Title: WORK EXPERIENCE.. what do I need to know??
1WORK EXPERIENCE..what do I need to know??
2Purpose of this session
- Benefits of Work Experience
- Expectations
- Workplace expectations
- Employers expectations
- After Work Experience
3What are the benefits of Work Experience?Discuss
4Workplace expectations
- be aware of the environment
5Employer expectations
- Time Keeping
- Mobile Phones
- Illness
- Performing tasks
- Communication
- Using your initiative
- Dress standards
- Dealing with conflict
6Workplace Employers Role and Responsibilities
7Students Role and Legal Responsibilities
9Occupational Health, Safety Welfare (OHSW)
- www.safeworksa.gov.au
- Resources
- Education Training
- Games Tests
- Recommend completing
- Get Certified
- Safety Checks
- Hunt for Hazards
- Hazard Management
- Print certificates and file in your portfolio for
future reference - Worse Case Presentation
10Physical Safety
11(No Transcript)
12Occupational Health Safety
13(No Transcript)
14Cost of Workplace Injuries
15Generic Workplace Signs
16Samples of Workplace Signs
17(No Transcript)
18Risk Management The Law
19A Range of Workplace Hazards
20More Workplace Hazards
21Manual Handling
22(No Transcript)
23No twisting when lifting
24Correct and Incorrect Lifting
25Conflict in the Workplace
28Sexual Harassment
29Racist Harassment based on race or ethnic
30Handling Harassment
31Handling Harassment The Law
32When you drive a car.
33When you go into the workplace
34Your Rights in the Workplace
35To seek help if required
36And finally..
- Letter of thanks to the employer
- Why the letter is so important
- School requirements
- Journal requirements
- Any reports etc
- You are not only representing
- yourself , but also
- your school,
- school community
- host business