Title: Great War
1Great War
This slide show will advance on the mouse
click. The photos were collected from various
sources found On the Web---TRENCHES ON THE WEB
3EUROPE, 1914
4BALKANS, 1914
6Emperor Franz Joseph
7George V
8William II
9Nicholas II and George V
11Franz Ferdinand, Sophia and children
12Serbian Premier Pasic
14Capture of Princip
16George V and His Generals
17General French
18General Haig
19General Allenby
20General Foch
21Marshall Petain
22 General Joffre
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24British recruiting
25If I should die, think only this of me. That
theres some corner of a foreign field That is
forever England. There shall be In that rich
earth a richer dust concealed A dust whom
England bore, shaped, made aware Gave, once,
her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of
Englands breathing English air, Washed by the
rivers, blest by suns of home. And think, this
heart,all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal
mind, no less Gives somewhere back the thoughts
by England given Her sights and sounds dreams
happy as her day And laughter, learnt of
friends and gentleness, In hearts at peace,
under an English heaven. Rupert
Brooke, 1887-1915
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Beginning of the trenches
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37Trenches From air
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40Dead on the wire
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42No Mans land
43No Mans land
44No Mans land
45View of the front
46End of Line, North Sea
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49Gun crew
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61In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the
crosses, row on row, That mark our place and in
the sky The larks, still bravely singing,
fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the
Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw
sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we
lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with
the foe To you from failing hand we throw The
torch be yours to hold it high. If ye break
faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though
poppies grow In Flanders fields. John McCrae
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67French dead
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69Verdun, at beginning of Battle
70French troops awaiting order to advance
71Verdun, 1916
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78French trench
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80German and French dead
81German dead , Verdun
82German dead
83Before and after-Verdon
84Before and After
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89Crater at beginning of Somme caused by 27 tons of
90Six days before the attack 1.6 million shells
fired at Germans July 1, the British set off 2
mines containing 200,000lbs. Of Explosives under
the German lines, the explosions were heard In
London. Here have the Pals or Chums
Regiments. Sir Henry Rawlinson wasso sure the
Germans could not respond That he sent troops
over in parade formation Germans had survived the
artillery and their barbed wire entangled The
British so that German machine guns massacred the
British. First Day the British lost 19,240 dead
35,494 wounded 2,152 missing57,470 casualties
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92Good-morning good-morning! the General
said When we met him last week on our way to the
line. Now the soldiers he smiled at are most of
em dead, And were cursing his staff for
incompetent swine. Hes a cheery old card,
grunted Harry to Jack As they slogged up to Arras
with rifle and pack. But he did for them both
by his plan of attack. Siegfried Sassoon
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94German troops near Bapaume , Battle of Somme
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100Watching the Battle of the Somme
101Dead on the Somme
102British Dead
103. First Day the British lost 19,240 dead 35,494
wounded 2,152 missing57,470 casualties Haig
halted the battle in Nov. The Allies gained 125
sq. miles At cost of 400,000 British and
200,000French casualties. Germans lost 450,000
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111. The men who were not getting in a bit of extra
sleep sat about talking and smoking, writing
letters home, cleaning their rifles, running
their thumb-nails up the seams of their shirts to
kill the lice, gambling. Lice were a standing
joke. Young Bumford handed me one like this. 'We
was just having an argument as to whether it was
best to kill the old ones or the young ones, sir.
Morgan here says that if you kill the old ones,
the young ones will die of grief, but Parry here,
sir, he says that the young ones are easier to
kill and you can catch the old ones when they
come to the funeral. Robert Graves Goodbye to
all That
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118Gas shells
119French Troops, Gas attack
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124Bent double like old beggars under
sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed
through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we
turned our backs And towards our distant rest
began to trudge. Men marched asleep. Many had
lost their boots But limped on, blood-shod. All
went lame all blind Drunk with fatigue deaf
even to the hoots Of tired, outstripped
Five-Nines that dropped behind. Gas!Gas! Quick,
boys! An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy
helmets just in time But some still was yelling
out and stumbling And floudring like a man in
fire or lime Dim, through the misty panes and
thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw
him drowning.
125In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He
plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. If
in some smothering dreams you too could
pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And
watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His
hanging face, like a devils sick of sin If you
could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come
gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene
as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable
sores on innocent tongues,-- My friend, you would
not tell with such high zest To children ardent
for some desperate glory, The old Lie Dulce et
decorum est Pro patria mori. Wilfred Owen
126Battle of Ypres 1915 first use of poison gas by
Germans April 22 1915 Germans used chlorine gas,
a 5mile wide cloud 520 cylinders(168 tons of the
chemical) Sept. 25, 1915 British released
chlorine gas against the Germans. Lachrymator
(tearing agent)tear gas, mace, temporary
blindness gas mask was good protection Asphyxia
nt(poisonous gas) chlorine, phosgene,
diphosgene Blistering Agent mustard gas
attacked any exposed moist skineyes Lungs,
armpits, groin gas mask not effective, oily
agent would hang Low areas for hours. 1918 1 of
4 artillery shells fired contained gas of some
127Mustard gas victim
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130Sopwith pup
131Fokker testing gear
132Love Field, Dallas
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135American aces
136Billy Mitchell
137Red Baron, von Richtofen
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142Flame thrower
144The British established a blockade against German
ports. The Germans declared the waters
around the British Isles To be a war zone.
145German submarines
146German submarine
147British ships
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149German High Seas fleet
150Admiral Beatty
151Admiral Jellicoe
152Admiral Tripitz
153Admiral von Hipper, commander of scouting forces
154Admiral Von Scheer, Commander of High Seas Fleet
156HMS Indefatigable sunk at Jutland
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159German ship sunk at Jutland
160Rescuing seamen
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162Ambassador Zimmerman
163Nicholas II and son
164 The Great War in Numbers
- Still unexploded mine shaft at Messines
- German armies invaded France 1914
- 12 Air aces all nations with more than 50 planes
downed - Range in yard of German flame thrower
- 55 French mutineers executed
- 1000 daily ave. caloric intake of Germ. Civilians
Jan.1918 - 2,600 allied ships sunk by German U-Boats
- 529,808 British/commonwealth killed,not known nor
found - 584,996 British/commonwealth killed, known
,buried - 1,200,000 Austrian military killed
- 1,385,000 French military killed
- 1,700,000 Russian military killed
- 1,808,000 German military killed
- 7,000,000 combatant maimed for life
- 8,300,000 combatants killed all nations
- 19,536,000 estimated wounded soldiers all nations
165 Numbers Mobilized Percentage of Casualties
Great Britain 8,904,467
35.8 France
73.3 Russia 12,000,000
76.3 Italy
39.1 United States 4,355,000
8.4 Austria
90.0 Germany 11,000,000
64.9 Turkey
34.2 TOTAL 65,038,810
166V. Orlando
167David Lloyd George
169Woodrow Wilson
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