Title: The Story of Everything
1The Story of Everything
- The Globally Mytho-Cosmological
- common Story of Creation
This Power Point Presentation contains
comparisons between Comparative Mythology,
Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Personal
For more specific studies, see the links at the
end of this Presentation.
(Navigate via keyboard arrows)
- In the beginning, there was nothing . . .
- This is just a telling technique.
- There was no beginning!
- Everything has always been!
- In the Universe
- There is always Electromagnetic Light
- There is always some molecular Matter
- Ligth and Matter
- moves in eternal changes
- of assembling and distributing.
- Churning and Churning . . . in the Universal Soup
of the watery Cosmic Microwave Background
- The 4 basical cosmic elements
- Fire Cosmic Explosion
- Water Hydrogen
- Air Molecular Gas
- Soil Molecular Dust
Fire accelerates and heats up the cosmic Water
and Soil and steam up the Air.
So it is said in all Global Mythical Stories of
The Promordial Waters fills the Universe The
Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic Light
Molecular Matter
- Cosmic Swirls are created
The beginning of galaxies is started
- The Electromagnetic Swirls concentrates the
pre-galactic formation.
The Swirl spins faster and faster
- The Swirl heats up and melts
- Until it melts all together and explodes
- Galaxies moves both inwards - as this one - and
outwards - as in Barred Galaxies as in the
Milky Way Galaxy
- After the inwards turning, the galaxy melts and
explodes outwards in 2 bars, - becoming an outwards turning Galaxy - as with our
Milky Way Galaxy - Larger melted spheres of gas and matter is spewed
out in the arms and become Stars, Planets and
- Even minor galaxies are born in the Milky Way
galaxy arms because of the original outburst of
swirling gas and matter.
The Milky Way Galaxy is created. Stars and Star
Constellations And Solar Systems
And new Stars are still born in the Milky Way
center . . .
The Solar system is born directly out from the
Milky Way center accordingly to the Mythical
telling of The Expulsion from Garden of Eden
(That is And NOT via a local presolar accretion
Modern humans have long forgotten the Milky Way
connection to the globally Creation Myths. Even
still living Native Tribes have their troubles
remembering this. Amongst many other Symbols, the
Milky Way globally is symbolized as a Great
Serpent, encircling the Earth on the night
Sky. The Serpent symbol is very logical as
depicting the spiralling Milky Way structure, but
many other Milky Way symbols are used all over
the World.
The Earth axis hemispheres divides the Milky Way
contours in two major Milky Way figures - as
sketched here from a Star Map Atlas. These 2
figures gives origin to all basical mythological
creation Archetypes all over the World.
The southern Earth hemisphere represents The
Underworld - and this figure becomes the
mythological archetype of the Major female Deity
or Creature.
The northern Earth hemisphere figure represents
The Overworld - and it becomes the mythological
archetype of the Major male Deity or Creature.
The swirl on the southern hemisphere female
figure marks the Milky Way center, mythologically
called the Cosmic Womb, the Primeordial Mound,
holding the Enclosed Light.
From this Center, everything was created OUT of
the Milky Way Galaxy
- The Milky Way River is floating around the Earth.
The Globally Flood Myths (Noa Ark) tells of the
Milky Way River and of The Heavenly Ocean. There
was NO Flood because of any sin.
The Milky Way Contours gives origin for the major
mythological deities and even anthropomorphic
The Milky Way Contours
In Genesis, there are 2 tellings of the Human
Creation Story. The first tells of the creation
of the Galaxy and its celestial contours as a
shape of Human like deities in the Sky. The
second telling deals with the creation of humans
of Adam and Eve in the image of the Galactic
The Milky Way Deities
- The Greatest Creator God and Goddess
Odin Frigg Ophion - Eurynome Saturnus -
Helen Jahve Ashera Allah - Allat Adam - Eve Etc
- Etc
Northern Milky Way contours
Southern Milky Way contours
- The Giant Milky Way Couple
All superior Gods and Goddesses and Creatures
origine from the Milky Way contours.
Star Map - Milky Way contours Egypt Nut Geb
- The Milky Way contour Couple.
- Heavenly God and Goddess - Ancestral
Forefather/Mother - Adam Eve - The Opposite
Deities - Giant Deities Giant Creatures.
Rock Art carving Stone Age - Star Map Egypt
- The Heavenly White Great Mother of the Southern
hemisphere the Underworld
Scientifical Star Map - Egypt Indian Swedish
- Aboriginal All images of the southern
hemisphere Milky Way Great Goddess or Creature.
- The Heavenly Milky Way White Great Father or
Creature - of the Earth Northern hemisphere
Star Map Contours Swedish Rock Art Saturnus -
Egypt Seth
- The Heavenly Milky Way (Male) Ship of the
Northern hemisphere
Danish Rock Art Star Map contours with
celestial Pole Egypt image. (Of course, the
Female Ship revolves on the Southern Earth
- The Cosmic Mound The Milky Way Center
Ancient People made Hills and other high
structures in order to illustrate the Milky Way
center and the location of our Solar System.
Finnish Bronze Age artefact and Turkish
- Wheels within Wheels - (Ezek 116)
Apparently our Ancestors knew much more than we
give them credit for.
Our Galaxy and the Solar System. The direction
from the Galaxy center gives origin to the
outspring for the 4 Rivers representing the 4
Solar System Milky Way zodiacal directions.
- The Garden Of Eden
- The 2 World Trees of Creation
Milky Way Galaxy
The Earth
Milky Way Tree Tree of Knowledge. Earth Tree
Tree of Life
Tree Man Credit http//www.walkingtreeman.com/log
These 3 Norse Mytology Worlds, Midgard, Asgard
and Udgard are each divided in 3 worlds The
Upper, The Middle and The Lover Worlds, giving
the Mythological 9 Worlds
1 Your location on Earth. 2 Sun, Moon and
Planets. 3 Star Constellations and 4 Milky
Way Contours
Scandinavian Rock Art depicting the 3 Worlds
- Contact Links
- Feedback, contact, questions and suggestions to
nielsen.ivar(at)gmail.com - For more specific studies of this Presentation
contents, visit my sites below - http//www.native-science.net (Mytho-Cosmological)
- http//www.cosmology-unified.net
(Cosmo-Mythological) - http/www.steady-state-universe.net
(Cosmological) - Stjerneportalen
- http//stjerneportalen.dk/index.htm
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