Private Duty Nursing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Private Duty Nursing


Private Duty Nursing Program Training for Medicaid Private Duty Nursing Providers Prepared by the Home Care Initiatives Unit Home and Community Care Section – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Private Duty Nursing

Private Duty Nursing
  • Program Training
  • for
  • Medicaid Private Duty Nursing Providers
  • Prepared by the Home Care Initiatives Unit
  • Home and Community Care Section
  • N. C. Division of Medical Assistance

Private Duty Nursing Definitions
  • Private Duty Nursing (PDN) is a Medicaid program
    providing substantial, complex, and continuous
    skilled nursing services (see slides 3-6) to
    beneficiaries at home.
  • PDN services are provided
  • only in a beneficiarys private primary
  • under the direction of a physician-signed
    individualized plan of care,
  • by a RN or LPN licensed with the NCBON and
    employed by a licensed home care agency.

  • Skilled Nursing
  • Skilled nursing is defined by 10A NCAC 13J.1102.

  • Skilled Nursing (continued)
  • Skilled nursing does not include tasks that can
    be delegated to unlicensed personnel pursuant to
    2l NCAC 36.0401

  • Substantial
  • Requires the assessment and judgment of a
    licensed nurse.

  • Complex
  • Complex means that there are scheduled, hands-on
    nursing interventions. Observation in case
    something happens is not covered.

  • Continuous
  • Continuous means there are nursing assessments
    requiring interventions at least every 3-4 hours
    during the period Medicaid covered PDN services
    are provided.

  • Significant Change in Condition
  • Significant change is defined as a change in the
    beneficiarys care needs that impacts more than
    one area of functional health status and requires
    more multidisciplinary review or a revision of
    the plan of care.

General Provisions
  • A beneficiary must have NC Medicaid on the date
    of service.
  • PDN is not covered for NC Health Choice

  • There are exceptions to policy limitations for
    beneficiariess under 21

  • Exceptions to EPSDT
  • unsafe, ineffective, or experimental/investigation
  • not medical in nature or not generally recognized
    as an accepted method of medical practice or
  • Not medically necessary to correct or ameliorate
    a defect, physical or mental illness, or a
    condition health problem

EPSDT and Prior Approval Requirements
  • If the service, product, or procedure requires
    prior approval, the fact that the recipient is
    under 21 years of age does NOT eliminate the
    requirement for prior approval.
    prior approval is found in the Basic Medicaid and
    NC Health Choice Billing Guide, sections 2 and 6,
    and on the EPSDT provider page. The Web addresses
    are specified below.
  • Basic Medicaid and NC Health Choice Billing
    Guide http//
  • EPSDT provider page http//

When the Procedure,Product,or Service Is Covered
  • General Eligibility Criteria
  • Procedures,products,and services are covered when
    medically necessary and
  • the plan is individualized and consistent with
    symptoms and diagnosis,and not in excess of the
    beneficiarys needs.
  • can be furnished safely and no equally effective
    and less costly treatment is available.
  • are not be for the convenience of the
    beneficiary,family,or provider.

Specific Eligibility Criteria
  • The beneficiary may have limitations on coverage
    based on their eligibility category
  • Fee-for-Service Medicaid Categories
  • Beneficiaries covered by regular Medicaid are
    eligible to apply for PDN services.
  • Medicaid for Pregnant Women (MPW)
  • Pregnant women are eligible to apply for PDN
    services if the services are medically necessary
    for a pregnancy-related condition.
  • Medicare Qualified Beneficiaries (MQB)
  • Medicaid recipients who are Medicare-qualified
    beneficiaries (MQB) are not eligible for Private
    Duty Nursing.
  • Managed Care
  • Medicaid recipients participating in a managed
    care program, including Medicaid health
    maintenance organizations and Community Care of
    North Carolina programs (Carolina ACCESS and
    ACCESS II/III), must access home services,
    including PDN, through their primary care

Specific Eligibility Criteria
  • Physician Order
  • PDN services must be requested by and ordered by
    the beneficiarys attending physician using the
  • (MD or DO licensed by the North Carolina Board
    of Medicine and enrolled with Medicaid) on the

Specific Eligibility Criteria
  • Prior approval by DMA

Specific Eligibility Criteria
  • Location of Service
  • PDN is provided in the private residence of the
    beneficiary. The basis for PDN approval is based
    on the need for skilled nursing care in the home.
    A beneficiary who is authorized to receive PDN
    services in the home may make use of the approved
    hours outside of that setting when normal life
    activities temporarily take him or her outside
    that setting. Normal life activities include
    supported or sheltered work settings, licensed
    child care, school and school related activities,
    and religious services and activities. Normal
    life activities do not include inpatient
    facilities, outpatient facilities, hospitals,
    physicians offices, or other medical settings.

Specific Eligibility Criteria
  • Caregiver Support
  • The beneficiary has at least one trained primary
    informal caregiver to provide direct care to the
    beneficiary during the planned and unplanned
    absences of PDN staff.
  • It is recommended that there be a second trained
    informal caregiver for instances when the primary
    informal caregiver is unavailable due to illness,
    emergency, or need for respite.

Health Eligibility Criteria
  • Standard PDN Services
  • To be eligible for standard PDN services, the
    beneficiary shall
  • be dependent on a ventilator for at least eight
    hours per day, or
  • meet at least four of the following criteria
  • unable to wean from a tracheostomy.
  • require nebulizer treatments at least two
    scheduled times per day and one as needed time
    per day.
  • require pulse oximetry readings every nursing
  • require skilled nursing or respiratory
    assessments every shift due to a respiratory
  • need (PRN) oxygen or has PRN rate adjustments at
    least two times per week.
  • require tracheal care at least daily.
  • require PRN tracheal suctioning. Suctioning is
    defined as tracheal suctioning requiring a
    suction machine and a flexible catheter.
  • at risk for requiring ventilator support.

Expanded PDN Services
  • Beneficiaries who meet all of the criteria for
    standard nursing services plus at least one of
    the criteria below may be eligible for expanded
    PDN services
  • use of respiratory pacer.
  • dementia or other cognitive deficits in an
    otherwise alert or ambulatory recipient.
  • Infusions, such as through an intravenous, PICC,
    or central line.
  • seizure activity requiring use of PRN use of
    Diastat, oxygen, or other interventions that
    require assessment and intervention by a licensed
  • primary caregiver who is 80 or more years of age
    or who had disability confirmed by the Social
    Security Administration and disability interferes
    with care-giving ability.
  • determination by Child Protective Services or
    Adult Protective Services that additional hours
    of PDN would help ensure the recipients health,
    safety, and welfare.
  • Expanded PDN services in most cases allows an
    additional 14 hours per week - as long as that
    new total does not exceed the program maximum
    limit of 112 hours per week.

Significant Change In Condition
  • Beneficiaries who meet one of the following
    criteria may be eligible for a short-term
    increase in service. The amount and duration of
    the increase is based on medical necessity and
    approved by the PDN Nurse Consultant. No
    short-term-increase may last more than four
    calendar weeks.
  • beneficiary with new tracheostomy, ventilator, or
    other technology need, immediately post
    discharge, to accommodate the transition and the
    need for training of informal caregivers.
    Services will generally start at a high number of
    hours and be weaned down to within normal policy
    limits over the course of the four weeks. For ex
    24 hrs x 1wk, 20hrs.x1 wk
  • an acute, temporary change in condition causing
    increased amount and frequency of nursing
  • a family emergency, when the back-up caregiver is
    in place but requires additional support because
    of less availability or need for reinforcement of

When PDN Is Not Covered
  • Procedures, products, and services related to
    this policy are not covered when
  • the beneficiary does not meet the Medicaid
    category, general, specific, or health
    eligibility requirements
  • the beneficiary does not meet the medical
    necessity criteria the procedure, product, or
    service unnecessarily duplicates another
    providers procedure, product, or service or
  • the procedure, product, or service is
    experimental, investigational, or part of a
    clinical trial.

Specific Non-Covered Criteria
  • PDN is not covered if any of the following are
  • the beneficiary is receiving medical care in a
    hospital, nursing facility, or other setting
    where licensed personnel are employed
  • the beneficiary is a resident of an adult care
    home, group home, family care home, or nursing
  • the service is for custodial, companion, or
    respite services (short-term relief for the
    caregiver) or medical or community transportation
  • the nursing care rendered can be delegated to
    unlicensed personnel (Nurse Aide I or Nurse Aide
    II), in accordance with 21 NCAC 36.0401 and 21
    NCAC 36.0221(b)
  • the purpose of having a licensed nurse with the
    beneficiary is for observation or monitoring in
    case an intervention is required

Continued Non-Coverage Criteria
  • the service is for the beneficiary or caregiver
    to go on vacation or overnight trips away from
    the beneficiarys private primary residence.
  • Note Short-term absences from the home that
    allow the beneficiary to receive care in an
    alternate setting for a short period of time may
    be allowed as approved by the PDN Nurse
    Consultant and when not provided for respite,
    when not provided in an institutional setting,
    and when provided according to nurse and home
    care licensure regulations
  • services are provided exclusively in the school
    or home school
  • the beneficiary does not have informal caregiver
    support available
  • the service duplicates services provided by
  • home health nursing services
  • respiratory therapy treatment (except as allowed
    under Policy 10D Independent Practitioners
    Respiratory Therapy Services)
  • The Home Infusion Therapy (HIT) program,
  • The Community Alternatives Program for Children
  • the beneficiary is receiving Hospice Services,
    except as those services may apply to children
    under the Affordable Care Act.

Requirements and Limitations on Coverage
  • Prior approval is required for Medicaid
  • Documents required for prior approval
  • the PDN Prior Approval referral form
  • a physicians request. The physicians request
    consists of either
  • Physicians Request Form for PDN Services
  • letter of medical necessity.
  • all health care records and any other records
    that support the beneficiary has met the program
  • if the Medicaid beneficiary is under 21 years of
    age, information supporting that all EPSDT
    criteria are met and evidence-based literature
    supporting the request, if available.
  • Verification of caregiver employment schedule.
  • Verification consists of a statement on employer
    letterhead signed by a supervisor or
    representative from the employers Human
    Resources Department, detailing the employees
    current status of employment (such as active or
    on family medical leave) and typical work
    schedule. If a caregiver is self employed or
    unable to obtain a letter, the Verification of
    Employment form may be used.
  • Home Health Certification and Plan of Care form

Physician Request Should Include
  • The current diagnosis(es)
  • History of the illness, injury, or medical
    condition requiring PDN services
  • Date of onset and date(s) of any related
  • The projected date of hospital discharge, if
  • A prognosis that identifies the specific
    expectations for the beneficiarys recovery from
    the illness, injury, or medical condition
    requiring the PDN hours
  • The specific licensed nursing interventions
    requested, the frequency of those interventions,
    and the estimated length of time PDN will be
    required and
  • The family members and other caregivers available
    to furnish care and the training they have been
    or will be provided.

A complete request for initial prior approval
contains the following information
  • beneficiarys name, address, date of birth and
    Medicaid Identification Number MID
  • the specific number of hours per day requested
  • the name, address, and phone number, and provider
    number of the PDN provider chosen by the
  • requested start of care date for PDN
  • diagnosis and skilled interventions required
  • if applicable, recent hospital admission and
    discharge summaries
  • third party insurance coverage
  • caregiver availability and teaching required and
  • the name of the beneficiarys attending physician
    who will be signing the plan of care.

Prior Approval Continued
  • Documentation that is submitted without this
    information will be treated as unable to process
    or as an incomplete request per Medicaid due
    process procedures.
  • Note Per the current due process procedures, an
    initial request is defined as a request that the
    beneficiary was not authorized to receive on the
    day immediately preceding the date of the receipt
    of the request.
  • If DMA or its designee approves the initial
    request for PDN services, DMA will send the PDN
    service provider a notification letter within 15
    business days of the receipt of all required
    information. Required information includes
    notification of the start of care date and the
    unsigned orders from the agency. A copy of the
    letter will be sent to the beneficiarys
    attending physician, the beneficiary, or the
    beneficiarys representative. The approval letter
  • the beneficiarys name and MID number
  • the name and provider number of the authorized
    PDN service provider
  • the number of hours per week approved for PDN
    services, beginning with Sunday at 1201 am and
  • the starting and ending dates of the approved
    period, usually 30 to 60 calendar days, depending
    on the beneficiarys medical condition.

Prior Approval of Reauthorization
  • The following documents are required for
  • The clinical medical record as per Subsection 7.2
    and in accordance with 10A NCAC 13J.1401 and 10A
    NCAC 13J.1402
  • A copy of the completed PDN Medical
    Update/Beneficiary Information Form, which also
    indicates the date of the last physician visit
  • or
  • A copy of the Medical Update and Patient
    Information Form (CMS-486)
  • A copy of the Home Health Certification and Plan
    of Care Form (CMS-485) signed and dated by the
    attending physician and indicating specific
    recertification dates, frequency, and duration of
    PDN services being requested.
  • A verbal order is acceptable in order to have
    the CMS-485 submitted within ten calendar days
    prior to the recertification date and receive a
    verbal authorization for services however, the
    physician-signed form must be submitted to DMA
    before final written approval is granted

Reauthorizations Continued
  • The completed HNRC
  • At DMAs discretion, an in-home assessment may be
    performed by DMA or its designee
  • Verification of caregivers employment schedule
    annually and with any changes. Verification
    consists of a statement on employer letterhead
    signed by a supervisor or representative from the
    employers Human Resources Department, detailing
    the employees current status of employment (such
    as active or on family medical leave) and typical
    work schedule. If a caregiver is self employed or
    unable to obtain a letter, the Verification of
    Employment form may be used and
  • Nurses notes from the latest certification period
    as requested by Consultant.

Reauthorizations Continued
  • Documentation that is submitted without this
    information will be treated as unable to process
    or as an incomplete request per Medicaid due
    process procedures.
  • To receive approval for continuation of PDN
    services beyond the approved period, the PDN
    service provider shall submit the reassessment
    information to DMA at least 10 calendar days
    PRIOR to the end date of the recertification
    period (current approved period). Authorization
    will be finalized upon receipt of all requested
    information, including signed physician order.
  • Note If the request is received by DMAs Home
    Care Initiatives HCI Unit MORE than one day after
    the end of the current authorization period, the
    request will be treated as an Initial Request

Approved Reauthorizations
  • DMA will
  • forward a written notification to the PDN service
    provider in accordance with the current
    beneficiary notices procedure
  • forward a copy of the authorization for services
    to the beneficiary (and the beneficiarys
    representative, if applicable) and
  • once the signed physician order is received,
    enter the required information into the Medicaid
    fiscal agents claims system to allow payment of
    claims submitted for the approved services.
  • Payment of claims for approved services will not
    be generated until the physician signed CMS 485
    is submitted to DMA for the current certification
    period. Please note the amount of time billed
    must match the amount of time provided and
    documented .

Limitation or Requirements
  • Re-evaluation during the Approved Period
  • If the beneficiary experiences a significant
    change of condition, the PDN service provider
    shall notify DMA or its designee of the need
    either to change the number of PDN hours required
    to meet the beneficiarys needs or to terminate
    PDN, based on physicians orders. Services will
    be re-evaluated at that time. Please note that
    the PDN consultant may require documentation such
    as discharge summaries or physician progress
    notes to substantiate the need for an increase or
    decrease in services.

Verbal Orders
  • If the physician requests that PDN services begin
    before the service provider receives written
    orders, the PDN service provider may act on the
    physicians verbal orders subject to DMA
    approval. A licensed nurse or other appropriate
    home care professional shall record the verbal
    orders on the Home Health Certification and Plan
    of Care Form (CMS-485) and in accordance with 10A
    NCAC 13J, The Licensing of Home Care Agencies.
    The verbal order must be submitted to DMA HCI
    office, with 10 days prior to recertification end
    date. The verbal order shall include
    recertification dates, frequency and duration of
    request PDN hours.

Plan of Care
  • The plan of care must have
  • All pertinent diagnoses, including the
    beneficiarys mental status
  • The type of services, medical supplies, and
    equipment ordered
  • Weekly limit of hours or daily limit.
  • Specific assessments and interventions to be
    administered by the nurse
  • individualized nursing goals with measurable
  • Verbal order, date, signed by RN if CMS-485
    (Locator 23) is not signed by the physician in
    advance of the recertification period
  • The beneficiarys prognosis, rehabilitation
    potential, functional limitations, permitted
    activities, nutritional requirements,
    medications-indicating new or changed in last 30
    calendar days, and treatments
  • Teaching and training of caregivers
  • Safety measures to protect against injury
  • Disaster plan.
  • Discharge plans individualized to the
    beneficiary and
  • The POC recertification period is a maximum of 60
    days unless otherwise authorized by DMA.
  • Note Refer to Attachment B for an example of the
    Home Health Certification and Plan of Care Form

Retroactive Coverage
  • Retroactive coverage for Initial Requests
  • PDN services may be requested for up to five
    business days prior to the initial request of PDN
    coverage. If the request is not received within
    five business days, services are not eligible for
    reimbursement. This only applies to initial
    requests not ongoing recertification's where
    coverage has lapsed due to failure to submit in
    accordance with due process procedures.

PDN in Schools
  • Individuals and caregivers are responsible for
    determining if the beneficiary is receiving the
    appropriate nursing benefit in the school system
    and formulating the childs Individualized
    Education Plan (IEP) to include nursing coverage
    in the school system. If any nursing hours are
    approved for school coverage, these hours are
    included in the total hours approved by DMA.
  • The nurse shall document the hours and specific
    place of service when care is rendered in a
    school, included how transported to school (bus,
    parent vehicle, etc). All other PDN requirements
    must be met for example, there must be a CMS-485
    in addition to the IEP and it must be signed only
    be a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic
    Medicine (DO).

Determining the Amount, Duration, Scope, and
Sufficiency of Services
  • DMA or its designee determines the amount,
    duration, scope, and sufficiency of PDN services
    required after reviewing the recommendations of
    the beneficiarys attending physician and the
    following characteristics of the beneficiary
  • Primary and secondary diagnoses.
  • Overall health status.
  • Level of technology dependence.
  • Current and updated individualized plan of care
  • Need for specific medical care and services
    provided under the Medicaid PDN services benefit.
  • Clinical health care record
  • Amount of family assistance available.
    Verification of employment hours will be
    conducted annually. Allowances will not be made
    for second jobs, overtime, or combination of work
    and school, when the additional hours will cause
    the policy limit to be exceeded.
  • PDN services are authorized in the amounts that
    are medically necessary based on the medical
    condition of the beneficiary and the amount of
    caregiver assistance available.

Approved hours determined
Caregiver availability Standard Expanded
2 caregivers 56 hrs 70hrs
1 caregiver with or without any other CGs 76 hrs. 90 hrs.
2 or more partial CGs 56 plus work time max 96 hrs. 70hrs plus work time max 110hrs.
1 partial CG 70 hrs plus work time up tp 112hrs. Per week 90 hrs per week plus work time for max up to 112hrs per week
  • Fully available caregiver is on who lives with
    beneficiary ,not employed, and is physically and
    cognitively able to provide care.
  • Partially available caregiver is one who lives
    with the beneficiary and has verified employment,
    or who is disabled as determined by the SSA and
    that disability interferes with the ability to
    provide care.

Other considerations in determining hours
  • Approved hours for other formal support programs
    such CAPIDD apply towards the maximum of 112hrs.
  • Hours approved are on a per week basis beginning
    12.01am Sunday and ending 1200am Saturday.
  • Maximum for any beneficiary is 112.
  • Unused hours can not be banked.
  • Individuals who were receiving greater than max
    when the policy took effect (12/1/2012) may
    continue receiving that amount of services until
    nursing interventions decrease, there change in
    caregiver status, or the beneficiary hospitalized
    greater than 30 days.
  • Individuals who, when the policy took effect
    (12/1/2012), were receiving less than 112 hrs but
    exceeding the parameters have until 12/1/2013 to
    decrease their hours to within the parameters.

Request for changes
  • Any request for change in amount,scope,frequency
    ,or duration must be ordered by physician and
    approved by PDN consultants
  • Plan of Care Changes any increase or decrease in
    amount,scope,duration must be approved by the
    consultants. Must have physician order faxed to
  • Temporary changes To decrease services for a
    holiday or vacations less than seven days do not
    require DMA approval. Agency to document missed
    shifts and notify MD.
  • Emergency changes-Emergency changes after hours
    that are based on a true emergency must be
    reported to DMA next business day and must get
    supplemental order from MD. Note Follow-up
    reports will be requested.

  • The PDN service provider ,the physician, or DMA
    may terminate or reduce PDN services. Upon
    termination or reduction DMA enters the
    information into the fiscal agent claims system.

Notification of Termination
  • Notify DMA within 5 business days of discharge
    and send a copy of the MD order to stop servcies.
    DMA will send a letter to the agency
    acknowledging receipt.
  • PDN services can be terminated for the following
    another payer source has been identified, the
    beneficiary is no longer Medicaid eligible, or
    the beneficiary is hospitalized longer than 30
  • If DMA initiates the termination because it has
    determined that the beneficiary no longer meets
    eligibility based on review, Medicaid due process
    procedures will be followed.
  • Note If the beneficiarys physician or service
    provider initiates the discharge, that decision
    cannot be appealed to DMA. Only DMA decisions
    may be appealed to DMA.

Notification of Reduction
  • Notify DMA within five business days of reduction
    and fax MD order. DMA will send letter to the
    provider acknowledging receipt.
  • If DMA initiates the reduction additional
    information may be requested from the service
    provide for medical review. If the information is
    not provided in 10 business the provider will be
    notified in writing of the reduction of PDN
    services and due process procedures will be

Changing Service Providers
  • Transfer of Care Two Branch offices of the Same
  • The new PDN provider shall facilitate the change
    by being responsible for the following
  • Submitting information to DMA within 5 business
    days of the request
  • Coordinating the date of transfer
  • Obtaining a signed 485
  • Obtaining written permission from the beneficiary
    or legal guardian for the transfer.
  • Ensuring that written and verbal orders are
    verified and documented according to 10A
    NCAC13J,Licensing of Home Care Agencies.
  • Forwarding to DMA prior to transfer written

Transfer Between 2 Different Agencies
  • Submit to DMA the following
  • The prior approval form
  • The letter of medical necessity
  • Any other requested documents by DMA

Discharge Summary
  • The PDN service provider shall forward to DMA a
    discharge summary that specifies the last day PDN
    services were provided.

Approval process
  • After all requirements are met, DMA approves the
    new PDN provider and forwards an approval letter
    to the provider and the beneficiary or the
    beneficiarys representative.

Limitations on the Amount ,Frequency, and Duration
  • Unused service hours cannot bank
  • Unauthorized Hours-excess hours not approved by
    DMA are providers financial responsibility.
  • Transportation-PDN nurse cannot drive the
  • Medical settings Not covered in a setting where
    licensed personnel are employed.

Weaning of a Medical Device
  • The DMA Nurse Consultant may authorize
    continuation of PDN services for a brief period
    after the beneficiary no longer requires a
    medical device that qualified him/her for the
    program. Normally this period will not exceed
    two weeks.

Coordination of Care
  • The attending physician and the PDN provider
    agency are responsible for monitoring the
    beneficiarys care and initiating appropriate
    changes in PDN services.
  • Transfer between Health Care Settings-If a
    beneficiary is placed in a different health care
    setting the PDN provider shall contact DMA prior
    to discharge to discuss any changes in services.
    An HP and /or discharge summary shall be
  • Drug Infusion Therapy-The Durable Medical
    Equipment supplier provides the equipment, drugs,
    and supplies under Medicare Part D or Medicaid
    coverage. The PDN Provider is responsible for
    the administration and caregiver teaching.
  • Enteral/Parental Nutrition-DME supplier provides
    the equipment and supplies . Home Health nursing
    would be a duplication.

Coordination of Care
  • 4.Home Health Nursing May not be provided
    concurrently with PDN services.
  • 5.Medical Supplies-Supplies are covered as
    defined in Clinical Coverage Policy3A Home Health

Providers Eligible to Bill
  • To be eligible to bill for services, products,
    and procedures the PDN provider shall meet the
  • Meet Medicaid qualifications
  • Be currently Medicaid enrolled
  • Bill only for services that are within scope of
  • Nursing documentation must substantiate and match
    services billed. Can not bill for more
    units/hours than authorized.

Agency type
  • PDN agencies are licensed by the North Carolina
    Division of Health Service Regulation. Each
    office providing services shall have an
    individual PDN provider number.

Agency Responsibilities
  • Ensure qualified and competent staff
  • Be accredited by June 1, 2014 by JCAHO,ACHC,or
  • Ensure staff have appropriate training and
  • Verify education, license, and training prior to
  • Ensure the nurse assigned has the skills to meet
    the POC
  • Ensure staff have continuing education hours
  • Develop orientation plan for policies and

Provider Relationship to Beneficiary
  • In order for PDN services to be reimbursed the
    agency may not employ
  • Member of the beneficiarys family
  • One who maintains his or her residence with the
  • Nurse who lives with the beneficiary

Nurse supervisor
  • The PDN supervisor shall have at least 2 years
    experience of home care with medically fragile

Additional Requirements
  • Compliance- Must comply with all
    federal,state,HIPPA,local laws, and record
    retention requirements.
  • Documentation-The PDN agency must document
    complete accurate records of all care,
    beneficiary condition, nursing interventions,
    treatment and include the following
  • date, time of skilled care
  • Interventions including beneficiary response
  • Signature of legal representative acknowledging
    time spent and services
  • Hourly Nursing Review form
  • Supplies used
  • Who is taking report or giving report
  • Caregiver availability , training , and
  • Safety issues and interventions
  • Coordination with other home care services such
  • Supervisory visits

Verification of Eligibility
  • PDN provider is responsible for verifying
    eligibility, other insurance coverage, and living
    arrangements before initiating services.

Family and Other Caregivers
  • Caregivers-Shall have one trained primary
    caregiver and it is recommended to have a second
    caregiver in case of emergencies.
  • Training-PDN provider will document the training
    needs of the caregiver. Training by the PDN
    provider and the hospital should be documented.
  • Competency-Family will demonstrate competence,
    skills, and ability to carry out the plan of
  • Emergency Plan-Emergency plan shall be part of
    the POC and caregivers aware if the beneficiary
    requires emergency care.
  • Evaluation of Health Safety-PDN provider is
    responsible for the health, safety, and welfare
    of the beneficiary. Notify DMA of DSS

Patient Self Determination Act
  • The Patient Self Determination Act of 1990,
    Sections 4206 and 4751 of the Omnibus Budget
    Reconciliation Act of 1990, P.L.101-508 requires
    that Medicaid-certified hospitals and other
    health care providers and organizations, give
    patients information about their right to make
    their own health decisions, including the right
    to accept or refuse medical treatment. Providers
    shall comply with these guidelines. Basic
    Medicaid and NC Health Choice Billing Guide

Marketing Prohibition
  • Agencies providing PDN under the Medicaid program
    are prohibited for offering gifts or services for
    the purpose of inducing or enticing beneficiaries
    to choose them as their PDN provider.

How to Complete the POC(485)
  • Completion of Form CMS-485, Home Health
    Certification and Plan of Care.--Form CMS-485
    meets the regulatory requirements (State and
    Federal) for both the physician's home health
    plan of care and home health certification and
    recertification requirements.
  • Complete the following
  • Patient's Medicaid
  • 2. Start of Care Date.--Enter the 6 digit month,
    day, year on which covered home health services
    began ,i.e., MMDDYY (e.g., 101593). The start of
    care (SOC) date is the first Medicaid billable
    visit. This date remains the same on subsequent
    plans of treatment until the patient is
  • 3. Certification Period.--Enter the 2 digit
    month, day, year, MMDDYY (e.g., 101593- 121593),
    which identifies the period covered by the
    physician's plan of care. The "From" date for the
    initial certification must match the start of
    care date. The "To" date can be but never exceed,
    two calendar months and mathematically never
    exceed 62 days.

485 continued
  • 4 . Medical Record No -This is the patient's
    medical record number that is assigned by the HHA
    and is an optional item. If not applicable, the
    agency enters "N/A."
  • 5. Provider No. -This is the -digit number
    issued by Medicaid to the HHA. It always starts
    with 7100___.
  • 6 .Patient's Name and Address - The HHA enters
    the patient's last name, first name, and middle
    initial as shown on the health insurance card and
    the street address, city, State, and ZIP code.
  • .7 Provider's Name Address and Telephone No. -The
    HHA enters its name and/or branch office (if
    appropriate), street address (or other legal
    address), city, State and ZIP code and telephone
  • 8.Date of Birth The patient's date of birth
    (month, day, year) in numbers, i.e.,MMDDYYYY
    (04031920) is entered.
  • 9. Sex The patient's sex is checked in the
    appropriate box.

485 continued
  • 10 .Medications Dose, Frequency, Route. The
    physician's orders for all medications including
    the dosage, frequency and route of administration
    for each drug must be listed. Drugs, which cannot
    be listed on the plan of care due to lack of
    space, are listed on an addendum.
  • 11. Principal Diagnosis,ICD-9-CM Code and Date of
    Onset, Exacerbation.
  • The principal diagnosis is the diagnosis most
    related to the current POC. The diagnosis may or
    may not be related to the patient's most recent
    hospital stay, but must relate to the services
    rendered by the HHA. If more than one diagnosis
    is treated concurrently, the diagnosis that
    represents the most acute condition and requires
    the most intensive services should be entered.

485 Continued
  • 12. Surgical Procedure, Date, ICD-9-CM Code. The
    surgical procedure relevant to the care being
    rendered is entered.
  • 13. Other Pertinent Diagnoses Dates of
    Onset/Exacerbation ICD-9-CM Codes. Enter all
    pertinent diagnoses relevant to the care
  • 14. DME and Supplies- All non-routine supplies
    must be specifically ordered by the physician or
    the physician's order for services must require
    use of the specific supplies. See PDN policy
    5.3.3 Plan of Care.
  • 15. Safety Measures -The physician's instructions
    for safety measures are listed.

485 Continued
  • 16. Nutritional Requirements-The HHA enters the
    physician's orders for the diet. This includes
    specific therapeutic diets and/or any specific
    dietary requirements. Fluid needs or restrictions
    are recorded. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
    can be listed under this item or under
    medications if more space is needed.
  • 17. Allergies-Medications to which the patient
    is allergic and any food or products such as
    adhesive tape,etc.
  • 18A. Functional Limitations-All items that
    describe the patient's current limitations
    assessed by the physician and the agency are
  • 18B. Activities Permitted -The activity(ies) that
    the physician allows and/or for which physician
    orders are present are indicated.
  • 19. Mental Status- The block(s) most appropriate
    to describe the patient's mental status is

485 Continued
  • 20. Prognosis -A check is placed in the box,
    which specifies the most appropriate prognosis
    for the patient.
  • 21. Orders for Discipline and Treatments (Specify
    Amount, Frequency, Duration). Orders must include
    all disciplines and treatments, even if they are
    not billable to Medicaid.Please include any other
    services the recipient is receiving such as
    CAPMR/IDD,PT,OT,Speech, and PCS services. POC
    must be specific include size of tracheostomy,how
    often changed and by whom, vent settings, hours
    on the vent, sizes of suction and Foley
    catheters,etc, For example 12 hours of PDN x 7
    days. Maintain patency of 3.5Ped Bivona.Trach
    change by SN/PCG q week and prn respiratory
  • 22. Goals/Rehabilitation Potential/Discharge-This
    reflects the physician's description of the
    achievable goals and the patient's ability to
    meet them as well as plans for care after

485 Continued
  • 22.Rehabilitation potential -addresses the
    patient's ability to attain the goals and an
    estimate of the time needed to achieve them.
  • 23 Nurse's Signature and Date of Verbal Start of
    Care. This verifies for surveyors, CMS'
    representatives, including Medicaid that a
    registered nurse or qualified therapist
    responsible for furnishing or supervising the
    patient's care spoke to the attending physician
    and received verbal authorization to visit the
    patient. Each reauthorization requires an updated
    verbal start of care every 60 days.
  • Physician's Name and Address. The agency prints
    the physician's name and address. The attending
    physician is the physician who established the
    plan of treatment and who certifies and
    re-certifies the medical necessity of the home
    health visits and/or services. Supplemental
    physicians involved in a patient's care are
    mentioned on the addendum only. The physician
    must be qualified to sign the certification and
    plan of care in accordance with 42 CFR 424
    Subpart B.

485 Continued
  • 25.The date the agency received the signed POC
    from the attending/referring physician is
    entered. It is required only if the physician
    does not date Item 27.
  • 26. Physician Certification-This statement serves
    to verify that the physician has reviewed the POC
    and certifies the need for the services.
  • 27. Attending Physician's Signature and Date- The
    attending physician signs and dates the plan of
    care prior to the claim being submitted for
    payment rubber signature stamps are not
    acceptable. The form may be signed by another
    physician who is authorized by the attending
    physician to care for his/her patients in his/her
  • 28 .Penalty Statement -This statement specifies
    the penalties imposed form is representation,
    falsification or concealment of essential
    information on the Form CMS-485.

Medical Update
  • Top of page Recipient Name and MID
  • Provider name and 7100___
  • Additional insurance coverage in addition to
    Medicaid including private insurance. Explain
  • Last Approval period
  • Physician
  • Updated information-Please do not re- state
    orders. Summarize care and any new or changes in
    orders. Example 5.5 Shiley changed every 2 weeks
    by SN and CG without difficulty. No unplanned
    trach changes in the last 60 days. Suctioned
    every 2 hrs. with 8 suction catheter for mod.
    amt of yellowish secretions. Scheduled nebs bid
    and required prn nebs x 3 this cert period for
    increased secretions. MD aware and PO antibiotics
    ordered. 20 Foley changed every other month. No
    s/sx of UTIs.

Medical Update Continued
  • Weight
  • Date of last exam by MD
  • Changes in condition-can state see above
  • Home safety and environment-Include caregivers
    who they are and any safety concerns.
  • Critical Incidents-Falls ,Hospitalizations,etc
  • Therapies currently receiving and frequency
    PT,OT,play therapist
  • Emergency Plan when nurse not available-Please
    list available and trained caregivers
  • Training needs
  • Education provided and on-going needs

Hourly Nursing Review Criteria
  • Technology needs
  • Vent dependent
  • Tracheostomy no vent
  • CPAP/BIPAP-no trach
  • Hospitalizations
  • Skilled Care needs
  • Endotracheal Suctioning-frequency
  • Sterile Dressing-Do not include trach site
  • NG/GT/GJ tube feedings- For continuous points
    must have feedings over at least 8 hours. Points
    for reflux must be on medications for GERD or
    swallowing study.
  • IO-Ineligible for points unless intervention
    such as adjustment to tube feedings.
  • Intermittent catheterization.

Hourly Nursing Review Continued
  • 6.Intravenous Fluids,medications,or
    nutrition-baseline not when ill
  • 7.Pulse Oximetry,CO2 monitoring,nebs,chest PT-can
    not receive more than 8 pts. No matter how many
    recipient receives..
  • 8. Medication-Moderate and Complex pts. Include
    those that are prn and require adjustment by the
    nurse. Must be more than 3 given in a 8 hour
  • Activities of Daily Living Needs-Age Appropriate
  • Naso orophargeal suctioning.
  • Dressing/site care-not trach dressing
  • Oral /feeding assistance
  • Recording intake and output
  • Incontinence care
  • Personal care
  • Range of Motion
  • Ambulation/transfer/bed mobility

Hourly Nursing Review Continued
  • Home Environment/Caregiver Information
  • Include caregiver health issues, other programs,
    stressors,etc. If on CAPMR provide case-manager
    name and contact information.
  • Questions?
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