Chemistry Homework Help - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chemistry Homework Help


Explaining Vapor Pressure on the Molecular Level Some of the molecules on the surface of a liquid have enough energy to escape the attraction of the bulk liquid. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chemistry Homework Help

Vapor Pressure
  • Explaining Vapor Pressure on the Molecular
  • Some of the molecules on the surface of a liquid
    have enough energy to escape the attraction of
    the bulk liquid.
  • These molecules move into the gas phase.
  • As the number of molecules in the gas phase
    increases, some of the gas phase molecules strike
    the surface and return to the liquid.
  • After some time the pressure of the gas will be
    constant at the vapor pressure.

Vapor Pressure
  • Explaining Vapor Pressure on the Molecular

Vapor Pressure
  • Explaining Vapor Pressure on the Molecular
  • Dynamic Equilibrium the point when as many
    molecules escape the surface as strike the
  • Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted when the
    liquid and vapor are in dynamic equilibrium.
  • Volatility, Vapor Pressure, and Temperature
  • If equilibrium is never established then the
    liquid evaporates.
  • Volatile substances evaporate rapidly.

Vapor Pressure
  • Volatility, Vapor Pressure, and Temperature
  • The higher the temperature, the higher the
    average kinetic energy, the faster the liquid

Vapor Pressure
  • Volatility, Vapor Pressure, and Temperature

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Vapor Pressure
  • Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point
  • Liquids boil when the external pressure equals
    the vapor pressure.
  • Temperature of boiling point increases as
    pressure increases.

Vapor Pressure
  • Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point
  • Two ways to get a liquid to boil increase
    temperature or decrease pressure.
  • Pressure cookers operate at high pressure. At
    high pressure the boiling point of water is
    higher than at 1 atm. Therefore, there is a
    higher temperature at which the food is cooked,
    reducing the cooking time required.
  • Normal boiling point is the boiling point at 760
    mmHg (1 atm).

Phase Diagrams
  • Phase diagram plot of pressure vs. Temperature
    summarizing all equilibria between phases.
  • Given a temperature and pressure, phase diagrams
    tell us which phase will exist.
  • Any temperature and pressure combination not on a
    curve represents a single phase.

Phase Diagrams
  • Features of a phase diagram
  • Triple point temperature and pressure at which
    all three phases are in equilibrium.
  • Vapor-pressure curve generally as pressure
    increases, temperature increases.
  • Critical point critical temperature and pressure
    for the gas.
  • Melting point curve as pressure increases, the
    solid phase is favored if the solid is more dense
    than the liquid.
  • Normal melting point melting point at 1 atm.

Phase Diagrams
Phase Diagrams
The Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2
Phase Diagrams
  • The Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2
  • Water
  • The melting point curve slopes to the left
    because ice is less dense than water.
  • Triple point occurs at 0.0098?C and 4.58 mmHg.
  • Normal melting (freezing) point is 0?C.
  • Normal boiling point is 100?C.
  • Critical point is 374?C and 218 atm.

Phase Diagrams
  • The Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Triple point occurs at -56.4?C and 5.11 atm.
  • Normal sublimation point is -78.5?C. (At 1 atm
    CO2 sublimes it does not melt.)
  • Critical point occurs at 31.1?C and 73 atm.

Structures of Solids
  • Unit Cells
  • Crystalline solid well-ordered, definite
    arrangements of molecules, atoms or ions.
  • Crystals have an ordered, repeated structure.
  • The smallest repeating unit in a crystal is a
    unit cell.
  • Unit cell is the smallest unit with all the
    symmetry of the entire crystal.
  • Three-dimensional stacking of unit cells is the
    crystal lattice.

Structures of Solids
  • Unit Cells

Structures of Solids
  • Unit Cells
  • Three common types of unit cell.
  • Primitive cubic, atoms at the corners of a simple
  • each atom shared by 8 unit cells
  • Body-centered cubic (bcc), atoms at the corners
    of a cube plus one in the center of the body of
    the cube,
  • corner atoms shared by 8 unit cells, center atom
    completely enclosed in one unit cell
  • Face-centered cubic (fcc), atoms at the corners
    of a cube plus one atom in the center of each
    face of the cube,
  • corner atoms shared by 8 unit cells, face atoms
    shared by 2 unit cells.

Unit Cells
Unit Cells
Structures of Solids
Unit Cells
Structures of Solids
  • The Crystal Structure of Sodium Chloride
  • Two equivalent ways of defining unit cell
  • Cl- (larger) ions at the corners of the cell, or
  • Na (smaller) ions at the corners of the cell.
  • The cation to anion ratio in a unit cell is the
    same for the crystal. In NaCl each unit cell
    contains same number of Na and Cl- ions.
  • Note the unit cell for CaCl2 needs twice as many
    Cl- ions as Ca2 ions.

Structures of Solids
The Crystal Structure of Sodium Chloride
Structures of Solids
The Crystal Structure of Sodium Chloride
Structures of Solids
  • Close Packing of Spheres
  • Solids have maximum intermolecular forces.
  • Molecules can be modeled by spheres.
  • Atoms and ions are spheres.
  • Molecular crystals are formed by close packing of
    the molecules.
  • We rationalize maximum intermolecular force in a
    crystal by the close packing of spheres.

Structures of Solids
  • Close Packing of Spheres
  • When spheres are packed as closely as possible,
    there are small spaces between adjacent spheres.
  • The spaces are called interstitial holes.
  • A crystal is built up by placing close packed
    layers of spheres on top of each other.
  • There is only one place for the second layer of

Structures of Solids
  • Close Packing of Spheres
  • There are two choices for the third layer of
  • Third layer eclipses the first (ABAB
    arrangement). This is called hexagonal close
    packing (hcp)
  • Third layer is in a different position relative
    to the first (ABCABC arrangement). This is
    called cubic close packing (ccp).

Structures of Solids
Close Packing of Spheres
Structures of Solids
  • Close Packing of Spheres
  • Each sphere is surrounded by 12 other spheres (6
    in one plane, 3 above and 3 below).
  • Coordination number the number of spheres
    directly surrounding a central sphere.
  • Hexagonal and cubic close packing are different
    from the cubic unit cells.
  • If unequally sized spheres are used, the smaller
    spheres are placed in the interstitial holes.

Bonding in Solids
  • There are four types of solid
  • Molecular (formed from molecules) - usually soft
    with low melting points and poor conductivity.
  • Covalent network (formed from atoms) - very hard
    with very high melting points and poor
  • Ions (formed form ions) - hard, brittle, high
    melting points and poor conductivity.
  • Metallic (formed from metal atoms) - soft or
    hard, high melting points, good conductivity,
    malleable and ductile.

Bonding in Solids
Bonding in Solids
  • Molecular Solids
  • Intermolecular forces dipole-dipole, London
    dispersion and H-bonds.
  • Weak intermolecular forces give rise to low
    melting points.
  • Room temperature gases and liquids usually form
    molecular solids and low temperature.
  • Efficient packing of molecules is important
    (since they are not regular spheres).

Bonding in Solids
  • Covalent-Network Solids
  • Intermolecular forces dipole-dipole, London
    dispersion and H-bonds.
  • Atoms held together in large networks.
  • Examples diamond, graphite, quartz (SiO2),
    silicon carbide (SiC), and boron nitride (BN).
  • In diamond
  • each C atom has a coordination number of 4 each
    C atom is tetrahedral there is a
    three-dimensional array of atoms.
  • Diamond is hard, and has a high melting point
    (3550 ?C).

Bonding in Solids
Covalent-Network Solids
Bonding in Solids
  • Covalent-Network Solids
  • In graphite
  • each C atom is arranged in a planar hexagonal
  • layers of interconnected rings are placed on top
    of each other
  • the distance between C atoms is close to benzene
    (1.42 Å vs. 1.395 Å in benzene)
  • the distance between layers is large (3.41 Å)
  • electrons move in delocalized orbitals (good

Bonding in Solids
  • Ionic Solids
  • Ions (spherical) held together by electrostatic
    forces of attraction.
  • There are some simple classifications for ionic
    lattice types.

Ionic Solids
Bonding in Solids
  • Ionic Solids
  • NaCl Structure
  • Each ion has a coordination number of 6.
  • Face-centered cubic lattice.
  • Cation to anion ratio is 11.
  • Examples LiF, KCl, AgCl and CaO.
  • CsCl Structure
  • Cs has a coordination number of 8.
  • Different from the NaCl structure (Cs is larger
    than Na).
  • Cation to anion ratio is 11.

Bonding in Solids
  • Ionic Solids
  • Zinc Blende Structure
  • Typical example ZnS.
  • S2- ions adopt a fcc arrangement.
  • Zn2 ions have a coordination number of 4.
  • The S2- ions are placed in a tetrahedron around
    the Zn2 ions.
  • Example CuCl.

Bonding in Solids
  • Ionic Solids
  • Fluorite Structure
  • Typical example CaF2.
  • Ca2 ions in a fcc arrangement.
  • There are twice as many F- per Ca2 ions in each
    unit cell.
  • Examples BaCl2, PbF2.

Bonding in Solids
  • Metallic Solids
  • Metallic solids have metal atoms in hcp, fcc or
    bcc arrangements.
  • Coordination number for each atom is either 8 or
  • Problem the bonding is too strong for London
    dispersion and there are not enough electrons for
    covalent bonds.
  • Resolution the metal nuclei float in a sea of
  • Metals conduct because the electrons are
    delocalized and are mobile.

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