Title: General Pathology
1General Pathology
- Circulation
- Disorders - I
- Heart FailureManifestations Causes
Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. ,1st Med.
Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague
2Manifestations of Circulatory Failure
- in the heart
- outside heart
3Manifestations of Circulatory Failure
- in the heart
- acute failure - dilation
- chronic insuficiency - hypertrophy
- concentric,
excentric -
- outside heart
4Manifestations of Circulatory Failure outside
- Acute
- capilarovenous congestion
- acute venostasis
- cyanosis (5g of red. hemoglobin!)
- cardial hydrops edema
- Chronic
- cyanotic induration (spleen, liver, kidney)
- red induration
(lung) - venostatic catarrh
- vessels hypertrophy
- cardial hydrops edema
5Cardiac Failure
- venous pressure
- capillary pressure
- cardiac output
- arterial volume ADH
- renin
- Na H2O retention
- plasma volume
- transudation
6Hypertrophic Heart
- mechanic and paracrine stimuli
- changed geometry concentric excentric
hypertrophy - decreased capillary myocytes ratio
- myocytes interstitial tissue composition
changes - fetal proteins synthesis beta myosin
- early genes induction c-myc, c-fos, c-jun
- decreased beta- adrenergic receptors
- increased oxygen consumption
7Causes of Circulatory Failure (1)
- in the heart
- endocardium (malformations, fibroelastosis)
- myocardium (cardiomyopaties,infl
ammations, hypoxia, tumor, trauma) - pericardium
- (inflammations, synechiae, tumors,
hemopericardium) - neurological reflex (syncopa)
- in pulmonary circulation
- in body circulation (cont.)
8Causes of Circulatory Failure (1)
- in the heart
- endocardium
- myocardium
- pericardium
- neurological reflex (syncope)
- pressure changes
- in pulmonary circulation
- in body circulation
- hypertension
- hypotension shock, collapse
Def. specific (non ischaemic, non inflammatory)
heart muscle disease leading to heart failure
- hypertrophic (obstructive)
- dilated (congestive)
- restrictive (obliterative)
10Causes of Circulatory Failure (2)
- in pulmonary circulation
- acute pulmonary hypertension
(pneumonia, pleuritis, embolism) - chronic pulmonary hypertension (emphysema,
fibrotising processses) - COR PULMONALE acutum seu chronicum
- in body circulation
- (cont.)
11Causes of Circulatory Failure (3)
- in body circulation
- hypertension
- essencial
- renal
- endocrine
- changed blood composition (cont.)
12Causes of Circulatory Failure (4)
- changed blood composition
- anaemia
- plethora
- oligemia
- hyperphydremia
- anhydria (exsicosis)
- hyperproteinemia
- hypoproteinemia
- Def.
- hypoperfusion of cells and tissues due to
decrease of effective circulating volume
14Shock - pathogenesis
- decreased amount of blood
- decreased cardiac output
- redistribution of blood
15Shock - types causes
- cardiogenic
- hypovolemic (hemorrhage, fluid loss
burns, vomiting) - septic (bacterial infections
- G- endotoxic, G septicemia)
- neurogenic (anesthesia,spinal cord injury)
16Shock - stages
- early (non progressive - reversible)
- progressive cell derangement
- irreversible cell death
17Shock - morphology
- ischaemic encephalopathy
- shock lung
- shock kidney
- adrenal hypolipoidosis
- liver centroacinar necroses
- pancreas focal necroses
- Def.
- temporary disproportion of the blood vessels
volume due to vasodilation (heat, psychogenic
stimuli) - mostly self limited, can proceed to shock