR3) mov R4,R2
    put loaded prior lock value into R4
  • Example doing fetch increment with LL SC
  • try ll R2,0(R1) load linked value from
    lock ctrgtR2 addi R2,R2,1 increment by 1
    (OK, since fast if regreg) sc R2,0(R1)
    store conditional if same, ctr1gtctr, 1gtR3
    beqz R2,try retry if store failed (not
    store ctr1, 0gtR2)

User-Level Synchronization-Operation Using An
Atomic Exchange Primitive
  • Spin locks processor continuously tries to
    acquire lock, spinning around a loop trying to
    find the lock free (0)testset li R2,1 lockit
    exch R2,0(R1) atomic exchange bnez R2,lockit
    already locked?
  • What about MP (multiprocessor) with cache
  • To avoid latency of accessing main memory,
    should spin on cache copy
  • Processors are likely to get cache hits for often
    used lock variables
  • Problem exchange includes a write, which
    invalidates all other copies and generates
    considerable bus traffic
  • Solution start by simply repeatedly reading the
    variable when it changes, then try exchange
    (test and testset)
  • try li R2,1 lockit lw R3,0(R1) load
    var bnez R3,lockit ? 0 ? not free ?
    spin exch R2,0(R1) atomic exchange bnez R2,t
    ry already locked?

Another MP Issue Memory Consistency Models
  • What is consistency? When must a processor see
    the new value? e.g., the results of this code
    seem clear, but
  • P1 A 0 P2 B 0
  • B1 B A2 A
  • ..... .....
  • A 1 B 1
  • L1 if (B 0) ... L2 if (A 0) ...
  • Is it impossible for both L1 L2 if conditions
    to be true?
  • What if the write invalidate for A1 on P1 is
    delayed in reaching P2, but both P1 P2 continue
    on to execute their if statements L1 L2?
  • Memory consistency models What are rules if
    accesses to different shared values (e.g., A B)
    can cause errors?
  • (Safe) sequential consistency (SC) the result of
    any execution is the same as if all memory (read
    and write) accesses of each processor were kept
    in order and the accesses among different
    processors were interleaved in some order ? all
    assignments done before the ifs above.
  • SC delay all memory accesses until all caches
    complete all invalidates.

Relaxed Memory Consistency Models
  • Relaxed schemes run faster than always-safe
    sequential consistency
  • Not an issue for most parallel programs they are
  • A program is synchronized if all accesses to
    shared data are ordered by (slow) synchronization
    (locking, mutual exclusion) operations.
  • acquire (s) lock ...
  • write (x) ... release (s) unlock ...
  • ... acquire (s) lock ... read(x)
  • ... release (s) unlock
  • Only those fast programs willing to be
    nondeterministic outcome f(processors
    speeds) are not synchronized gt data races
  • There are several Relaxed Models for Memory
    Consistency since most parallel programs are
    synchronized characterized by their attitude
    towards RAR, WAR, RAW, WAW to different

Relaxed Consistency Models The Basics
  • Key idea allow most reads and writes to complete
    out of order, but add synchronization operations
    to enforce ordering for critical accesses to
    distinct shared variables, so the partially
    synchronized program behaves as if its processors
    were sequentially consistent
  • By relaxing orderings, may obtain performance
    advantages (codes run faster).
  • Also specifies range of legal compiler
    optimizations on shared data
  • Unless synchronization points are clearly defined
    and programs are synchronized, compiler could not
    interchange read/write pairs for two shared data
    items (AB) because re-ordering
    (rwA,rwBgtrwB,rwA) might affect the results of
    the program
  • There are three major sets of (from less to more)
    relaxed orderings
  • Relax W?R ordering (gt not all writes completed
    before next read)
  • Because it retains ordering among writes, many
    programs that assume sequential consistency
    operate well under this model, without additional
    synchronization. Called processor consistency or
    Total Store Order
  • Relax W ? W ordering (not all writes completed
    before next write)
  • Relax R ? W and R ? R orders (many models with
    different ordering restrictions rules for
    synchronization to enforce critical ordering)
  • Many complexities in relaxed consistency models
    defining precisely what it means for a write to
    complete deciding when each processor can see
    the values that it has written.

Observation By Mark Hill
  • Instead, can use speculation to avoid long access
    latencies of strict consistency models
  • If processor receives an invalidation for a
    memory reference before code involving it is
    committed, the processor uses speculation
    recovery to back out of its computation and
    restart with the invalidated memory reference
    (i.e., fetch the new value and recalculate).
  • Aggressive implementation of SC (sequential
    consistency) or PC (processor consist.) has most
    advantages of more relaxed models
  • Optimistic SC implementation adds little to the
    hardware costs of a speculative processor
  • Speculation allows the programmer to build fast
    codes using the more easily understood, but
    normally slower SC PC models

Cross Cutting Issues Performance Measurement of
Parallel Processors
  • Performance how well scale as increase Procs
  • Speedup fixed as well as scaleup of problem
  • Assume benchmark of size np on p processors makes
    sense how scale benchmark to nmp to run on m p
  • Memory-constrained scaling keeping the amount of
    memory used per processor constant
  • Time-constrained scaling keeping total execution
    time, assuming perfect speedup, constant
  • Example if 1 hour on 10 P, time O(n3), what if
    100 P?
  • Time-constrained scaling 1 hour ? 101/3n ? 2.15n
    scale up
  • Memory-constrained scaling 10n size ? 103/10 ?
    100X or 100 hours! 10X processors for 100X
  • Need to know application well to scale
    iterations, error tolerance

Fallacy Amdahls Law does not apply to parallel
  • Since some part linear, cannot go above 100X?
  • 1987 claim to break it, since 1000X speedup for
  • researchers scaled the benchmark to have a data
    set size that was 1000 times larger and compared
    the uniprocessor and parallel execution times for
    the scaled benchmark. For this particular
    algorithm the sequential portion of the program
    was constant independent of the size of the
    input, and the rest was fully parallelhence,
    linear speedup with 1000 processors
  • True speedup contests (the Gordon Bell prize) do
    not increase the data size as number of
    processors (PUs) increases they also include
    data input times (time to distribute data from
    single disk to all PUs memories).

Fallacy Linear speedups are needed to make
multiprocessors cost-effective
  • Mark Hill David Wood 1995 study
  • Compare costs of SGI uniprocessor and MP systems
  • Uniprocessor 38,400 100 MB
  • MP 81,600 20,000 P 100 MB
  • 1 GB RAM gt Uni 138k vs. MP (181k/P 20k)
  • What speedup for better MP cost performance? (if
  • 8 proc 341k 341k/138k ?2.5X cost, 31 linear
  • 16 proc ? need only 3.6X cost, or 23 linear
  • Even if need some more memory for MP, memory size
    does not need to increase linearly with P

Fallacy Scalability is almost free
  • build scalability into a multiprocessor and then
    simply offer the multiprocessor at any point on
    the scale from a small number of processors to a
    large number False, all systems have
  • Cray T3E scales to 2048 CPUs vs. 4 CPU Alpha
  • At 128 CPUs, it delivers a peak bisection BW of
    38.4 GB/s, or 300 MB/s per CPU (uses Alpha
  • Compaq Alphaserver ES40 up to 4 CPUs and has 5.6
    GB/s of interconnect BW, or 1400 MB/s per CPU
  • Building apps that scale requires significantly
    more attention to load balance, locality,
    potential contention, and serial (or partly
    parallel) portions of program. Speedup of 10X is
    very hard to achieve.

Pitfall Not developing SW to take advantage (or
optimize for) multiprocessor architecture
  • SGI OS protects the page table data structure
    with a single lock, assuming that page allocation
    is infrequent
  • Suppose a program uses a large number of pages
    that are initialized at start-up
  • Program parallelized so that multiple processes
    allocate the pages
  • But page allocation requires lock of page table
    data structure, so even an OS kernel that allows
    multiple threads will be serialized at
    initialization (even if separate processes)

Answers to 1995 Questions about Parallelism
  • In the 1995 edition of this text, we concluded
    the chapter with a discussion of two then current
    controversial issues.
  • What architecture would very large scale,
    microprocessor-based multiprocessors use?
  • What was the role for multiprocessing in the
    future of microprocessor architecture?
  • Answer 1. Large scale multiprocessors did not
    become a major and growing market ? clusters of
    single microprocessors or moderate SMPs
  • Answer 2. Astonishingly clear. For at least for
    the next 5 years, future MPU performance comes
    from the exploitation of TLP through multicore
    processors vs. exploiting more ILP

Cautionary Tale
  • Key to success of birth and development of ILP in
    1980s and 1990s was software in the form of
    optimizing compilers that could exploit ILP
  • Similarly, successful exploitation of TLP will
    depend as much on the development of suitable
    software systems as it will on the contributions
    of computer architects
  • Given the slow progress on parallel software in
    the past 30 years, it is likely that exploiting
    TLP broadly will remain challenging for years to

And in Conclusion
  • Snooping and Directory Protocols are similar bus
    makes snooping easier because of broadcast
    (snooping ? uniform memory access)
  • Directory has extra data structure to keep track
    of state of all cache blocks
  • Distributing directory ? scalable shared
    address multiprocessor ? Cache coherent, Non
    uniform memory access
  • MPs are highly effective for multiprogrammed
  • MPs proved effective for CPU-intensive commercial
    workloads, such as OLTP (OnLine Transaction
    Processing, assuming enough I/O to be
    CPU-limited), DSS applications (Data Storage
    Server, where query optimization is critical),
    and large-scale, web searching applications

Unused Slides 2009
State Transition Diagram for One Cache Block in
Directory Based System
  • States identical to snoopy case transactions
    very similar
  • Transitions caused by read misses, write misses,
    invalidates, data fetch requests
  • Generates read miss write miss message to home
  • Write misses that were broadcast on the bus for
    snooping ? explicit invalidate data fetch
  • Note on a write, a cache block is bigger, so
    need to read the full cache block

CPU -Cache State Machine
CPU Read hit
  • State machinefor CPU requestsfor each memory
  • Invalid state if only in memory or other remote

Shared (read/only)
CPU Read
Send Read Miss message
CPU read miss Send Read Miss
CPU Write Send Write Miss msg to homedirectory
CPU Write Send Write Miss message to home
Fetch/Invalidate Send Data Write Back message to
home directory
Fetch send Data Write Back message to home
CPU read miss gt replace send Data Write Back
message and Read miss to home directory
Exclusive (read/write)
CPU read hit CPU write hit
CPU write miss gt replace send Data Write Back
message and Write Miss to home directory
State Transition Diagram for Directory
  • Same states structure as the transition diagram
    for an individual cache
  • Two actions update of directory state send
    messages to satisfy requests
  • Tracks all copies of memory block
  • Also indicates an action that updates the sharing
    set, Sharers, as well as sending a message

Directory State Machine
Read miss Sharers P send Data Value Reply
  • State machinefor Directory requests for each
    memory block
  • Uncached stateif in memory

Read miss Sharers P send Data Value Reply
Shared (read only)
Write Miss Sharers P send Data Value
Reply msg
Write Miss send Invalidate to Sharers then
Sharers P send Data Value Reply msg
Data Write Back Sharers (Write back block)
Write Miss Sharers P send
Fetch/Invalidate send Data Value Reply msg to
remote cache
Read miss Sharers P send Fetch send Data
Value Reply msg to remote cache (Write back block)
Dirty Exclusive (read/write)
Example Directory Protocol
  • Message sent to directory causes two actions
  • Update the directory
  • More messages to satisfy request
  • Block is in Uncached state the copy in memory is
    the current value only possible requests for
    that block are
  • Read miss requesting processor sent data from
    memory requestor is made only sharing node
    state of block made Shared.
  • Write miss requesting processor is sent the
    value becomes the only Sharing node. The block
    is made Exclusive to indicate that the only valid
    copy is in the remote cache. Sharers indicates
    the identity of the owner.
  • Block is Shared ? the memory value is up-to-date
  • Read miss requesting processor is sent back the
    data from memory requesting processor is added
    to the sharing set.
  • Write miss requesting processor is sent the
    value. All processors in the set Sharers are sent
    invalidate messages, and Sharers vector is set to
    identity of requesting processor. The state of
    the block is made Exclusive.

Example Directory Protocol
  • Block is Exclusive current value of the block is
    held in the cache of the processor identified by
    the set Sharers (the owner) ? three possible
    directory requests
  • Read miss owner processor sent data fetch
    message, causing state of block in owners cache
    to transition to Shared and causes owner to send
    data to directory, where it is written to memory
    sent back to requesting processor. Identity of
    requesting processor is added to set Sharers,
    which still contains the identity of the
    processor that was the owner (since it still has
    a readable copy). State is shared.
  • Data write-back owner processor is replacing the
    block and hence must write it back, making memory
    copy up-to-date (the home directory essentially
    becomes the owner), the block is now Uncached,
    and the Sharer set is empty.
  • Write miss block has a new owner. A message is
    sent to old owner causing the cache to send the
    value of the block to the directory from which it
    is sent to the requesting processor, which
    becomes the new owner. Sharers is set to identity
    of new owner, and state of block is made

Processor 1
Processor 2
P2 Write 20 to A1
A1 and A2 map to the same cache block position
(but different memory block addresses A1 ? A2)
Processor 1
Processor 2
P2 Write 20 to A1
A1 and A2 map to the same cache block position
(but different memory block addresses A1 ? A2)
Processor 1
Processor 2
P2 Write 20 to A1
A1 and A2 map to the same cache block position
(but different memory block addresses A1 ? A2)
Processor 1
Processor 2
P2 Write 20 to A1
Write Back since node(s) with shared cacheblock
cannot pick one cache to send block copy to a
new cache Read-Missing the block, so memory must
A1 and A2 map to the same cache block position
(but different memory block addresses A1 ? A2)
Processor 1
Processor 2
P2 Write 20 to A1
A1 and A2 map to the same cache block position
(but different memory block addresses A1 ? A2)
Processor 1
Processor 2
P2 Write 20 to A1
A1 and A2 map to the same cache block position
(but different memory block addresses A1 ? A2)
Computers in the News
  • Core new microarchitecture last Pentium 4
  • Wide Dynamic Execution 4 issue Combine 2
    simple instructions into 1 powerful
  • Advanced Digital Media Boost All SSE
    instructions 1 clock cycle
  • Smart Memory Access lets one core control the
    whole cache when the other core is idle, and
    governs how the same data can be shared by both
  • Intelligent Power Capability shut down unneeded
    portions of chip
  • 80 more performance, 40 less power
  • 4 core chips in 2007 (2 copies of dual core?)
  • CTO "Intel is taking a conservative approach
    that focuses on single-thread performance. You
    won't see mediocre thread performance just for
    the sake of getting multiple cores on a die.
  • CTO urged software companies to support multicore
    designs with software that can efficiently divide
    tasks among multiple execution threads. "It's
    really time to get onboard the multithreaded
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