Fate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fate & Free Will Ancient Greek Beliefs and Oedipus Rex Concept of Fate Fatalism is the system of belief that holds that the universe and everything in it is governed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fate

Fate Free Will
  • Ancient Greek Beliefs and Oedipus Rex

Concept of Fate
  • Fatalism is the system of belief that holds that
    the universe and everything in it is governed by
    destiny or fate (moira). A fatalist would hold
    that even the lives of human beings are
    determined by fate.  
  • In the earliest strands of Greek thought, fate is
    often portrayed as an impersonal force to which
    even the  gods are subject.

The Concept of Fate cont.
  • This force became personified in Greek religion
    in the form of the three goddesses of fate (the
  • Clotho spins the thread of life.
  • Lachesis determines the length of a person's life
    and measures the thread of his glory (or its
  • Atropos determines when that life should end.

The Fates
The Concept of Fate Gods
  • In general, the gods are portrayed in Greek
    literature as the agents of fate (they dont
    actually control it they just know it). 
  • The Greek gods had supernatural powers
    (particularly over human life), but their power
    was severely limited by a concept of fate (Moira)
    as the relentless force of destiny.

The Fates and the Gods
  • The gods were not thought to be omnipresent,
    omniscient, or omnipotent. Shorn of the usual
    godly attributes, the Olympians often took on the
    property of being simply bigger than humans, but
    not different or alien.
  • The Olympians fought one another and often
    meddled in human affairs (this intervention was
    called the deus ex machina, or divine
  • The superhuman features of the Olympians were
    their immortality and their ability to reveal the
    future to humanity.

The Gods and Man
  • Action was crucial and exciting by the very fact
    of life's brevity, and people were expected to
    perform by their own particular heroic arete, or
  • The Greeks, however, did expect information about
    their future life on earth from the gods. Thus
    divination was a central aspect of religious

The Gods and Man cont.
  • The Olympians were, perhaps, most important in
    their role as civic deities, and each of the
    Greek city-states came to consider one or more of
    the gods as its particular guardian.
  • There were public cults that were devoted to
    insuring the city against plague, conquest, or

Questioning of the Gods and Mans Power to
  • The civil strife that followed the classical
    period (from c.500 B.C.) placed the old gods on
    trial. Often the gods did not answer with the
    visible and immediate rewards that were expected.
  • Greek philosophers began to seek a more rational
    and scientific approach in humanity's relation to
    nature, espousing a logical and important
    connection between humanity and nature, not a
    mysterious and secret one between humans and god.

The Rise of Man
  • Great human accomplishments during the Athenian
    Golden Age (500-300BC/5th Century BC) in
    politics, the arts/architecture, literature,
    philosophy, etc. presented a picture of man as
    highly capable and able to use his intellect and
    reason to achieve great things
  • This created an obvious tension with the
    traditional concept of fate.

Fate and Free Will
  • How can the idea of fate be reconciled with human
    freedom? Not very well!
  • In ancient Greek thought it was often held that
    the life of an individual is so rigorously
    predetermined by fate that he or she has no power
    to affect the course of events that will
    inevitably be played out. 
  • We are passive pawns in life, completely subject
    to the whims of fate, and nothing that we do, or
    try to do, can change the course that has already
    been mapped out for us. 
  • At best all we can do is try to act kata moiran"
    (in accordance with fate), since any attempt to
    disrupt the natural course of things will usually
    spell disaster for ourselves and our loved ones.

Fate Justice
  • For the Ancient Greeks, there is no relation
    between fate and justice. Fate deals with those
    things that cannot be controlled.
  • Justice deals with the choices that you make. The
    idea of justice is to punish when choices are
    bad, regardless of intent.
  • Unlike modern justice, the ancient Greek concept
    of justice holds that actions and outcomes
    matter, intent does not.

Fate Responsibility
  • Problem with the fatalist positionif a person's
    entire life and actions are determined by fate,
    then how can that person be considered
    responsible for any actions, positive or
    negative, that he performs?
  • In Oedipus, it is important to remember that
    there is a relationship between fate and human
    choice (free will) mans fate may be
    predetermined, but mans actions make it happen!

Aristotle (384-322 BC)
  • One of the greatest philosophers of the ancient
    world, Aristotle, believed that far from being a
    passive tool of fate, a human being possesses
    free will which makes him responsible for the
    actions that he performs.
  • This does not mean that he rejects fate
    altogether, but emphasizes mans choices in
    dealing with what he encounters.
  • Remember that Aristotle consider Oedipus Rex to
    be the supreme example of Greek tragedy due to
    the fact that Oedipus recognizes his reversal of
    fortune at the moment that is comes about.

  • Aristotle's point is a significant one if we are
    indeed responsible for our actions, then the
    implication is that fate holds no real power over
  • We are completely free to become whatever kind of
    person we choose to be---vicious or virtuous.  We
    should, therefore not blame fate, genetics our
    environment or anything else for the kind of
    people that we have become.  Our faults lie not
    in our stars, but in ourselves (to steal a line
    from Hamlet).

What do you think?
  • What do you think about Aristotle's argument?  Do
    you think that his claim (that humans are
    responsible for their own destinies) is true, or
    is his view overly simplistic?  
  • Do you believe that man ultimately controls his
    own destiny?
  • Is there a difference between fate and chance
    when it comes to human culpability?
  • If fate is cruel, is it possible to be
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