Title: Authentic Manhood
1Authentic Manhood
Winning at Work Home
Session 9
Dads Gameplan for Raising Sons and Daughters
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3Are Kids Worth It?
A. The Qualms
1. Money
2. Time and Effort
3. Selfishness
4. The Culture
4Are Kids Worth It?
B. The Facts
1. 97 of all parents have no regrets in
having children.
2. 75 of all parents assert that having
children strengthened their marriage.
3. 89 of all parents say that having
children increased their enjoyment of life.
4. 81 of all parents say watching
children grow up is lifes greatest
5Are Kids Worth It?
C. The Scripture
6Are Kids Worth It?
D. The Challenge
Knowing what to do as a Dad.
7Five Types of Dads
A. The absent Dad
B. The distant Dad
C. The demanding Dad
D. The involved but visionless Dad.
E. The involved and strategic Dad.
8Five Types of Dads
E. The involved and strategic Dad.
9Dad Loving Mom
Dads Character
Dads Heart
I love you
Im proud of you
Youre good at...
Affirming Encouragement
Life Instruction
Jesus in His/Her Life
Special One-on-One Times
Manhood/Womanhood Ceremonies
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