Chapter 7 Sustainability of sugarcane bioethanol: the Brazilian experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 7 Sustainability of sugarcane bioethanol: the Brazilian experience


Chapter 7 Sustainability of sugarcane bioethanol: the Brazilian experience 7.1. Environment and sugarcane energy Legislation: to guide producers toward best practices ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 7 Sustainability of sugarcane bioethanol: the Brazilian experience

Chapter 7Sustainability of sugarcanebioethanol
the Brazilian experience
7.1. Environment and sugarcane energyLegislation
to guide producers toward best practices and
prohibit actions which harm the
environment.CONAMA Resolution 237/1997 three
phases of environmental licensing -
Preauthorization approves the site and plan and
establishes basic requirements and conditions to
be met in subsequent phases. - Facility License
authorizes the facility and includes
environmental control measures. - Operating
License authorizes operations after com-plying
with requirements established in the previous
licenses and subject to periodic renewal.
- Emissions of gases with global impacts - The
use of sugarcane-based bioethanol significantly
reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared with
the use of gasoline in cars with similar
characteristics. - This contribution to the
mitigation of climate change is, possibly, one of
the most important features of sugarcane
bioethanol. - The substitution of ethanol for
gasoline and the generation of energy using
bagasse reduced equivalent CO2 emissions by 27.5
million and 5.7 million tons, respectively
(Brazil, 2003). - For each 100 million tons of
sugarcane used for energy, the emission of 12.6
million tons of equivalent CO2 could be avoided.
- Emissions of gases with local impacts - In
bioethanol production, the local-impact emissions
that are of the most concern come from
pre-harvest burning and boiler chimneys. -
Brazilian public agencies are, therefore,
strongly inclined to restrict this practice
(which implies, indirectly, cutting by hand, a
process which is harder when the sugarcane is
unburned).- Water use and the disposal of
effluents - Depending on the climate, sugarcane
cultivation requires 1500 mm to 2500 mm of
adequately distributed water during the growing
cycle. - The volume for processing is estimated
at 21 m3 per ton of cane processed. But water
consumption and waste is much lower. -
Rationalization of water consumption (average
reduction in water use of from 5 m3 to 1.83 m3
per ton of cane processed).
- Water use and the disposal of
effluents Fertirrigation (stillage is applied
to sugarcane) is the main form of final disposal
of the organic load, one which has both
environmental and economic advantages. -
Increase the area covered by stillage to increase
yields and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers
(lowering the risks of salinization and
contamination of the water table). - Used at
appropriate rates, stillage acts to revitalize
soil fertility, even below the surface, as well
as providing water and nutrients. - Stillage
and organic sugar. - Exploiting the residual
energy content in stillage through biodigestion
and biogas production.
- Use of agrochemicals - Low use in comparison
with other important commercial crops. - The
reduced use of these pesticides is the result of
pest combat procedures. - Biological control
parasites or predators to control agricultural
Fertilizer use - Low consume due to the use of
recycling of nutrients.
Fertilizer use - Fertilizer as a complement to
recycle by-products productivity would fall
substantially. - Fertilizer costs gt adoption
of new fertilizer technologies. - Yield maps
significant fertilizers savings by substituting
the uniform application of fertilizers with
variable-rate applications. - Usina Jales
Machado (GO) achieved a reduction of 34.5 in
the application of lime and 38.6 in the
application of phosphorus (economy of 36 in
costs for these products, per fertilized hectare,
maintaining the same productivity).
- Erosion and soil protection - Soil erosion is
the largest cause of degradation of agricultural
lands. - Use of raw cane harvesting -
Protects against raindrops and soil require less
preparation. - Improve conservation levels of
soil planted with sugarcane.
Biodiversity - Impact of the production of
sugarcane depends on the original
characteristics of the land. - Effects of
sugarcane planting - In areas previously
occupied by other crops change in land use. -
Where there has been extensive cattle farming
significant negative impacts are possible. -
expansion of farmland over the last decades has
increased satellite monitoring systems
- Biodiversity
Biodiversity - Bioethanol agroindustry it is
important that - Complies with environmental
legislation. - Penalized for any
infractions. - Importance of the presence of
the State - Implemantation and fiscalization.
Other environmental aspects - Two news
environmental issues related to sugarcane
bioethanol production - The emission of
greenhouse gases associated with land use
changes loss of original vegetation with the
implamentation of sugarcane farming. - the
indirect process of deforestation caused by the
occupation of rangeland by sugarcane.
Land Use
  • Perspectives for Bioethanol

Development of agricultural land use in Brazil
  • Brazil has a total surface area of 851.4 million
    hectares, mostly covered by tropical forests.
  • The area of Brazilian rural properties (which
    ex-cludes protected areas, water bodies and areas
    unfit for agriculture and includes legal reserves
    of native formations) amounts to 354.8 million
    hectares (42 of the total area of the country)
  • Between 1995 and 2006, Brazilian crop land
    expanded by 83.5 to occupy 76.7 million
    hectares, around 9 of the national territory.

Rural Brazilian property land-use
Evolution of the area used by the principal
crops in Brazil
Evolution of the area used by the principal crops
in Brazil
  • In 2007, sugarcane production in Brazil occupied
    7.8 million hectares, around one third of that
    occupied by soybean and half of that planted with
  • Approximately half the sugarcane production goes
    to bioethanol production
  • Hence, sugarcane plantations for fuel production
    in Brazil correspond to 5 of cultivated land, 1
    of the area of agricultural property, 2.3 of
    pastureland and 0.5 of the area of Brazil

Land-use in Brazil
Agroecological Zoning
  • In an effort for planning the expansion of
    sugarcane agroindustry in Brazil, under the aus-
    pices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Supply
    (MAPA), the Sugarcane Agroecological Zoning
  • The purpose is to define which areas and regions
    are appropriate/inappropriate for large-scale
    sugarcane farming
  • The zoning is to be used to orient financing
    policies, infrastructure investments and tax
    regime improvements, and may also be useful for
    socio- environmental certification to be
    implemented in the future Strapasson (2008)
  • Thus, areas of greatest potential for planting
    sugarcane are defined and classified, as well as
    those areas where it is not recommended or not

Potential for the Expansion of Sugarcane
Production in Brazil
Potential for the Expansion of Sugarcane
Production in Brazil
  • Centro de Gestão de Estudos Estratégicos - CGEE
    (Center for Strategic Studies and Management) in
    conjunction with the Núcleo Interdisciplinar de
    Planejamento Energético - NIPE (Interdisciplinary
    Center of Energy Planning) of the State
    University of Campinas
  • The study is a survey of areas with sugarcane
    production potential based on soil and climate

Potential unirrigated sugarcane cultivation
Potential unirrigated sugarcane cultivation
  • The map of unirrigated sugarcane production
    potential, shows that most of the areas with high
    and medium potential, equivalent to 121.8 million
    hectares (33.7 of the total), are located in
    Brazils Central-South region
  • These areas are flat or mildly hilly and do not
    have significant soil or climate limitations

Potential sugarcane cultivation with salvation
Potential sugarcane cultivation with salvation
  • When salvation irrigation is contemplated, high
    and medium potential areas increase in size to
    135.9 million hectares (37.6 of the total),
    including in this case areas of the Brazils
    semi-arid Northeast region CGEE (2005)

Potential sugar cane yields in Brazil
Potential sugar cane yields in Brazil
  • As an exercise in calculating the existing
    potential, let us consider the global numbers for
    the 2007/2008 crop in Brazil, around 22 billion
    liters of bioethanol were produced on 3.6 million
    hectares. In order to substitute (based on this
    empirical data, under current conditions) 10 of
    the gasoline consumed worldwide (1.3 billion
    cubic meters) with anhydrous alcohol, 136.5
    billion liters of bioethanol would be necessary.
    Again, under Brazilian conditions, this would
    require 23 million hectares, equivalent to the
    area currently occupied by soybean in Brazil

Areas cultivated with sugarcane
Area requirements for bioethanol production for
the 2025 global market
Economic viability of Ethanol
Ethanol sustainability
  • Costs lt Results
  • Ethanol competitiveness -gt Prices
  • Difficulties on the study exchange of currency
  • Still, the results are representative

Prices for the produtors
  • Attention on the dolar

From the graphs...
  • Ethanol prices have become more attractive than
    gasoline prices
  • The addition of bioethanol reduces the fuel price
    as whole.

Other way to measure Bioethanol attractiveness
  • Average consumer sale prices
  • Costs/km -gt Ethanol beats gasoline
  • Flex fuel cars

Power of choice
Costs lt Results
  • Are the prices good for the produtors?
  • Measuring costs -gt raw material
  • This is a general characteristic oil and gas
    face the same problems.

(No Transcript)
  • Ethanol cost U 0,353 and U 0,406/ liter
  • Oil cost U 50 e U 57/ barrel
  • New frontiers reduced costs (location)
  • Old frontiers reduced costs (expenses -gt

  • Ethanol is viable in terms of costs and prices
  • No subsidies to compete with conventional fuels!

  • 7.4 - Generation of Employment and Income

Data Base
  • 2005 ? 982.000 workers direct and formal (PNAD)
  • For each right, there are 1.43 indirect and
    induced 2.75 (Matriz Insumo-Produto - 1997)
  • Estimated total in 2005 ? 4,1 milhões
  • Wide distribution
  • Unskilled

  • Number X Qualification

  • Centro-Sul (63 workers X 85 production)

Seasonality of the labor force
  • Planting, cultivation and harvest ? 70
  • Coefficient Seasonality (safra e entressafra)
  • Cane 1,3
  • Rice 7
  • Beans 3 e 4,5
  • Orange 7,8
  • Soy 3,5 e 12
  • Cotton 40
  • There was a decrease in cane, mainly due to
    mechanization and extension of crop

Evolution in the quality of work
  • Study evaluating the changes between 2001 and
  • Variables
  • educational level
  • degree of formality
  • income
  • benefits

Evolution in the quality of work
  • Increase in level of formality (higher levels in
    rural areas)
  • Increase in real wage gains (average of 40 to
    22.5 for urban and rural)
  • Increase and diversification benefits
  • Reduction of child labor (Pernambuco)
  • Controversy over compensation policy

Transition of the labor force
  • Mechanization
  • Reducing the burning of straw
  • Cost reduction
  • 40 of the harvest of the Center-South
  • Working 80 to 100 cutters
  • Trend replication to other regions
  • 00-05 Production (28.8) X services (18)
  • In 2020 there is more manual cutting

Transition of the labor force
  • Alternatives
  • Support alternative activities
  • Strengthening and empowering
  • Adoption of intermediate technologies (Mobile
    Unit Harvest Aid)

Work intensity
Fonte de Energia X Trabalhadores
Carvão Mineral 38
Hidreletricidade 50
Petróleo 152
por unidade de energia produzida
  • Major generator of jobs
  • Increased qualification
  • Local Development

Land issue
  • Social demand for access to landXBase
    productive and efficient

Land issue
  • Aspects of the current structure
  • Large areas occupied
  • Great concentration
  • Large vertical
  • Economy of scale
  • Dilution of fixed costs
  • Adoption of technologies

Land issue
  • Alternatives have not solidified
  • Decentralize the production scale and reduce
  • Micro and mini distilleries (half of
  • Associate with cattle production (value bagasse)
  • It shows no centralized compared to other energy
    matrices (less than 10 of all production

Effects on economy
Certification and sustainability
  • Certification for biofuels - BarriersComplexity
    of systemsRequirement monitoringDo not become
    protectionistHigh cost for certification

Major efforts
  • Organizations involvedEuropean Commission,
    United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, the United
    Nations (Environment, Food and Agriculture,
    Industrial Development, among others)Agro-Environ
    mental Protocol - 2006 (State and SP UNICA)

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