Title: www.kaznu.kz
1al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a leader
of education and science of new Kazakhstan
2al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Goals of International Cooperation
- Development of al-Farabi KazNU not only as a
republican, but also as an international center
of education in the Central Asian region with
worthy positioning in the world educational
space - Granting for citizens of Kazakhstan
and citizens of foreign countries
qualitative educational services,
including remote education, electronic
and communication infrastructure and
technologies of education - Deduction of leader position of the
University in sector of the higher
educational institutions of fundamental
and local science and their development in the
most further - Creating of the happy conditions
for introducing and realization of
innovation development.
3al-Afarabi Kazakh National Univeristy
Agreements and Memorandums with Foreign HEIs and
Al-Farabi KazNU since 1990 to 2010 have concluded
192 international agreements with 109
universities of 25 countries of the world and
39 agreements with 29 foreign institutions
Al-Farabi KazNU cooperates with foreign
professors of more than 400 research and
educational Institutions around the world.
4al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Foreign Students Studying at al-Farabi KazNU
5al-farabi Kazakh National University
Foreign Travel by Faculty and Staff
Category 2009 2010 Total
Faculty and Staff 271 277 548
PhD Students 71 79 147
Bachelor and Master students 167 364 531
1680 students of KazNU took summer semester
abroad in 2010
6al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Thank you for attention!