Title: Introducing new medical technologies and techniques into patient care
1 Introducing new medical technologies and
techniques into patient care
- Bruce Campbell
- Chair, NICE Interventional Procedures and Medical
Technologies Advisory Committees - Royal College of Surgeons of England
- 12th October, 2011
2NICE Guidance
- Technology Appraisals - Clinical and cost
effectiveness - Clinical Guidelines - Managing specific
conditions -
- Link to Quality Standards - Interventional Procedures - Safety and efficacy
Not cost - Public Health
- Medical Technologies device/diagnostic adoption
- Diagnostics
3Aims of IP recommendationsSafety and efficacy of
- Patients
- Protect patients from harm
- Access to potentially beneficial treatments
- Clinicians
- Training, expertise, teams, facilities
- When uncertain
- More evidence through research/registers
4Interventional Procedures Guidance on safety and
- Procedures for treatment or diagnosis
- incision, puncture or entry into body cavity
- ionising, electromagnetic, acoustic energy
- Procedures not specific devices
- Notified by clinicians, manufacturers, others
- First use in the NHS (or private sector)
- New concerns about efficacy or safety
- Is safety or efficacy likely to differ?
5Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee
(IPAC)Orthopaedics - Roger Atkins
- 25 Members - Specialists GP Nurse Lay
statistician ABHI MHRA patient safety - Monthly meetings 4 scopes check details
- 4 new
procedures - 4 post-consultation
- Public may attend (max 20)
- 406 guidances since 2002 (55 reviews)
- Continual learning and evolution
6Evidence used by the Interventional Procedures
Advisory Committee (IPAC)
- Published studies
- Specialist Medical Advisers (questionnaires)
- Patient Commentators (questionnaires)
- Committee Members knowledge
- Public consultation
7Published evidence
- Peer reviewed articles
- Abstracts only for unique safety data
- Main detailed table (usually 6 - 8 papers)
- RCTs, SRs, largest and most useful studies
- Appendix All other studies
8Specialist Advisers (clinicians)
- Nominated by professional organisations
- Usually three or more
- May have done/not done procedure
- Established / Variation / Novel
- Safety/Efficacy Views / Concerns
- Training and other issues
- Controversies ..... Case selection
9Study of advice from Specialists
- 182 procedures 598 specialist views
- Established? Efficacious? Safe?
- Influenced by
- Being an operator (doing the procedure)
- Not by being a researcher
- Not by having a conflict of interest
- Campbell Int J Tech Assess Health Care 2008 24
10Patient Commentators (since 2006)
- Questions include
- How well procedure worked
- Effect on different specified areas of life
- Pain before/during/after procedure
- Side effects
- Concerns about safety (before and after)
- Would you have again if in same situation?
- Would you recommend to a friend?
11Examples of findings Campbell Quality and
Safety in Healthcare 2010191-6
- Most useful How well it worked Effects on
different areas of life Would have again? - Least useful About pain About information and
consent (these questions now abandoned) - Most frequent category Supports other evidence
but no new insights - Only 0-3 (7)New and original evidence
12What to recommend when evidence for a procedure
is inadequate?
- Possible recommendations
- Do not use - very rare
- Only in research - many problems
13What to recommend when evidence for IP is
- Special Arrangements for
- Governance tell your hospital
- Consent - tell your patients
- Audit/research review your outcomes
- ......if evidence is judged adequate gtgtgt
- normal arrangements
14Interpreting IP recommendations
- Special arrangements
- Open to misinterpretation
- Applied to wide range of procedures
- More text in Other comments
- e.g. The Committee recognised the distress and
disability caused by ..... If further evidence
supports efficacy then potential to improve
quality of life for many patients
15Other recommendations
- Patient selection - specialist teams
- Facilities required
- Training and expertise.....
- Outcomes from further research.....
- Submission to registers.......
16Training Some complicating and confounding
- Differing innate technical skill
- Differing levels of experience
- Differing learning curves
- Differing ways of doing same procedure
17Training workshop consensus Nov 2008
- Specialist organisations define standards,
skills, strategy, regulation of courses - NICE recommends adherence to standards
- Supporting framework necessary
- Audit and outcome data important for review,
dissemination, benchmarking, competency,
revalidation - Manufacturers make valuable contributions
18Future review of guidancereducing uncertainty
- Now specify the research outcomes we need (e.g.
indications, complications, specific benefits,
QOL, long term) - Recommendations for data collection as an adjunct
to other published evidence
19CodingMany new procedures have no code
- Work with the coding centre
- Agreeing codes for new procedures
- Including these on website with guidance
- Pressing for single, specific codes
- Flagging special arrangements procedures
20Examples of registers providing evidence for NICE
IP guidance
- Established registers
- Minimally invasive THR 2010
- Off pump CABG 2011
- Carotid artery stenting 2011
- Developed specifically
- Pectus bar (Nuss procedure) 2009
- NPWT for the open abdomen
- TAVI (aortic valve) part of CCAD
- Aspiration
- data on all special arrangements procedures
- ideally an adaptable template and system
- Activity
- Liaising with and developing existing registers
- Continuing strategies for new ones
- Meetings with manufacturers re-PMS data
- Publications and international agenda
22(No Transcript)
23NICE Medical Technologies Evaluation
ProgrammeAim identify gtgtgt evaluation gtgtgt
- Devices diagnostics notified by manufacturers
- Selection by MTAC - advantages compared with
- current management measurable improvements
- patient outcome or experience
- use of resources facilities, staff, tests
- cost
- sustainability
24We are looking for technologies which offer a
step change
25 Medical Technologies Advisory Committee
(MTAC) Routing of selected products
- To other NICE Programmes
- Technology Appraisals, Interventional Procedures,
Diagnostics - MTAC Med Tech Guidance
- Advice on adoption ( clinical and cost data)
- and/or Research ( fostering research
collaborations use with data collection)
26MTAC Guidancelong term aims
- Boost to novel and useful technologies
- Improve research into devices and diagnostics
- Demand for decent evidence in selection and for
supportive guidance - Advise when evidence is inadequate
- Foster research on promising products
- Selected products gt observational data
27Impact of MTAC guidance
.... second item on BBC national news (after
Libya) on 29 March 2011
28No surgical innovation without evalution the
IDEAL recommendationsMcCulloch, Altman,
Campbell, et al Lancet 2009 274 1005-12
- IDEA case reports
- DEVELOPMENT prospective development studies
- EXPLORATION research database feasibility RCT
- ASSESSMENT comparative RCT modifications
- LONG TERM STUDY register, rare case reports
29(No Transcript)
30Reviewing guidance
- System developed in 2008
- Special arrangements guidance at 3yrs
- Clinical experts asked
- New literature search
- Recent study Median publication interval 5 years
- Changed to normal arrangements 6 of 11
- More patients Longer mean follow-up
- No greater number of RCTs
- Int J Tech Assess Health Care 2011 (in press)