Title: Community Acquired Pneumonia
1Student Run Homeless Clinic Orientation
2SRHC History
- Started by UCLA Dept of Family Medicine in 1989
- 22nd year
- Over 10,500 patients seen
- Salvation Army West Los Angeles Transitional
Housing 1989 - Samoshel 1993
- Winter Shelters 2008
- Society of Student-Run Free Clinics 2009
3The SRHC Mission and Goals
- Mission
- To provide respectful and compassionate high
quality healthcare services to homeless men,
women, and children - Goals
- To provide a Community Service Learning
opportunity for medical students - To provide free medical care to a most
vulnerable population with little or no access to
health services
4SRHC Objectives
- Assess and develop treatment plans for a
population with little resources to manage their
health - Learn about medical and social issues unique to
the homeless population - Develop preventive healthcare interventions for
vulnerable populations - Provide hands-on clinical learning opportunities
for MSI/IIs - Provide advanced practice and teaching
opportunities for MSIII/IVs - Develop interdisciplinary strategies
5The Three Clinics
- Santa Monica Shelter, aka Samoshel year round
- 2nd 4th Saturdays of every month, 9 am-12 pm
- 505 Olympic Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90401
- Winter Shelter Clinics Dec 1-March 15
- West Los Angeles National Guard Armory
- 1300 Federal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025
- Every Monday, 6-9 pm
- Â Glendale
- 220 E. Colorado Street, Glendale, CA 91205
- Every other Thursday, 6-9 pm
- Part of the Ocean Park Community Center-OPCC
since September 2005 (formerly Salvation Army,
Step Up on Second) - Approximately 110 residents
- On-site services
- case management
- counseling
- 12-step meetings
- housing referrals
- employment assistance
7Winter Shelters
- 2 Winter Shelters in the Los Angeles Area
- LAHSA Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority
- EIMAGO subsidiary of Union Rescue Mission
- Dec 1 March 15
- Most destitute of the homeless
- A cot and hot meal for the night
- SRHC will expand number of WS sites THIS YEAR
8Our Role
- The Samoshel clinic focuses on providing free
health care services - General physical exams
- Basic primary care treatment
- Preventive health services
- Referrals to appropriate facilities for
additional testing, imaging, and treatmentÂ
The most common complaints? URI, dermatological
issues, hypertension, asthma Medications
available? Antibiotics, antiHTN, asthma/allergy,
antacids, NSAIDs, topical creams
9SRHC Selective/Elective Requirements
10Selective MSI MSII
- 16 students
- Period of Participation September 2011 - June
2012 - Fulfills requirements for one selective in either
the first or the second year
11Selective Requirements
- Orientation Session
- 6 clinics
- Attendance at least 2 noon-lectures
- Attendance at the Mid-Year (January) and end of
year (May) Reflection Sessions - All requirements must be completed by June 1, 2012
12Elective MSIII MSIV
- Period of Participation
- MSIII July 2011 - June 2012
- MSIV July 2011 - May 2012
- FP253.03 Provides one week of 200-level credit
for your fourth year electives
13Elective Requirements
- Essentially 40 hrs of credit
- Orientation Session
- 7 clinics
- 1 Educational Activity
- Present to MSI/IIs on-site - skin infections,
onychomycosis, alcoholism, diabetes, etc. - Teach MSI/IIs on-site HP notes, presentation,
assessment - Facilitate a smoking cessation session
- Attendance at mid-year (January) and end-of-year
(May) Reflection Sessions - Can fulfill MSIV Primary Care College requirement
14Lecture Series (all lectures from 12-1pm)
- Topics
- Dispensary 101
- HP Notes
- Homeless Womens Health
- Dermatologic Issues in the Homeless
- Harm Reduction
- And others
- If youre in the Selective/Elective sign up on
the website - Web sign up http//fm.mednet.ucla.edu/clinic-sign
up.asp - Clinics calendar http//fm.mednet.ucla.edu/clini
c-calendar.asp - Both components will be transferred to our new
website at http//fm.mednet.ucla.edu/ - If youre not in the Selective/Elective contact
Scheduling Chief, Cindy Her, cher11_at_ucla.edu - Cancellation Policy
- Must cancel by Sunday at midnight the week of
clinic - If fail to do so?
- 1st offense WARNING
- 2nd offense extra clinic
- 3rd offense 2 extra clinic sessions review of
possible failure of Selective
16Old Website
17New Website
18What CAN I do as a Medical Student?
19- Take histories
- Perform physical exams
- Present to attendings
- Write a note co-signed by the
attending - Dispense medications under
- supervision of the attending
- Administer flu vaccines
- Grab an older student if you need help
20Role of Clinic Chiefs
- Run the clinics
- Set-up, sign-up, case assignment
- Organize and dispense medications referrals
- Liasons with national organizations and
conferences - See patients as necessary
21Social History Note
- To be filled out for each first-time patient
encounter - How patients got to be where they are today
- Learn how to ask the tough HEADSS questions
22Intake HP and Progress Note
23Seeing Patients
Flu shots available during flu season
Med Supply Drawers
24Flu Vaccine Video
Click here
25Presenting to the Attending
presentations are fun and full of good
teaching points
Great time to practice presentations in a LOW
STRESS environment.
26Wanna be a Chief?
- You can become a Clinic Chief in your 2nd, 3rd,
or 4th year - Student-run clinic leadership
- 12 diverse chief positions
- One week of 100-level credit OR one week of
200-level credit for MSIVs - New Chiefs usually start in April
- Let us know during the year if youre interested
in becoming a Chief!
27Chief Positions
- Number can vary from year to year
- Applications due mid-Feb
- Additional week of Elective credit
- Positions
- Administrative
- Supplies (2)
- Education
- Scheduling
- Development
- Winter Shelters (4)
- Samoshel (2)
28Other Plans
- National Conference of Society of Student-Run
Free Clinics 2012 - Long Beach, CA
- February 4, 2012
- Inter-disciplinary connections School of
Nursing, Physical Therapy programs, UCLA
Volunteer Center, Sports Teams, Dental.. - Fundraising events
- Supply collections clothing, hygiene, soaps,
socks, shoes
- http//fm.mednet.ucla.edu/
- (Find it under Training ? Medical Student ?
Homeless Clinics) - IMPORTANT CONTACTS
- Mary Marfisee, MD, MPH (Program Director)
- mmarfisee_at_mednet.ucla.edu
- Gideon R. Gorit (Administrative Chief)
- ggorit_at_mednet.ucla.edu
- Alexa Merz (Education Chief)
- amerz_at_mednet.ucla.edu
- Cindy Her (Scheduling Chief)
- cher11_at_ucla.edu