Proposal on Saving the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Proposal on Saving the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest


Saving The Gem Proposal on Saving the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest Experience Creates Change However, talking was not enough to convince them of the importance of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Proposal on Saving the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest

Saving The Gem
Proposal on Saving the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest
Personal Background
I have taken three life-changing trips in my
life first to the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest,
second to the Galapagos Islands and mainland
Ecuador, and third, back to the Peruvian Amazon
You are probably wondering, Why did she go back
to Peru?
Once Wasnt Enough
  • All those experiences were and still are out of
    this world. I found Amazonas, as they say in
    Spanish, or the Amazon to be a precious gem
    tucked away in the heart of South America. I
    could not stop telling my two best friends every
    detail of my priceless adventure.

Experience Creates Change
  • However, talking was not enough to convince them
    of the importance of saving the Amazon. I had to
    bring them there. After months of preparation,
    las tres amigas hopped on an airplane together.
    The experience changed their world view too.

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Losing the Gem
  • Research indicates that in a few short years the
    entire Amazon will be gone. So what to do? The
    answer, teach the native people the importance of
    their land and why they should save it. Let them
    know that they can thrive economically without
    their slash and burn agricultural cycle.

Awareness and Action
  • Most importantly, develop a program that helps
    them learn about the value of preserving the
    knowledge of their rainforest plants and animals,
    and the impact of living in harmony with the
    earth. Encourage them to transmit their culture
    to future generations.

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Rainforest Facts
  • One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost
    every second.
  • 137 species are lost in one day.
  • 70 of the plant species identified by the US
    National Cancer Institute as holding anti-cancer
    properties come from rainforests.
  • There are more fish species in the Amazon river
    system than in the entire Atlantic Ocean.

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Power of the Mind
  • Motivate the native people into action by
    building their self esteem.
  • Provide examples of individuals and communities
    who have made major inroads against the odds.
  • Everyone can play a role in saving their home,
    village, and country. Let them know they are
    important, and they are the ones to make the

From Teacher to Student
  • A society's first line of defense is not the law
    but customs, traditions and moral values. These
    behavioral norms, mostly transmitted by example,
    word-of-mouth and religious teachings, represent
    a body of wisdom distilled over the ages through
    experience and trial and error. Walter E.

What Do We Need To Build A Program?
  • Professionals to create an organized curriculum
    addressing particular topics with learning
    objectives for teachers and students.
  • Scouts to find potential native people to become
    teachers at the one-room school houses in Iquitos
    and for educating students in Lima.
  • Donations for materials and salaries

Building a Foundation
  • Will need a resource library
  • Writers and artists to create the materials and
  • Government assistance
  • Participation from environmental experts
  • Cooperation from shamans and village leaders

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Culture and Myths
  • The Yagua Indians call themselves Nihamwo
    meaning the people. This most influential tribe
    of the region gave the Amazon its name. When
    the European explorers saw the Yagua warriors in
    their grass skirts they thought they were women.

  • Therefore they were named after the Greek myth of
    the Amazon women warriors. As the white man began
    taking control of the land they made the woman
    wear red cotton skirts to distinguish amongst the
    genders. The red skirts have become engrained
    into the culture and are still worn today.

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  • The Yaguas are famous for their beautifully
    handcrafted blowguns or pucunas. Even though
    shotguns are an easier tool they are much more
    expensive, so blowguns are still widely used.

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The Sad Truth
  • Sadly, the cultures of the Yagua and other native
    peoples are currently being lost at an alarming
    rate. The elders hold the key to the many uses
    of the land, including potential loss of
    medicinal application of natural botanical

Medicine Men and Science
  • For thousands of years, the shamans spiritual
    rituals used plants from the rainforest to cure
    ailments. It is distressing to learn that 90 of
    these plants have never been tested and will not
    be available to scientific research if the
    rainforest is destroyed.

Out of the 17 species of macaw, one is extinct,
another is extinct in the wild and seven are
The Economics
  • Recently the economy in the Amazon has taken a
    turn. In the past bartering goods and services
    was the main form of transactions. Today, money
    has become very important to the natives. They
    have found that slash and burn is the easiest and
    fastest way to make money.

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What Is Slash and Burn?
  • Slash and burn consists of cutting down
    everything within a large area, taking out the
    profitable logs, and then burning the rest. They
    then use the land to make plantations used for
    crops such as banana and sugar cane. Or they sow
    the area with grasses and graze cattle on the

Deforestation Effects
  • The slash and burn methods would be fine if they
    used the same piece of land over and over again.
    However, this is not possible because the topsoil
    and nutrients quickly erode. They get one use,
    and the next year they start the cycle over again
    in a new location. This means less habitat for
    animals and greater plant loss.

What They Dont Know
  • The natives do not understand the long term
    effects of slash and burn. We must educate them
    that there are ways to make money through more
    sustainable practices for their land.

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Global Awareness
  • As the rainforest declines, the threat of global
    warming increases.
  • The Amazon locks up at least 11 years of global
    CO2 emissions.
  • Thus, this program will educate the people on the
    importance of their home.

Caring for the Children
Our Responsibility
  • We must teach them what we know is happening to
    the earth in a simplified manner. Provide a
    network of teachers to spread the word of how to
    take back the land. And motivate them to take
    positive steps to help clean the worlds

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Speaking Out and International Support
  • Train the next generation of natives to become
    spokespeople for saving their way of life.
  • Involve celebrity sponsors to support the people
    in marketing their handmade bags, bracelets, and
    necklaces all over the world to a large audience.

Making ChangesStep byStep
Teaching the Children
  • The children in Iquitos are bright and yearn to
    know about the outside world. They also know
    what it means to work hard.
  • I propose that each day a short lesson will be
    conducted based on the newly developed
    curriculum, emphasizing sustainability and
    responsibility to their land and culture.

Making Lessons Fun
  • The teacher will learn how to administer fun
    learning tools, games, songs and hands-on
    lessons. City kids can take trips into the
    rainforest. Guest speakers, such as trained
    environmentalists, and Shamans can be brought
    into the classrooms.

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Sample Lesson Plan
  • Teacher Objective - To empower the students
    through story.
  • Teacher will read The Handsomest Drowned Man by
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez to students
  • Teacher will explain the symbolism of the story

Provoking Thought
  • A class discussion will follow on the students
    feelings, and ideas to improve their own village.
  • Students will go home and discuss what they
    learned that day with family.

Learning from Respected Village Leaders and
Medicine Men
The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World
  • At the time Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote The
    Handsomest Drowned Man in the World, Brazil was
    corrupted by drug czars. This fictional story
    illustrates how the innocent actions of children
    can save their home country through metaphor and

The Story
  • The story begins when the children spot a large
    item that they first think is an enemy. Once
    they remove all the debris they find that item
    was a very handsome man. The women discover the
    children playing with the dead body. Horrified
    they take the man up to the village.

Searching for Answers
  • While the men travel to other villages to find
    out who he is and where he belongs, the women
    take a closer look and think he is very handsome.
    They decide to dress him, and must make new
    clothes because he is so enormous. While they
    sewed, they day-dreamed of how he would have been
    the best, strongest, wisest man in the village.

The Unknown
  • When the men returned they announced he did not
    belong to any surrounding villages. The women
    declared they wanted to give him an extravagant
    funeral, even though the men thought they were

Unified Around a Cause
  • When the women showed the men the giant, who they
    named Esteban, the men were awestruck. The
    villagers united by making him a beautiful place
    to rest and planting many flowers.

Building BridgesIn the Sky
Honor and Tradition
  • Usually the villagers would tie an anchor to the
    dead persons feet so that they would not float
    back to shore. However, with Esteban, they
    decided to let him go without the anchor so that
    he could come back and visit whenever he pleased.

Creating New Customs
  • After the funeral, the community realized the
    village would never be complete. In honor of
    Estebans memory they painted their homes bright
    colors, and dug springs to irrigate their barren
    land so that they could adorn the village with
    more flowers than one could possibly imagine.

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Creating a Legacy
  • They did this in the hope that, in years to come,
    their little village would become known as the
    place where Esteban lived.

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Children Are the Future
  • In the beginning of the story the children were
    the ones who first approached what they thought
    could be a foreign enemy. Esteban, a dead man,
    ended up uniting the village. They changed old
    customs that created a more beautiful place to

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Begin with the Youth
  • Without the children's curiosity and eagerness to
    learn, the village would have continued on the
    way it was.
  • As this story illustrates, let us first educate
    the open-minded children, who will go home to
    their families and inform them of what they
    learned that day.

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Influencing the Adults
  • The adults will become interested, and hopefully,
    want to learn more and become more involved in
    saving the Amazon. The children will be the
    future conservationists of their own land with
    the support of their parents.

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The Power of Education
  • I personally know that educational experiences
    shape our lives. Lets save the Amazon through
    the power of education. Teach the native people
    the importance of their land. Let them know that
    they can thrive economically without destroying
    the rainforest.

Educate to protect
Baby Steps
  • Educate them on the importance of their culture
    and knowledge of the plants and animals. It all
    begins with the children. Develop a curriculum
    that starts small and grows year by year. As
    momentum builds, we can save the precious gem
    the Peruvian Amazon.

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SCA/Mazda Conservation in Action2007 Contest
  • A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One
    Step Lao-tzu (604 BC - 531 BC)
  • Dedicated to the indigenous peopleof the
    Amazon.Sonia Bruck
  • Age 16
  • Cary High School, Cary, NC
  • I would like to thank Explorama, Juanito and my
    father for making this all possible.

Works Cited
  • "Pet trade and habitat loss decimating wild macaw
    populations." Oct. 2006. Texas
    AM University. 1 Dec. 2007 lthttp//http//news.m macaws.htmlgt.
  • "The Disappearing Rainforests." Rainforest
    Facts.1 Raintree Nutrition, Inc. 1 Dec. 2007
  • "Facts about the rainforest." Save The
    Rainforest.1 1 Dec. 2007 lthttp//www.savetherainf
  • Blanco, Otorongo."Introduction." The Yahua
    (Yagua) Indians of the Peruvian Amazon.1 El
    Tigre Journeys. 1 Dec. 2007 lthttp//www.biopark.o
  • James, Pantone D."Yagua Indians Masters of
    Curare." Amazon- 1 Dec. 2007

  • Sonia Bruck
  • Kimberly Wassil
  • Lauren Powell
  • Katie-Rose Levin
  • Steven Levin

Prevent the Future Destruction of the Peruvian
Amazon Rainforest.
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