Title: Security in Skype
1Security in Skype
2What is Skype?
- P2P based VOIP software
- Service
- PC to PC communication
- PC to phone communication
- Text/Voice message
- Etc
3Skype Architecture
- Central Skype authentication server is for
registration and certification distribution
Skype Architecture Normal peers, super nodes,
and centralized Skype server Super node perform
the somewhat limited functions of connecting
nodes together, providing a distributed database
and choosing appropriate nodes to act as "relay
nodes" when necessary.
4Skype Security Services
- Everything is encrypted in Skype communication,
including protocol message headers - Voice data is encrypted with AES
- Provides
- Confidentiality
- User authentication
5Security Phases
- User registration
- - Register username at Skype server
- User login
- - Get the one time public key for the user
certified by Skype Server - User to User authentication
- User to User communication key establishment
- Session cryptography
6User Registration
- User selects a unique username (over the Skype
domain) and a password - Sends username and SHA -1 hash of password to the
Skype Login Server, encrypted with the public key
of the Skype Server - Skype server extracts username, hash of password
using its private key - Public Key of Skype Server known to client during
Skype installation
7User Registration
1. Ks ( Username, H(pwd) )
Skype Server
2. Ks-(Ks ( Username, H(pwd) )) ? Username,
H(pwd) Finally, H(H(pwd)) is stored in Skypes
- Username unique over Skypes domain
- Ks public key for Skype Server
- Ks- private key for Skype Server
- H() SHA -1
- H(pwd) stored securely in the client
8Security Phases
- User registration
- - Register username at Skype server
- User login
- - Get the one time public key for the user
certified by Skype Server - User to User authentication
- User to User communication key establishment
- Session cryptography
9User Login
- User (lets say Alice here) generates 1024-bits
public and private key pair (KA, KA-)? One time
key pair for the user for this login session - User generates 256-bits AES symmetric key (K)
- Encrypts KA, username and SHA-1 hash of password
using K. - Encrypts K using public key of Skype Server
10User Login
- Encrypted KA, username and password hash and
encrypted session key K are sent to the Skype
Server - Login Server extracts K using its private key and
decrypts username, password hash and KA using K. - If username and password hash match, user is
authenticated. Skype Server signs username and
KA pair to give certificate (CA). - CA sent to user
11User Login
3. Ks (K), K (KA, Username, H(pwd) )
8. CA
Skype Server
- 4. Ks-(Ks (K)) ? K
- K(K(KA, Username, H(pwd))) ? KA, Username,
H(pwd) - Verify Username and H(pwd)
- Ks-(Username, KA) ? CA
- Generate one-time key pair (KA, KA-) and K
- 2. Store KA- securely
12Security Phases
- User registration
- - Register username at Skype server
- User login
- - Get the one time public key for the user
certified by Skype Server - User to User authentication
- User to User communication key establishment
- Session cryptography
13User-to-User Authentication
- Users Alice (A) and Bob (B) want to authenticate
and communicate to each other - Users get each others certificates
- Alice sends Bob her certificate (that she
obtained from Skype Server) and vice-versa - 3. Each uses 8 bytes challenge-response method
to authenticate each other
14User-to-User Authentication
1. R1 (8 bytes)
2. KB- (R1)
3. KB(KB- (R1)) R1
4. KA- (R1)
5. KA(KA- (R1)) R1
6. OK
15Security Phases
- User registration
- - Register username at Skype server
- User login
- - Get the one time public key for the user
certified by Skype Server - User to User authentication
- User to User communication key establishment
- Session cryptography
16Encrypted P2P Communication
- After mutual authentication, Alice and Bob
establish a 256-bits common session key Ks (AES)
for encryption - Each side contributes 128-bits for the 256-bits
long Ks - Each side sends its contribution to the other
side, encrypted with the latters public key - Two 128-bits contributions combined in some way
to generate the 256-bits secret session key Ks - All traffic (voice, video and text) is encrypted
17 Encrypted P2P Communication
KB(K1, n1)
KA(K2, n2)
- KB-(KB(K1, n1)) ? K1, n1
- K1 K2 ? Ks
- n1 n2 ? n
- KA-(KA(K2, n2)) ? K2, n2
- K1 K2 ? Ks
- n1 n2 ? n
18Security Phases
- User registration
- - Register username at Skype server
- User login
- - Get the one time public key for the user
certified by Skype Server - User to User authentication
- User to User communication key establishment
- Session cryptography
19Session cryptography
- All traffic in a session is encrypted using the
AES algorithm running in Integer Counter
- Some part of Skype security protocol has been
deciphered - Skype uses standard cryptographic techniques
- SHA-1