Viruses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Viruses Viruses are nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) wrapped in protein Typically the protein coat, or capsid, of an individual virus particle, or virion, is composed of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Viruses

  • Viruses are nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) wrapped in
  • Typically the protein coat, or capsid, of an
    individual virus particle, or virion, is composed
    of multiple copies of one or several types of
    protein subunits, or capsomeres. Some viruses
    contain enzymes, and some have an outer
    membranous envelope. Many viruses have striking
    geometrically regular shapes

Virus Shapes
  • 3 main shapes
  • Icosohedron/polyhedron 20 triangular sections
  • Spiral RNA surrounded by capsomere proteins
  • Bacteriophage spaceship
  • Others (ebola)

Types of Viruses
  • Viruses depend on the host cells that they infect
    to reproduce. When found outside of host cells,
    viruses exist as a protein coat or capsid,
    sometimes enclosed within a membrane. The capsid
    encloses either DNA or RNA which codes for the
    virus elements.

Sizes of Viruses
Nucleic Acid
  • Plus/Minus strand designation mRNA polarity
  • mRNA 5 GAC UCG AGC 3
  • -DNA 5 CTG AGC TCG 3
  • RNA 5 GAC UCG AGC 3 (operates like mRNA)
  • -RNA 5 CUG AGC UCG 3 (euk. cells dont have
  • ssDNA()?-DNA?mRNA
  • Retrovirus RNA?dsDNA using reverse transcriptase

Reverse transcription of retroviruses Reverse
Transcriptase 2 Classification of Viruses
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Viroids? circular ssRNA material, infectious to
    plants, escaped introns???
  • Prions? proteinaceous infectious particles, no
    n.a. Against dogma of molecular biology
  • Scrapie (sheep), kuru (Papau New Guinea), bovine
    spongiform encephalitis (Mad Cow Disease), and
    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Harmful Viruses
  • Viruses are notorious for the plethora of
    diseases they cause, including influenza, rabies,
    AIDS, polio, herpes, ebola, measles, mumps,
    chicken pox, warts, small pox --gt

Lewandowsky-Lutz/ 2 Epidermodysplasia
Helpful Viruses
  • Viruses carry out natural "genetic engineering"
    by incorporating genetic material into its host
  • This is known as transduction, and in some cases
    it may serve as a means of evolutionary change
  • Certain varieties of flowers have been developed
    using viruses to alter the genetic code.
  • Dr Patrick Lee uses reovirus to kill brain cancer
    cells transplanted into laboratory mice, while
    sparing normal, healthy cells. Clinical trials
    involving reovirus in people are now underway.
  • Virus Rap

Helpful Viruses
  • A good virus
  • Most of us go out of our way to avoid viruses.
    But Dr Patrick Lee - formerly of the University
    of Calgary and now at Dalhousie University -
    spends a lot of time in the company of a very
    common virus known as a reovirus. Normally this
    bug causes nothing more serious than a mild
    infection. But Dr Lees team discovered that the
    reovirus has the ability to kill brain cancer
    cells transplanted into laboratory mice, while
    sparing normal, healthy cells. Clinical trials
    involving reovirus in people are now underway.

How do they get in?
  • Lambda phage Replication
  • Replication of a Positive () Sense Strand of
    Lytic RNA Phage
  • T4 Replication
  • Entry into Animal Cell
  • Release of Enveloped Viruses
  • Replication of Retrovirus
  • Influenza

Essential knowledge 3.C.3 Viral replication
results in genetic variation, and viral infection
can introduce genetic variation into the hosts.
  • b. The reproductive cycles of viruses facilitate
    transfer of genetic information.
  • 1. Viruses transmit DNA or RNA when they infect a
    host cell.
  • Transduction in bacteria (Specialized
  • Transposons present in incoming DNA
  • 2. Some viruses are able to integrate into the
    host DNA and establish a latent (lysogenic)
    infection. These latent viral genomes can result
    in new properties for the host such as increased
    pathogenicity in bacteria.
  • LO 3.29 The student is able to construct an
    explanation of how viruses introduce genetic
    variation in host organisms.

Lysogenic Cycle
  • When it comes into contact with a host cell, a
    virus can insert its genetic material into its
    host, literally taking over the host's functions.
    An infected cell produces more viral protein and
    genetic material instead of its usual products.
    Some viruses may remain dormant inside host cells
    for long periods, causing no obvious change in
    their host cells (a stage known as the lysogenic

Lytic Cycle
  • when a dormant virus is stimulated, it enters the
    lytic phase new viruses are formed,
    self-assemble, and burst out of the host cell,
    killing the cell and going on to infect other
  • Attachment?entry?replication?assembly?lysis
  • 1, 2, 3

Essential knowledge 3.C.3 Viral replication
results in genetic variation, and viral infection
can introduce genetic variation into the hosts.
  • a. Viral replication differs from other
    reproductive strategies and generates genetic
    variation via various mechanisms.
  • 1. Viruses have highly efficient replicative
    capabilities that allow for rapid evolution and
    acquisition of new phenotypes. Viral
    Recombination , 1918 Spanish Flu, 2, 3
  • 2. Viruses replicate via a component assembly
    model allowing one virus to produce many progeny
    simultaneously via the lytic cycle.
  • 3. Virus replication allows for mutations to
    occur through usual host pathways.
  • 4. RNA viruses lack replication error-checking
    mechanisms, and thus have higher rates of
  • 5. Related viruses can combine/recombine
    information if they infect the same host cell.
    (Antigenic Shift)
  • 6. HIV is a well-studied system where the rapid
    evolution of a virus within the host contributes
    to the pathogenicity of viral infection.
  • LO 3.30 The student is able to use
    representations and appropriate models to
    describe how viral replication introduces genetic
    variation in the viral population.

Life Cycle of HIV HIV Life Cycle 2 HIV
Replication Future of HIV
  • Constructing a Vaccine
  • Engineering the Avian Flu
  • 1918 Flu
  • Malarial Vaccine
  • Virus Rap

Lysogenic Cycle vs Lytic Cycle
  • Attachment?entry?replication?assembly?lysis

Eubacteria true bacteria
  • Typical monerans found where humans live
  • Evolution of the 3 Domains

Archaea archaic/oldextremophiles
  • Methanogens
  • Thermophiles
  • Acidophiles
  • Halophiles
  • Alkaliphiles
  • Psychrophiles
  • Xerophiles
  • Barophiles
  • Archae vs Bacteria

Bacteria Characteristics
  • Bacteria are distinguished from other living
    things because of their cell structure
  • All bacterial cells have a cell wall surrounding
    a cell membrane, inside of which lies the unbound
    nuclear matter and other material.

  • Bacteria have extra genomic DNA that is round and
    called a plasmid
  • Plasmid Cloning

Bacteria Classified by Shape
  • There are three types of bacterial cells, based
    on shape spherical (coccus), rodlike (bacillus),
    and spiral (spirillum).

  • Some bacteria have flagella for locomotion and
    some have pili to transfer DNA (conjugation) and
    to stick to substrates of host cells

Bacterial Chemotaxis
Harmful Bacteria
  • A number of bacteria cause disease, these are
    called pathogenic bacteria.
  • They can cause diseases of plants, animals,
    fungi, protists and other bacteria
  • E. coli infection
  • Salmonella infection

  • Some bacterial diseases include strep throat,
    scarlet fever, toxic shock syndrome, pneumonia,
    ear infections, gonorrhea, syphilis, Tuberculosis
  • Bacteria can also be used by some countries to
    harm other countries in an act called bioterrorism

Eczema w/ 2o infection
Helpful Bacteria
  • actinomycetes, produce antibiotics such as
    streptomycin and nocardicin
  • live symbiotically in the guts of animals
  • put the tang in yogurt and the sour in sourdough
    bread, cheese spoiled milk

  • break down dead (and living) organic matter
  • Bioremediation
  • used in genetic engineering
  • Nitrogen Fixation? roots of certain plants,
    converting nitrogen into a usable form (nitrate).

Producers in Geothermal Vents
  • Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission
  • Bacterial Conjugation (lateral/horizontal gene
  • Bacterial Transformation (lateral/horizontal gene
  • Bacteria life cycle

BB Checkpoint
  • BB1?SB1a. Explain the role of cell organelles
    for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
    including the cell membrane, in maintaining
    homeostasis and cell reproduction.
  • BB8 ? SB2e. Compare the advantages of sexual
    reproduction and asexual reproduction in
    different situations
  • BB10 ? SB3b. Compare how structures and function
    vary between the six groups (archaebacteria,
    eubacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and

Kingdom Protista
  • All protists are eukaryotes. This means that
    their cells contain a nucleus, a membrane-bounded
    structure that encloses the cell's genetic
  • Some protists are autotrophs like plants, others
    are consumers like animals. Unlike plants and
    animals, however, protists do not have cells
    organized into specialized tissues.

Protista Classified by Nutrition
  • The first detailed descriptions of protists were
    made in 1676 by the inventor of the microscope,
    Dutch naturalist Leewenhoek.
  • The classification is currently based on the
    structure and organization of the cell, the
    presence of organelles, and the pattern of
    reproduction or life cycles. The five-kingdom
    system divides the Protista into 27 phyla.
    However, classifications based on DNA sequences
    suggest that many protist phyla may be
    sufficiently large and diverse to be classified
    as kingdoms.
  • Gallimaufry, cornucopia, hodge-podge, potpourri

  • Auto trophic Protists are called Algae.
    Scientists believe they gave rise to the kingdome
  • Ingestive Heterotrophic protists are called
    Proto zoa. Scientists believe they gave rise to
    the kingdom Animalia
  • Absorptive heterotrophic protists are called
    Slimemolds. Scientists believe they gave rise
    to the kingdom Fungi
  • Protist Rap

Harmful Protists
  • Produce a nerve poison in shellfish that kills
    humans and fish in red tide
  • Cause diseases Chagas disease, Malaria, 2, Lyme
    disease, diarrhea, toxoplasmosis, dysentary,
    Trypanosomaisis, 2, Leishmaniasis, 2, Toxoplasma,
    Cryptospiridium, Leishmaniasis, Brain Amoeba
  • Cause mold and mildew which can spoil food and
    cause allergic reactions
  • Cause algal blooms which can result in

Beneficial Protists
  • Used as insect pathogens
  • Used in ice cream, soups, nori (seaweed in
    sushi), jello, agar, vitamin supplements, or
    eaten as a sea vegetable
  • Ancient dinoflagellates formed oil deposits
  • Bioluminescent
  • Diatoms mined for fine abrasives in silver polish
    and toothpaste and as packing in air and water
  • Marine phytoplankton make up 70 of the oxygen
    on the planet
  • Forensic uses Diatom Detectives
  • Algae for Biofuel

BB Checkpoint
  • BB9?SB3a. Explain the cycling of energy through
    the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
  • BB10 ? SB3b. Compare how structures and function
    vary between the six groups (archaebacteria,
    eubacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and

Fungi Multicellular absorptive heterotrophs
  • Though they grow in soil like plants, they are
    not autotrophic.
  • The have cell walls made of the polysaccharide
  • What are the cell walls of plants made of?

Fungi Anatomy
  • Hyphae? basic structural unit of a fungus made up
    of branching filaments
  • Mycelium? tangled network of fibers
  • Fruiting body? reproductive structure. In Phylum
    Basidiomycota it is the mushroom itself

Fungi Classified by Reproduction
  • Division Zygomycota? form zygospores i.e.
    Rhizopus (bread mold)
  • Division Ascomycota? form ascospores i.e. yeast,
    morels, ergot, Dutch elm disease
  • Division Basidiomycota? Most commonly known,
    forms basidiospores i.e. shelf fungi, mushrooms
  • Division Deuteromycota/ Imperfecti? sexual
    reproduction unknown i.e. Penicillium,

Fungi Life Cycle
Harmful Fungi
  • Many fungi are parasitic and cause diseases like
    ringworm, athletes foot,
  • Can rot and contaminate foods
  • Can destroy almost every type of product or food
    aside from some plastics
  • Black Mold in Buildings
  • Building a House Recipe for Disaster
  • Lungus Fungus

Beneficial Fungi
  • People eat mushrooms, truffles and other fungi,
    citric acid in Coke
  • Fungi are decomposers like bacteria and help to
    recycle organic matter to inorganic saprophytic
  • Yeasts are used in making bread, wine, beer,
    solvents, cheese.
  • Drugs made from fungi cure diseases and stop the
    rejection of transplanted hearts and other
  • Fungi are also grown in large vats to produce
    flavorings for cooking, vitamins and enzymes for
    removing stains.
  • Beneficial Protists Fungi

Fungi Engage in Symbiosis
  • Parasitic /- Mind control
  • Mutualistic / Lichens, a pioneer organism, a
    fungus and algae living together
  • The mycorrhizal fungi live as partners with
    plants, helping them absorb nutrients
  • Predatory /- Arthrobotrys, a deuteromycete

BB Checkpoint
  • BB9?SB3a. Explain the cycling of energy through
    the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
  • BB10 ? SB3b. Compare how structures and function
    vary between the six groups (archaebacteria,
    eubacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and

  • Virus Links
  • Virus Pictures
  • Virus Review
  • Exploring Life
  • Big Picture Book of Viruses
  • AIDS Online
  • Replication of Herpes Animation
  • Influenza Entry Animation
  • Antigenic Shift Animation
  • Immuno- biology Animations
  • Biological Diversity
  • Protists
  • Protist Kingdom
  • Phylogenetic Tree
  • Protozoa Bio 4 Kids
  • Microbe Zoo, Dirtland
  • Bacteria Links
  • Bioterrorism
  • Bacterial Cell Walls
  • 10 Ways a World Will End Monster Plague
  • Discovery of the Germ Theory
  • Antibiotics Tutorial
  • Anti-antibiotics/Efflux Pump
  • Immunology Primer
  • When Worlds Collide, Macro vs. Micro
  • Immuno- biology Animations
  • Fungi Links
  • Fungi Chapter 30
  • Tom Volks Fungi

Virus Links
Virus Pictures Virus Review Exploring Life
Big Picture Book of Viruses AIDS Online
Replication of Herpes Animation Influenza
Entry Animation Antigenic Shift Animation
Immuno- biology Animations Chapter 6
Viruses Introduction to Plasmids
Viruses Bozeman Viral Replication Super Flu
Antigenic shift in influenza
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