Policing the Bargain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Policing the Bargain


Policing the Bargain May I see your contract, sir? Summary of the PED Rule And Its Complications (Thus Far) Plausibly based on a real lack of consideration. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Policing the Bargain

Policing the Bargain
May I see your contract, sir?
Policing the Bargain?A Possible Checklist
  • Capacity Not everyone isallowed to play the
  • Behavior Some rules regulate how actors behave
    on the field (or on the ice).
  • Substantive fairness The referee can call the
    game if the outcome is appalling.

There are rules even in hockey and contracts.
Incapacity Some People Cant Make Contracts
  • Capacity through the ages Race, gender, marital
  • Age lt 18 for most purposes.
  • Temporary mental incapacity.
  • Persistent mental incapacity.
  • Protection? Or oppression?

Why cant his business get a loan?
Kiefer v. Fred Howe Motors
Did you remember to run his credit report?
When Children Make Contracts Kiefer v. Fred Howe
  • How did Kiefer resemble an adult? Does it
  • Effect Voidable contract.
  • Childs right to disaffirm within reasonable time
    after majority.
  • Is adult bound by contract if child does not

Cancel that deal. I changed my mind.
Potential RemediesFor the Disappointed Party
  • Delay in disaffirming.
  • Emancipation.
  • Purchase of necessaries?
  • Restitution of what is left of goods.
  • Misrepresentation But is there a duty to
    investigate young persons age?

If he says hes 18, can you rely on it?
  • Minor accepted a job at the Checks Diner
    at the age of 17 yrs. and 8 mos. She signed an
    agreement to submit all disputes to arbitration,
    and a promise not to misappropriate Checks
    confidential information. Six months later,
    Minor resigned and sued Checks for sexual
    harassment. Check moved the court to compel
    arbitration. In reply, Minor asked the court to
    deny the motion to compel because the agreement
    to arbitrate was voidable (lack of capacity).
    How would you rule?

Ortelere v. Teachers Retirement Board
  • Creeping Incapacity

Signs of Incapacity? Ortelere v. Teachers Ret.
Bd .
  • On leave for mental illness.
  • Consulted w/ district psychiatrist.
  • Diagnosis Involutional psychosis (severe
  • Possible cerebral arteriosclerosis.
  • Husband retired to care for her.

Does depression mean you lack capacity?
Common Law Cognitive RuleRestatement (2d)
  • Completely capable or completely incapable.
  • Could she understand the nature of the
  • Evidence Delusions inability to comprehend
    transaction inability to make rational decision.

Ready for the asylum? If not, her contract is
Modern Reasonably Act Test Restatement (2d)
  • For diminished capacity, emotional illness.
  • Unable to act in reasonable manner regarding
    contract and other party had reason to know.
  • Court might still enforce fair and partly
    performed K.

Does contracts law need a caution sign?
Ortelere Mental Illness CausingInability to Act
  • Illness Severe depression.
  • Unable to act reasonably with respect to pension?
  • Was it unreasonable to take maximum advance with
    single life annuity?
  • Did District have reason to know about her

Gambling on life?
Other Factors Possibly Tipping The Scales in
  • Were actions unreasonable in her particular
  • Detriment or risk to the Fund?
  • Is the case about her? Or him?
  • Caveat Risk of over-protection for other persons
    suffering depression?

Cundick v. Broadbent
  • Does a bad bargain prove incapacity?

The Dutch buy Manhattan for a handful of beads.
Weighing the Facts In Cundick v. Broadbent
  • Consulted with attorney
  • Negotiated for higher price
  • Family didnt notice senility
  • He understood nature of transaction
  • Broadbent didnt know otherwise.
  • Grossly inadequate price?
  • Secretly? consulted psychiatrist before deal.
  • Diagnosis at time of trial premature
  • Experts believe he was probably of poor judgment
    when he made the contract.

Bottom line Unequal bargain doesnt guarantee
Unfairness Conventional Controls
When Competent Parties Make an Incompetent
When the Plaintiff Seeks An Equitable Remedy
Bypassing courts and seeking the mercy of the
McKinnon v. Benedict
  • Will campers spoil the view?

McKinnon v. McKinnonWhen Courts do Equity
  • Common law damages.
  • Equity specific performance.
  • Why did McKinnon prefer specific performance?
  • Traditional rule of equityunequal exchange
  • A modern reason to consider inequality Specific
    performance might compound inequality.

What happens when a judge thinks like the
  • Diane Toiler applied for a job and was hired as
    a nurse by Star Medical Services. Her contract
    provided that she would not work as a nurse for
    any other employer or in her own business in the
    same county for two years after the termination
    of her employment with Star. Three months after
    Star Medical hired Toiler, it discharged her from
    employment. Toiler walked across the street to
    apply for work at Public Hospital, and Public
    Hospital hired Toiler. However, Star sued Toiler
    for breaching her contract. What is the likely
    result if Star sues for damages? What if it sues
    for specific performance?
  • Does anyone other than Star and Toiler have a
    stake in the outcome?

Tuckwiller v. Tuckwiller
  • When a fair deal becomes a windfall

Tuckwiller v. TuckwillerContract as a Lottery
  • Promise Take care of me for life I will give
    you my farm.
  • Was contract fair or equal on day it was made?
  • Why is exchange so unequal in retrospect?
  • Which perspective counts?

Did Mrs.Tuckwiller take advantage of her aunt?
Black Industries v. Bush

Are Exorbitant ProfitsAgainst Public Policy?

The War Profiteer
Black Industries v. BushProfiting at Publics
  • How is contract unequal?
  • Why might plaintiff have gained such an
  • Does public have stake in preventing such
  • General rule Exorbitant profit not per se
    illegal or grounds for avoiding the contract.

Overreaching Conventional Controls
  • When a Contract Isnt A Voluntary Exchange

The Godfather makes an offer
Duress From Medieval To Modern Times
  • Old Threat of harm to body or property.
  • Modern Threat of criminal, tortious or other
    unlawful act.
  • Effect Rescission and/or restitution.
  • Uncertain zone Threat of lawful act or inaction
    depriving party of free will.

Medieval Duress
Now lets discuss paragraph 6.
Factors Tipping the ScalesIn the Uncertain Zone
  • Diminished capacity.
  • Comparative capacity.
  • Relation of dependency.
  • Unusual emotional or psychological stress.
  • Predatory or borderline bargaining tactics.

The Pre-Existing Duty Rule
  • When a promisor exacts a toll for going forward.

Alaska Packers Assn. v. Domenico
  • Is the employer bound by its promise of a raise?

A Threat of Breach In Support Of Demand for New
  • First K E promises 50 plus 2 per fish
    workersto work one season.
  • Workers threat strike.
  • Breach of contract?
  • Employer capitulates 100/season. Is promise to
    pay additional amount binding?

The fishermen find a way to stretch their pay.
Why Would Terms Change If Parties Can
  • Month 1 Labor supply in S.F. yields certain
  • Month 2 Labor supply remote harbor yields new
    wage (cover impossible).
  • Month 3 Parties in SF APAs need for labor is
    now zero, yielding new wage. (cover unnecessary).

The Cost of Cover for the employer
When do employees have the greatest bargaining
When does bargaining power shift back to the
Hiring workers in California
At work in Alaska
Returning to California
Why Terms Might Change(Performance v. Receipts)
  • Month 1 APA offersfood, shelter,
    transport.(ees 1, E 0).
  • Month 2 APA offersfood, shelter workerswork.
    (ees 2, E 3).
  • Month 3 APA offerstransport, food, shelter,
    pays wages. (ees 3, E 3).

Peformance v. receipts from other party
When do employees have the greatest bargaining
When does bargaining power shift back to the
Feeds, shelters, transports workers
Obtains work from workers
Pays the workers
Alaska Packers A Rule to Make Contracts Truly
  • Was workers threat to breach contract duress?
  • Did promise of more pay lack consideration?
  • Why isnt agreement to continue working
  • Pre-existing duty rule.

Will the payroll office be closed when the
workers return to SF?
The Pre-Existing Duty RuleRestatement (Second)
  • The General Rule Performance of a legal
    duty owed to a promisor which is neither doubtful
    nor the subject of honest dispute is not

  • Assume the facts are the same as in the
    original Alaska Packers case, but with the
    following difference. One of the fishermen is
    working his way through law school. On his
    advice, the fishermen insist that APA must now
    pay their compensation (including the raise) in
    advance by wiring the money to their personal
    bank accounts. They will return to work only
    when their accounts show that the money has been
    transferred. APA follows these instructions, and
    the work resumes.
  • Upon return to S.F., APA asks you, its
    lawyer, what it should do about all of this.

  • Owner purchased fire insurance for his house.
    One day his house burned down. Under the terms of
    the policy, the insurer clearly owed 100,000.
    However, the adjuster arrived offered Owner a
    check immediately for 80,000 if Owner would
    accept the check as full payment. Owner needed
    money to pay for mounting bills, and he accepted
    the check. A few weeks later, Owner sued for the
    balance (the other 20,000 due under the policy).
    What result?

Another Look at RS 73Trouble in Paradise?
  • Performance of a legal duty owed to a promisor
    which is neither doubtful nor the subject of
    honest dispute is not consideration.
  • Question What if the amount due under the fire
    insurance policy was doubtful? What if the
    wage rate due the fisherman under their contract
    with APA was doubtful?

A Backstory in Alaska PackersWas the Contract
  • Agreed incentive pay/fish.
  • Unexpected glut of fish and APAs limited canning
  • Did APA supply nets designed to let fish go?
  • Issue at trial Did workers have just cause to
  • Was there an honest dispute?

Did loose nets reduce the workers pay?
Yet Another Look at RS 73More Trouble in
  • Performance of a legal duty owed to a promisor
    which is neither doubtful nor the subject of
    honest dispute is not consideration, but a
    similar performance is consideration if it
    differs from what was required by the duty in way
    which reflects more than a pretense of bargain.
  • Questions (1) What if the fire insurance policy
    required payment in six months, but the adjuster
    offered a lesser amount right away? (2)
    Suggestions for the fishermen in their dispute
    with APA?

Summary of the PED RuleAnd Its Complications
(Thus Far)
  • Plausibly based on a real lack of consideration.
  • Prevents quasi-duress in uncertain realm of
    threats of lawful action.
  • Makes contracts truly binding and reliable.
  • Problem What if party seeking modification
    demands payment/performance in advance?
  • Problem Two potential loopholes (1) doubtful
    dispute (2) different performance.

Watkins Son v. Carrig
  • When a Rock Appears Out of Nowhere.

Watkins Son Trying to Dig Their Way Out of a
  • Contract Excavate a cellar for stated price.
  • Surprise Rock (in New Hampshire!)
  • Modification 900 percent price increase.
  • Alleged consideration for promise of higher price?

What lies just beneath the soil?
Another Exception to the Rule!A Ritual of
Mutual Rescission
  • One Parties make a contract.
  • Two Parties make a second contract, each
    promising to release the other from
    dutiesremaining under first contract.
  • Three Parties make a third contract based on
    the newly demanded terms.

Preparing a contract for modification.
Reason for Leniency? Potential Oppression of the
PED Rule
  • Unexpected circumstances (the rock a hurricane
    a fire).
  • Unilateral or mutual mistake.
  • Usual rule Either strict liability,or
    occasional relief by rescission (contract
  • Continuing relations under a modified contract,
    if possible, might be a better way.

Is an approaching storm fair grounds for
Is It About Duress After All?Moving Toward a New
  • Section 89 A promise modifying a duty under a
    contract not fully performed on either side is
    binding (a) if the modification is fair and
    equitable in view of circumstances not
    anticipated by the parties when the contract was
    made or (c) to the extent that justice
    requires enforcement in view of the material
    change of position in reliance on the promise.
  • UCC 2-209(1) An agreement modifying a
    contract within this Article needs no
    consideration to be binding. Comment
    However, modifications must meet the test of
    good faith. Nor can a mere technical
    consideration support a modification made
    in bad faith.

  • Builder promised to build a house in return for
    Owners promise to pay 500,000 in a series if
    progress payments. Because of an unexpected
    shortage of lumber and a significant increase in
    prices, Builders costs were much higher than
    expected. Midway through the project, he asked
    for an upward revision in price, and Owner
    agreed. Will the modification be binding?
  • If Owner refused, could Builder (a) quit the job
    or (b) sue for damages?
  • Suppose the facts are the same as in the first
    paragraph, except that Owner paid the entire
    contract price in one lump sum in advance.

A More Modern Rule,But Not Out of the Woods, Yet
  • Will we know good faith from bad faith?
  • What if one party resists modification despite
    others desperate circumstances?
  • Luck of timing Under RS 89, if either party
    has finished performance, modification not
    binding (contra UCC).

Will we know a devil from an angel?
Austin Instrument, Inc. v. Loral Corp.
  • When the Pre-Existing Duty Rule Fails To Protect
    Against Highway Robbery

Austin Instrument v. Loral When a Victim Has
Paid in Full
  • Why would PED rule fail to protect Loral?
  • Lorals cause of actionRestitution of money
    paidunder economic duress.
  • Was the threat unlawful?
  • Was Loral without option (e.g., suit for

The successful pirate doesnt accept checks.
When Does Refusal to PerformConstitute Economic
  • Original meaning Withholding victims property
    under demand for money or concession.
  • Can threat of economic loss substitute for loss
    of property?
  • Special factors for Loral Difficulty of cover
    without severe consequential damages
    difficulty of proving and recovering damages.

What if a kennel demanded an extra fee to release
Undue Influence
Family Photo Anna Nicole Smith and Howard
Undue InfluenceA Confluence of Factors
  • Misuse of relation of trust or dependency.
  • Problems of diminished or comparative capacity.
  • Asserted or manipulated need for hasty assent.
  • Stressing ill consequences of failure to agree
    orexaggerated benefits of agreement.

Felonius Fox recruits Pinocchio
Concealment Misrepresentation
  • More Trouble in the Garden Of Voluntary Exchange?

The snake presents the apple.
Unequal Access to InformationWhy Does One Know
  • Education and experience.
  • Purposeful investigation of particular subject
  • Experience with the subject.
  • Chance acquisition of information (insider

Is it fair to use the advantage of superior
A Duty to Disclose?Why Not Demand Disclosure?
  • Are parties entitled to benefit of investigation
    and education?
  • How much disclosure would be required?
  • Are sharing and total disclosure contrary to
    human nature?
  • Self-help Investigate, ask, demand warranty.

Must you tell?What must you tell?
  • An oil company employs a geologist (90,000 per
    year), satellite imaging and sophisticated
    equipment (purchased for 2 million to discover
    likely oil producing property). Using all these
    assets, the company has determined that your
    ranch is likely to have oil. One day, a cowboy
    (employed by the company) rides his horse up to
    your ranch house, speaks admiringly of the view
    from your land, and asks what your sale price is.
    Is he required to disclose his purpose for
    buying the property?

Swinton v. Whitinsville Savings Bank
  • The Latent Defect

Swinton v. Whitinsville Savings Reaffirming
General Rule
  • Plaintiffs unsuccessful theory Tort (fraud).
  • Reasons to question usual rule under these
  • Minority rule for latent defect.
  • Potential equitable remedy(or defense) for a
  • Potential advantages of equity for the buyer?

ProblemFeige v. Boehm Revisited
  • Recall that Louis failed in arguing lack of
    consideration. What other argument might he try?
  • Would Louiss chances of success be better if he
    and Hilda were married, and their agreement was
    to settle a divorce?

Kannavos v. Annino
  • The truth well , at least some of the truth,
    or one part of the truth, so help you God?

Are Some Half-TruthsWhole Falsehoods?
  • This car was owned by a little old lady who only
    drove the car to church on Sundays because her
    wild nephew was driving the car on the other six
    days of the week.
  • This house has never been flooded because we
    rebuilt it from scratch after the last flood.
  • This property has a great view of the new solid
    waste dump that will open next year.

Kannavos True FactsImplying a Falsehood?
  • Ads described apartments as investment
  • Presented profit statements.
  • Suggested buyer could rent.
  • House divided into units.
  • Sale included unit furniture.
  • Seller knew of buyers plans.

Must the seller disclose the code violation?
Kannavos Is the PlaintiffsNeglect Excusable?
  • How might plaintiff have protected himself?
  • Compare w/ Swinton Which buyer had stronger
  • Special reasons to excuse Anino?
  • Are rules of equity at work again?

A Positive Misstatement of the Facts
Elements of MisrepresentationFor Rescission of
  • First Material misrepresentation (of fact?).
  • Second Justifiable reliance.
  • Creates defense, or ground for rescissionnot
  • Intent unnecessary (compare tort law).

Vokes v. Arthur Murray, Inc.
Dancing closer than arms length?
The Contract in VokesA Case for the
  • What is a baited comeon?
  • Sale 2303 hrs. over 16 mos. (35 hrs. of
    dancing/week) for 31,000 (over 100,000 in
    todays dollars).
  • Diminished or comparative capacity?
  • Court it would not only be inequitable but
    unconscionable, for a court exercising inherent
    chancery power to allow such contracts to stand.

Was the instructordancing too close?
Fancy Moves for a CourtIs Flattery
  • Can opinion be misrepresentation?
  • Can flattery be misrepresentation?
  • Was there a special relationship between the
    salesman and his customer?
  • The importance of the courts function as the

Tell me Im young and beautiful
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