Title: EHR Implementation from an Acute Hospital Perspective
1EHR Implementation from an Acute Hospital
- Michael Strachan
- EHR Program Manager
2Mater Health Services Brisbane
- Not for profit, privately owned company by the
Sisters of Mercy - 7 Hospitals 972 Beds
- Mater Adult Public Hospital 205 Beds
- Mater Mothers Public Hospital 102 Beds
- Mater Mothers Private Hospital 93 Beds
- Mater Children's Public Hospital 141 Beds
- Mater Children's Private Hospital 37 Beds
- Mater Private Hospital South Brisbane 323 Beds
- Mater Private Redlands 71 Beds
3Mater Footprint
4Mater Patient Activity
5Queensland Context
- Queensland Health (QH) is a major partner of
Mater - Mater Public Health Services Act 2008 passed in
November 2008 - Paves the way for better connectivity
- QH E-Health strategy under development
- Not bound by E-Health strategy
- Collaboration re client index etc important
7EHR Strategy Chronology
- Early 2003 Commenced EHR strategy sponsored by
CEO - Mid 2003 Conducted market EOI
- Mid to late 2003 Vendor investigation
- Early 2004 - International site visits
- Mid 2004 CIO commenced
- 2004 2007
- Building better IT service capability
- Replacing PAS consolidating PMI
8A Strategic Framework ?
- Vision
- A whole of Mater patient medical record
electronically accessible anywhere, anytime. - Goal
- The Maters EHR program will deliver a web based
single point of access for clinicians to access
clinical information at the point of care/
decision making across the enterprise from both
inside and outside the organisation.
9In Hindsight.
Organisational readiness is critical 2003 2007
Affordability At the time organisation just meeting bottom line. Yes - but still fierce competition for scarce capital dollars
Executive sponsorship CEO sponsored EHR strategy CIO and wider executive support
Clinical champions and readiness Good champions but unconvinced of benefit Shoulder to the wheel
Benefits understanding Not clear at first Evidence suggest failed implementations in acute sector Clear case for patient safety and clinical efficiency
10Lessons Learnt
- Strategic approach was fundamental long range
journey not big bang - Research more than just vendor demonstrations
- Site visits were critical
- Gartner, HIMSS analytics valuable
- Organisational readiness is critical
- Staged approach to implementation
11Engaging Empowering Clinicians
12Understand Clinical Attitudes
- Plenty of war stories about failed EHRs
- Clinicians unconvinced an EHR can deliver
benefits - Competition for the scarce capital dollars ie
Clinical equipment - Use of clinical systems in specialist and GP
practices is more prevalent driving expectation
hospitals should too!
13Understand Benefits
- Patient safety a major benefit
- ie system for follow-up of results
- Clinical workflow efficiency
- Silos of clinical information
- Incomplete, missing, unwieldy paper record
- 2-3 million per annum on maintaining a paper
based record
14Many Disparate Systems
Radiology Results
Obstetric System
Emergency System
Pathology Results
Oncology System
Clinical Letters
Pharmacy System
Patient Administration Data
External Results
Digital Radiology Images
Obstetric U/Sound Report
Electronic Discharge Summary
15Clinical Portal the solution?
Radiology Results
Electronic Discharge Summary
Patient Administration Data
Emergency System
Obstetric System
Single Point of Access to all Mater Clinical
Information a beginning only
Oncology System
Clinical Letters
Pharmacy System
Digital Radiology Images
Pathology Results
External Results
Obstetric U/Sound Report
16Empower your clinicians
- Traditional IT solution procurement methodology
not suitable - Live proof of concept critical to empowering
Mater clinicians - Consistent with the clinical trial or scientific
methodology which clinicians understand
17Verdi - A Solution for Mater ?
- Commercialised software solution originally
developed by Peter MacCallum Institute for
clinicians - Mater is the first site to pilot this solution
outside Peter Mac - It is a low cost, unique solution which can be
implemented within a relatively short space of
18Verdi Clinical Trial
- 6 month trial with three clinical teams or 60
users - Replaced existing information systems practices
- External Private Results SN / QML (Mothers
only) - Access to patient attendance data in the PAS
- Emergency EDIS, Obstetrics Matrix, Oncology
Charm, Discharge Summary Discharge Summary
System (DSS), Medications Merlin - Access to outpatient clinical letters
- Pilot group has reached 200 users
- Successful clinical trail methodology branded
Verdi as a helpful tool for clinicians not a
hindrance - Good design methodology iterative / rapid
19Governance Execution of the Maters EHR
20The Maters EHR Program
- Approved by Mater Board March 2008
- Governance, facilitation of the work program of
projects to transition the Mater to an Electronic
Health Record - Steering committee to govern determine
priorities senior clinical directors /
executive representation all hospitals
21Why Program Management
- Program framework ideal for ensuring EHR
implementation can be broken down into more
manageable projects - A coordinated approach for managing project
schedules, dependencies, issues and risks - Implement systems for managing change management,
budget control, benefits management etc for stage
1 2
22HIMSS Analytics Adoption Model
23Maters EHR Program Priorities
Priority Key Initiatives Stage
1 Clinical Portal (Verdi) 1
2 EHR Infrastructure 1
3 Document Imaging Solution (feasibility) 1
4 Shared EHR Project 1
5 Clinician Order Entry with decision support 2
6 Clinical Documentation Phase II 2
7 E-Prescribing / Medication Management 2
24Clinical Portal (Verdi)
- Single point of access to all Mater clinical
information systems including - Path, Rad, PAS(attendances/bookings), DSS,
Clinical Letters, PACS images (DICOM viewer),
Private path/rad, Scanned referral,
Pharmacy,EDIS, Matrix, etc (over time) - Results acknowledgement of all Mater pathology /
radiology results - Clinical documentation (VNotes)
25EHR Infrastructure
- Patient Master Index (PMI). Develop a technical
solution between iPM and third party clinical
information systems for enforcing the iPM PMI as
the source of truth - Health Practitioner Directory (HPD). Develop
Maters existing HPD to facilitate consistency
synchronisation of Mater internal practitioners
among all clinical information systems. Partner
with GP Qld to develop a real time update of
external providers.
26Document Imaging Solution
- Investigation of a document imaging solution for
scanning of health records including key
documents such as referral and external
correspondence for access within the Clinical
Portal as an electronic view of the paper record.
27Shared EHR Project
- Provider Portal
- GPs access generally and specifically to support
for shared care models i.e. Maternity, Diabetes
etc. - VMO access to their patients Mater records
- Queensland Health access for interflow patients
- Patient Portal
- development of patient access to views of their
health record e.g. Maternity hand-held record - Transactional capabilities such as checking
upcoming appointments, bill payments, online
preadmission etc
28Electronic Health Record Program Structure
EHR Stage 1 Projects
Program Office Support
29Benefits Management Approach
- Benefits identified in the funding submission
will be evaluated and reported to the Mater board - Evaluation of existing business processes will be
undertaken to formally baseline benefits - Change manager will oversee identification,
recording, tracking and reporting of benefits
30Change Communication Mgt
- Stakeholder engagement and analysis is critical
- Must reach a balance between focus groups, one on
one approach to engaging - Engaging coal face staff critical
- Business process review is critical to identify
benefits - Including enterprise and local functionality
important for clinical buy-in in a hospital
31Change Communication Mgt
- Implementation is incremental to maintain
momentum - Use of piloting and rapid prototyping essential
change technique to ensure effective design - Scheduling needs to consider other organisational
or project change initiatives that are in
progress - Resourcing recognising the change management
function in EHR project is critical to success
32Change Communication Mgt
- Significant expectations around implementing an
EHR differing perceptions - Must manage expectations of key stakeholders and
not rely on mass forms of communication ie Group
email does not work - Chief Medical Information Officer is critical to
maintaining effective engagement, change and
communication with Mater clinical stakeholders
33Challenges Issues
- Data quality in source systems PMI data
- Device access particularly in inpatient areas
- Delivering short wins for clinicians do not
allow long elongated project timeframes - Scope creep for bells and whistles as opposed to
meat and potatoes functions - Infrastructure readiness ie reliability of
wireless network
34Current Future State
35EHR Stage 1 Status
EHR Project Status
Clinical Portal (Verdi) Commenced October 2008 Due for completion 2010
Patient Master Index Commenced December 2008 Scoping / Schedule in progress
Health Practitioner Database Commenced December 2008 Scoping / Schedule in progress
Document Imaging Solution (feasibility) Commencement due in March 2009
Shared EHR Portals Commenced December 2008 Scoping / Schedule in progress
365 Years from now
- One stop shop clinical portal scanned paper
record - Eliminate reliance on paper record overhead
- Better system data quality information
architecture - Paperless in ambulatory areas
- Integration with Maters partner providers using
national identifier and messaging standards - Patient Portal significantly utilised to improve
the patient experience - Order entry and medication management system
implementation well under way - Enterprise clinical documentation with decision
support staged rollout
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