Title: New Jersey Department of Human Services
1New Jersey Department of Human Services
- Central Registry of Offenders Against Individuals
with Developmental Disabilities
2The Central Registry
- Created by New Jersey Statute, Title 306D 73 et
seq. - Landmark legislation- NJ is one of a handful of
states to enact similar legislation to help
protect individuals with developmental
disabilities. - Signed into law by Governor Christie on April 30,
2010. - Registry was implemented on October 27, 2010.
3What is the Central Registry?
- A confidential web-based registry, maintained by
DHS, of paid caregivers and volunteers determined
by the Department to have abused, neglected or
exploited an individual with a developmental
4Who Does the Central Registry Protect?
- Individuals with developmental disabilities
receiving care or services from - State-operated programs
- Facilities or programs licensed, contracted or
regulated by DHS - State-funded, community-based services.
5Important Provision of the Registry Law Requires
Reporting of Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation
- Allegations of abuse, neglect or exploitation by
a caregiver against a person with a developmental
disability MUST be immediately reported to the
Department of Human Services (DHS) by telephone
or in-person. - 1-800-832-9173
6Who is Required to Report Allegations?
- The responsibility to report allegations
applies to any person - Employed or volunteering in a program, facility,
community care residence or living arrangement-
licensed or funded by DHS - A person providing community-based services
- An employee of the Department.
7Important Note for Agencies
- Agencies should follow the Departments reporting
procedures by reporting allegations through the
Unusual Incident - Risk Management System.
- Reporting allegations through UIRMS satisfies
reporting requirements.
8Are There Consequences for Not Reporting?
- Yes.
- A person who fails to report an act of abuse,
neglect or exploitation will be deemed to have
committed a Disorderly Persons Offense and shall
be subject to applicable legal penalties.
9What is Considered Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation?
- Examples of abuse include, but are not limited
to - Death
- Serious physical injuries- including head
injuries, internal injuries, burns, exposure to
or ingestion of noxious substances, bodily
wounds, bone fractures, sprains or dislocations,
human bites - Injuries resulting in unexpected hospitalizations
or trips to the emergency room. - Acts of physical aggression, including kicking,
punching, slapping, hair pulling or hitting.
10Other Examples of Abuse (cont.)
- Mental or emotional impairment, not related to
the underlying physical or emotional disabilities
of the service recipient - Risk of harm due to substance abuse by the
caregiver or service recipient - Acts that demean, humiliate or intimidate
- Use of unapproved restraints.
11Other Examples of Abuse (cont.)
- Sexual penetration
- Sexual exploitation
- Sexual molestation
- Substantial risk of sexual injury
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
12Examples of Neglect
- Inadequate supervision
- Abandonment or desertion
- Inadequate food, clothing, shelter
- Malnutrition
- Medical neglect.
13Examples of Exploitation
- Theft or use of a service recipients property or
private funds - Misappropriation of a service recipients
identity - Having a service recipient perform labor for
which he or she is not compensated.
14The Law Provides
- Immunity from any civil or criminal liability and
immunity from legal testimony as a result of
reporting - Option to seek court relief in situations of
discrimination or discharge from employment when
reporting allegations was made in good faith.
15Who Can Be Placed on the Central Registry?
- An individual in the role of caregiver, who is
determined through a DHS investigation to have
abused, neglected or exploited an individual with
a developmental disability. - Caregiver is defined as a person who
- Receives state funding, directly or indirectly,
in whole or in part, to provide services,
supports, or both, to an individual with a
developmental disability. - Individual can be paid directly or indirectly by
the state a contracted or licensed employee a
volunteer, alternate or respite provider.
16The law excludes immediate family members from
placement on the Central Registry
- Immediate Family means
- A parent or sibling child by blood, adoption,
marriage or civil union spouse grandparent or
17Immediate Family Members in Care Giving Roles.
- May still be investigated for abuse, neglect or
exploitation, and other acts, however, regardless
of the finding, they cannot be placed on the
Central Registry for Offenders Against
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities.
18Who Investigates Allegations for Possible
Placement on the Central Registry?
- The Departments Special Response Unit (SRU) will
investigate the most serious allegations of
abuse, neglect and exploitation in agency and
community settings. - The Departments Investigative Response Teams
will investigate all allegations of abuse,
neglect and exploitation in the Departments
Developmental Centers.
19Information Regarding a Registry Investigation is
Protected Information.
- Considered confidential and is not considered a
public or government record - Can only be disclosed under circumstances
expressly authorized by DHS rules and
regulations - Cannot be disclosed if disclosure would likely
endanger the life, safety, or physical or
emotional well-being of an individual with a
developmental disability or of any other person - Cannot be disclosed if it may compromise the
integrity of a departmental, civil or criminal
investigation or judicial proceeding.
20Consideration for Placement on the Registry
Begins with
- The findings of the Departments investigation.
- The investigating unit notifies the alleged
perpetrator, and as applicable, also notifies the
alleged perpetrators employer of its findings - As appropriate, the alleged victim is notified
- As applicable, the alleged victims guardian is
also notified of the investigative findings.
21A Substantiated Finding is Based on the
Preponderance of Evidence Standard.
- Preponderance of evidence means the superior
evidentiary weight, that, although not sufficient
to free the mind wholly of all reasonable doubt,
is still sufficient to incline a reasonable
person to conclude that the allegation is more
likely true than not.
22Elements for Consideration for Placement on the
Central Registry
- In addition to rendering a finding for an
allegation, the Departments investigating unit
will determine if any/all of the following
additional elements also exist - In cases of substantiated abuse, whether the
caregiver acted intentionally, recklessly or with
careless disregard resulting in an injury or
exposing the individual to a potential injury. - In cases of substantiated neglect, whether the
caregiver acted with gross negligence,
recklessness or evidenced a pattern of behavior
that caused harm or placed an individual in
harms way.
23In Cases of Substantiated Abuse, a
Determination is Made as to Whether the Caregiver
- Intentionally
- Recklessly or,
- With careless disregard.
- to the well-being of the service recipient
resulting in injury to an individual with a
developmental disability or by exposing the
individual to a potentially injurious situation.
24What Do These Elements Mean?
- Intent the mental resolution or determination to
commit an act. - Recklessness the creation of a substantial and
unjustifiable risk of harm to others by a
conscious disregard for that risk. - Careless disregard the lack of reasonableness
and prudence in doing what a person ought not to
do or not doing what ought to be done.
25In Cases of Substantiated Neglect
- A determination will be made whether the
caregiver acted with - Gross Negligence
- Recklessness or,
- Evidenced a pattern of behavior that caused harm
to an individual with a developmental disability
or placed that individual in harms way. -
26What Do These Elements Mean?
- Gross Negligence A conscious, voluntary act or
omission in reckless disregard of a duty and of
the consequences to another party. - Recklessness The creation of a substantial and
unjustifiable risk of harm to others by a
conscious disregard for that risk. - Pattern of behavior A repeated set of similar
wrongful acts.
27In cases of a substantiated incident of
- Any single act or set of acts that dispossesses a
service recipient or group of service recipients
of a monetary value of 100.00 or more.
28In Cases of a Substantiated Finding
- The Departments investigating unit will notify
the caregiver in writing, whether or not he or
she will be considered for placement on the
Central Registry. - The investigating unit will also refer the matter
to the DHS Commissioner or the Commissioners
designee, who shall determine whether the
perpetrator will be considered for inclusion on
the Central Registry.
29 Departments Intention to Place an Individual on
the Central Registry
- Decision made by the Commissioner or their
designee - Results in Departmental notification to the
perpetrator, perpetrators employer, and the
licensing or contracting unit providing funding
to the perpetrator of the intention to place on
the Central Registry.
30Notification will include
- The perpetrators name
- Unusual Incident Reporting (UIR) number
- Date upon which the decision was made
- Brief description of the incident and findings
- In cases of placement on the Central Registry, a
summary of the right to appeal procedures.
31Upon Placement on the Central Registry
- The individual shall cease all contact with
persons with developmental disabilities, except
immediate family members, for whom they directly
or indirectly receive state funding. - Note- upon notification of an allegation of
abuse, neglect or exploitation, the Department,
agencies or facilities may also take action as
necessary to ensure the safety of the individual
with a developmental disability.
32Criteria for Placement on the Central Registry
- Based on a substantiated finding of abuse,
neglect and/or exploitation - Substantiated incident also involves any or all
of the additional elements (i.e. intent,
recklessness) - Based on a departmental recommendation that the
incident warrants inclusion of the individual on
the Central Registry - An informal hearing (if requested) with the
perpetrator results in a determination that
placement on the Central Registry is warranted
33Individuals Identified for Placement on the
Central Registry
- Within 10 days of notification may seek the
following - An informal hearing with a representative of the
Department - Within 30 days of notification, may also seek the
following - An Administrative Hearing through the Office of
Administrative Law. - Appeal procedures are in accordance with the
- Administrative Procedures Act - (N.J.S.A.
34Can an Individual Come Off the Central Registry?
- Yes.
- May be removed from the Central Registry during
the appeal process if the Department determines
an error has been made - Otherwise, an individual placed on the Central
Registry can seek to be removed after five years - Individual seeking removal after five years, must
demonstrate and evidence satisfactory
rehabilitation based on identified criteria
within DHS regulations to the Department.
35The Central Registry
- Maintained by the Critical Incident Management
Unit in the DHS, Office of Program Integrity and
Accountability - A web-based system that permits entities that
employ caregivers in state-operated facilities or
programs licensed, contracted or regulated by the
Department, or those providing state funded
community based services, to check the names of
employees or prospective employees - Agencies/providers who provide care giving
services to individuals with developmental
disabilities complete a Central Registry
registration form for DHS approval to gain access
the Central Registry - Agency CEOs, State or Executive Directors are
given a DHS issued, User ID and password -
36Who is Required to Check the Central Registry?
- Every entity that employs caregivers, including
volunteers, respite providers and alternates in a
state-operated facility or program licensed,
contracted or regulated by the Department - Also includes employers providing state-funded,
community-based services directly or indirectly
to individuals with developmental disabilities - In situations where an individual receives
self-directed funds, the employer of record is
required to check the Central Registry.
37Who is Required to Check the Central Registry?
- The DDD Regional Home Developer will conduct a
check of the Central Registry for all Community
Care Residence providers and their adult
occupants, age 18 years and over and any
alternates - Anytime a Community Care Residence provider has a
new occupant or an alternate, the name shall be
immediately provided to the DDD Regional Home
Developer, who will check the name against the
Central Registry.
38How Frequently Must the Central Registry be
- Prior to each new hire of a caregiver, including-
employees, volunteers, alternates and respite
providers - Each time a new name is added to the Central
Registry, DHS will send an e-mail advisory alert
to all Central Registry users- the Central
Registry shall be re-checked by all employers at
that time. -
39Requirements/ Responsibilities of Facilities
Licensed, Regulated and/or Contracted Employers
- Obtain consent (available on DHS OPIA website)
from caregivers and volunteers for checking their
name against the Central Registry - Obtain documentation that caregivers and
volunteers are aware of their duty to report
allegations and cooperate with an investigation - Check current and prospective employees (before
employment) against the Central Registry
40Requirements/ Responsibilities (cont.)
- Document and maintain evidence that the Central
Registry was checked on all existing and
prospective employees and volunteers.
Documentation must be available for Department
review/inspection - The law also applies to out-of-state facilities
that contract with the Division of Developmental
Disabilities - Out-of-state providers for New Jersey are also
required to conduct a similar check of their own
system (if available). -
41This Central Registry and Regulations..
- Help ensure the safety and well-being of our most
vulnerable clients. - Thank you for your efforts in promoting and
advancing this important process and protective
tool. - Questions/Additional Information-
- Visit the DHS website
- http//www.state.nj.us/humanservices/staff/opia/ce
ntral_registry.html - Or contact the DHS, Office of Program Integrity
and Accountability at - (1-609) 292-1617