Title: Integrating Service Learning in a Technical Writing Course
1Integrating Service Learning in a Technical
Writing Course
- Joy Sterrantino
- English Department
- University of TX _at_ Arlington
- jsterrantino_at_uta.edu
2Technical Writing Class Goals
- Teach the principles
- Teach the techniques
- Teach the context
- Teach the application
3Technical Writing Class Goals
"What we have to learn to do, we learn by
doing. -Aristotle
4Teaching the Application
Teaching the Application
- We can either
- Teach principles first,
- then apply them to a project.
5Teaching the Application
Teaching the Application
- then teach the principles
- needed to complete it.
6How to Build the Framework
Using Michael Brittains Five Easy Steps to
Integrate Service Learning Step 1 Identify a
Theme Step 2 Design a Service Learning
Assignment Step 3 Identify Specific Learning
Tasks Step 4 Create Student Learning Outcomes
Based on Tasks Step 5 Find an Appropriate Means
of Assessment
7Integrating Service Learning in a Technical
Writing Course
- Joy Sterrantino
- English Department
- University of TX _at_ Arlington
- jsterrantino_at_uta.edu