Title: Who Wants To Be a Spaatz Cadet
1Who Wants To Be a Spaatz Cadet
Developed by Capt. Jeff FrameRocky Mtn. Region
- Click on the name (hyperlink) of each grade to go
to the question. - Answer each question and you will be notified of
your choice. - Follow the link at the bottom right hand corner
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3(No Transcript)
4How many beers can a cadet have and still be
- One
- Four
- Three
- None
7If you are in uniform and indoors and you hear
the National Anthem you
- Face the flag, stand at attention and salute
(present arms). - Put your hand over your heart and stand at
attention. - Face the flag, stand at attention. No salute
unless under arms. - Ignore the music-the National Anthem is no longer
8DDRP Mission
- Assist squadrons, groups, wings and regions to
instill an aggressive, positive, drug-free
attitude in CAP members, Air Force families, DoD
civilians and school-age children through a
comprehensive program that - Promotes CAP as a positive community service
lifestyle - Encourages youth to remain in school
- Focuses on drug abuse education, prevention and
awareness - Provides positive activities as an alternative to
9How many wings are there in CAP?
- 40
- 52
- 50
- 55
- Cocaine and crack are illegal drugs that are
extracted from the leaves of the coca plant.
They are potent brain stimulants and one of the
most powerfully addictive drugs. Cocaine is
called crack because of the cracking sounds it
makes when heated.
11What it looks like.
12What are street names for Cocaine?
- Coke, Snow, Nose Candy, Flake
- Blow, Big C, Dust, Girl, Snowbirds
- Gold Dust, Toot, White Lady, Lady
- All of the above
- Only A and B
13Eddie Rickenbacker
14Eddie Rickenbacker became GM, VP and later
President of What major airline?
- Delta
- Eastern
- American
- United
15What are the penalties (1st offence) for
possession of ecstasy and herbal ecstasy?
- 15 months to 5 years
- 1 month to 1 year
- 6 weeks in juvie 12 month probation.
- 2000 fine and community service
16Which planet is known as the windiest planet in
the solar system?
- Earth
- Mars
- Neptune
- Jupiter
17What Month do we recognize Red Ribbon Week?
- September
- October
- November
- July
- August
18What is this drug?
- Aspirin
- Heroin
- Ecstasy
19What is the motion about the lateral axis?
- Roll
- Yaw
- Pitch
- Tilt
20Is this the proper way to display the US flag on
a stage?
- Yes
- No
21What drug can the following ingredients be used
to make? Paint thinner, iodine, kerosene,
battery acid and cat litter.
- Meth
- Crack
- Oxycontin
- Inhalants
22What do drugs do?
- All drugs, whether legal or illegal affect the
brain by interacting with naturally occurring
brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters - Alters peoples behavior.
- Every drug (including legal drugs such as
aspirin) is potentially harmful. - All of the above
23What is the hippocampus
- A hippo college.
- Part of brain that is responsible for learning
and memory. - An hip joint that is weakens with alcohol usage.
- A street name for a designer/club drug.
- New research shows that alcohol affects a
developing teen brain differently from an adult
brain. Alcohol can seriously damage long and
short-term growth processes. - Alcohol use can cause youth to develop social
problems, have poor judgment, get into trouble,
doo poor in school and experience failure in
achieving lifelong goals.
25Get involved in DDR
- Contact your Squadron Commander
- Commanders contact your Wing DDRA
- Visit www.gocivilairpatrol.com
- Member link
- Drug Demand Reduction link
- An exciting way to be involved in
- Civil Air PatrolGet Involved!
- Click on the name (hyperlink) of each grade to go
to the question. - Answer each question and you will be notified of
your choice. - Follow the link at the bottom right hand corner
to return to the main page. - Follow questions in order of grade all the way to