Title: Tax Base and Revenue Forecasting
1Tax Base and Revenue Forecasting
- Tuan Minh Le
- Presented at Workshop on Public Finance
Management in Bhutan - Washington D.C., August 16-20
- For budgeting.
- For automated establishment of tasks for
collection of taxes.
3Tax Base and Revenue Forecasting Models
- Macro-based modeling
- Micro simulation
- Monthly tax receipts modeling
- Input-output approach
- Aggregate national account approach
4Macro-based modeling
- Basic data requirements
- Tax collection.
- GDP.
- GDP deflator.
- Relied on basic regression specifications. E.g.,
- LnT a bLnGDP e
5Micro simulation
- To forecast tax revenue, and
- To assess impact of policy changes.
- An example (personal income tax)
- Basic data requirements
- Individual or family-based annual income tax
returns. - Household surveys to cover non-filers.
- CPI, growth rates of population, GDP, and
investment. - PIT codes.
6Micro Simulation--Steps
- Step 1 Sample design and database construction
- Sampling (e.g., stratified Strata established
on basis of income sources, place of residence,
income level etc.) - Data cleaning and sample weight (idea
distribution of samples compared with the one for
whole population). - Data aging. Forecasting of growth factors e.g.,
population, GDP, investment etc.
7Micro Simulation--Steps
- Step 2 Construction of typical taxpayer tax
calculator model - Typically three components
- Personal income tax parameters.
- Taxpayer personal information.
- Tax calculator module.
- Step 3. Construction of aggregate tax calculator
modeland impact distribution analysis
8Monthly tax receipts modeling
- Basic data requirements
- actual monthly receipts.
- projected GDP growth or other tax base proxies.
- Where,
9Input-output modeling (typical for VAT model)
- Basic data requirements
- Input Output Table.
- Household Expenditure Survey.
- Government expenditure.
- VAT code.
Step 1 Construct and estimate VAT base
Step 2 Estimate VAT collection taking into
account compliance rate
10Aggregate national account modeling
- Data requirements
- GDP at market price and its components e.g.,
private cons., government cons. (wage and
non-wage government expenditures), investment,
and trade balance. - VAT code.
- Foreign expenditures in domestic market and
expenditures abroad by residents - Value added of exempt sector.
- Output purchased by taxed sector from exempt
sectors. - Input purchased by exempt sectors.
- Values of goods and services provided by
zero-rated sectors.
11Aggregate national account modeling
VAT base (prior to further adjustments) For
framework of estimation, see Zee, Value-Added
Tax, in Tax Policy Handbook, Shome, ed., IMF