Title: Aging in Place: Home Design First Steps
1- Aging in Place Home Design First Steps
- LaVona Traywick, PhD
- Jessica Vincent, CHES
2Aging in Place
- Not having to move from one's present residence
in order to secure necessary support services in
response to changing needs.
3Changing Needs
- Universal Designan approach to the design of
products, services and environments to be usable
by as many people as possible regardless of age,
ability or circumstance.
5Principals of Universal Design
- Equitable Use
- Flexibility in Use
- Simple and Intuitive Use
- Perceptible Information
- Tolerance for Error
- Low Physical Effort
- Size and Space for Approach and Use
6Example of Universal Design
- Equitable Use
- Flexibility
- Simple/Intuitive
- Perceptible Information
- Error Tolerance
- Low Physical Effort
- Size/Space
7Examples of Universal Design
- Smooth ground surfaces of entranceways, without
stairs - Wide interior doors and hallways
- Lever handles for opening doors rather than
twisting knobs - Light switches with large flat panels rather than
small toggle switches - Buttons on control panels that can be
distinguished by touch
- Assistive TechnologyAny item, piece of
equipment, or product system whether acquired
commercially, off the shelf, modified or
customized that is used to increase, maintain or
improve individuals functional capabilities
9Buttons and Zippers
10Sip and Puff Switch
11Universal Design with Retirement in MindThe
First Steps
12Start with the Basics (Easy-Visiting or
- Can visitors get in the house?
- Can visitors get through the doorways?
- Can visitors use the bathroom?
13Easy-visiting entrance
14A ramp is not always the best solution
15A home with a no-step entrance can be beautiful
(And look like any other home in the neighborhood)
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18No-step entrance
19Lighting above address
Lever door hardware
Doorbell with light
20Threshold transition less than ½
Non-slip flooring
21What about no-step entrances on challenging sites?
22Let car climb steep driveway to no-step porch
23A bridge can stretch across a ditch
24What about remodeling an older home?
25Before 1870s house with steps
26After1870s house with no-step entrance
27Low-cost access in rural Iowa
After No steps
Before Steps
28Full-sized bath on main level
29An Easy-Visiting Bathroom
Impossible for wheelchair users
Spacious for family guests
30- To learn more about universal design
easy-visiting see the full - Aging in Place
- program series