Title: Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not
1IbogaineTo Have or Have Not
Howard S. Lotsof Dora Weiner Foundation http//www
2Why woulda root derived alkaloid
3Found in a West African plant
4Or itsChemical equivalent
5Lead to a user directed movement to demand a
treatment for chemical dependence?
6Because it works and is deemed effective by
usersbut, then
7QuestionsofEmpowerment Ethics Law
8Drug User Rights
- The right to use
- The right not to use
- The right to choose
9Failure to respondIbogaine Availability
- The medical community
- The pharmaceutical industry
- Government
101. The right to assume control of
Ibogaine?2. The right to provide Ibogaine
to others?
Does such failure leave drug users
11Historical Precedents for Action
- Underground Railroad
- Needle Exchange
12Underground Railroad
- Direct confrontation to slavery
- An illegal activity
13Law Offered No Protection
14Some guides orconductors as they were
calledwere well known like Harriat Tubman
15Due to the nature of the work most guides
remained anonymous
16Railroad Routesto Freedom
17Needle Exchangenot dissimilar
- Direct confrontation
- Sometimes illegal
- Sometimes tacit approval
- Danger of arrest
18The Issues
19The Solution
21Parker risked arrest continuously
22Purchase established a national needle exchange
23Ibogaine Precedents
- International Coalition for Addict Self-Help
(ICASH) - Dutch Addict Self-Help (DASH)
- Cures-Not-Wars
24ICASH logo
25Nico Adriaans founderRotterdam Junkies Union
26Organizing in the US
27Pressure placed on NIDAto support Ibogaine
Cures-Not-Wars action
28Mindvox Ibogaine List(user advocacy continues)
- We all got to help each other best we can. No
one else gives a shit bout us hippy freak
junkies? - anon.
- To join send an email to
- ibogaine-subscribe_at_mindvox.com
29FM- I'm not really privy to what's happening in
that regard here in the US. Suffice to say,
nothing has worked which is why we're here. We
feel that continuing the focus offshore, outside
the US, has not served a majority of people
inside the US. Like many other grassroots
movement, which facilitated change, treatments,
sessions, need to be done where they belong, in
all major US cities, as cost effectively as
possible. http//www.drugwar.com/ibonyc.shtm
Ibogaine underground railroad appears
30Ibogaine Routesto Freedom
31Returning us toQuestionsofEmpowerment
Ethics Law