The Police Subculture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Police Subculture


Becoming a Police Officer ... (usually with a field training officer/FTO) before they attend the ILEA this is common practice although, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Police Subculture

The Police Subculture
  • Becoming a Police Officer

Becoming a Police Officer
  • The Application Process
  • Things youll need
  • Birth Certificate
  • Valid Drivers License
  • H.S. Diploma or equivalent
  • H.S. Transcripts
  • College Transcripts (if any)
  • College Diploma (if any)
  • References (personal and professional)
  • Typically, three of each
  • Work History (including dates of
  • No Felony Convictions (and some misdemeanors)

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Written Exam
  • How to prepare?
  • Practice Exams
  • Available online, but they do cost money
  • Memorization is a key to most police entrance
    examsif you have a good memory, youll probably
    do fine
  • Basic Math and English questions are also found
    on the exam
  • The statistics are harsh
  • Out of 120 people taking the police officer
    entrance exam, only 42 will pass. Of those 42,
    only 12 will be hired

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Written Exam (cont.)
  • Sample Question
  • A bank robbery has just occurred. Witnesses can
    recount the license plate of the robbers
    vehicle. However, the four witnesses give
    different plate numbers. Of the four plate
    numbers listed below, which is most likely the
    plate number of the robbers vehicle?
  • A) 84B3632
  • B) 83B3532
  • C) 74B4632
  • D) 84A3642
  • Note the common characteristics of each number or
    letter in the plate (_4B3632), (8_B3632), etc.

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Physical Exam
  • Different departments require different entry
    standards (pass/fail), but Indiana has a specific
    requirement for entry into the Indiana Law
    Enforcement Academy (ILEA)
  • ILEA Entry Standards
  • Vertical Jump 13.5 inches
  • One-minute sit-ups 24
  • 300 meter run 82 seconds
  • Maximum push-ups 21
  • 1.5 mile run 18 minutes 58 seconds
  • ILEA Exit Standards
  • Vertical Jump 16 inches
  • One-minute sit-ups 29
  • 300 meter run 71 seconds
  • Maximum push-ups 25
  • 1.5 mile run 16 minutes 28 seconds

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Physical Exam (cont.)
  • Typically, during the hiring process the
    department will administer the physical exam
    (entry level standard), which ideally cuts into
    the potential hiring pool
  • Of those who pass the written exam, some will
    fail the physical exam
  • At the ILEA, failing one of the categories
    (vertical jump, sit-ups, etc.) is a failthe
    individual is then required to leave the academy
    and report back to their department, where the
    department can give the individual another chance
    (three four months later) or terminate them

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Oral Background Interview
  • Once the applicant passes the written and
    physical exam, he/she will then meet with a
    department hiring officer (e.g., a detective)
  • During this interview, the investigator/detective
    will ask several lengthy questions regarding the
    applicants background, such as
  • Drug/Alcohol use (in any)
  • Work history
  • Family and Social Life
  • Sometimes, things are discovered, like drug use
    or criminal history that would exclude the
    applicant from the hiring process

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Merit Board or Advisory Interview
  • Typically, most departments require a meeting
    with a Merit board, which is composed of
    community members (appointed) who ask the
    applicant questionsthe questions are usually
    scenario-based or background related
  • Expect the what-ifs, or whys?
  • For example, the typical, Why do you want to be
    a police officer?
  • Or, What if?
  • I can give you several examples if you want
    further explanation
  • Merit board interviews usually make/break the
    applicanttypically, the merit board makes the
    determination on when the applicant will be hired
    or where they are placed on the hiring list

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Typically, once the Merit board meets with each
    applicant, they will compose a list and rank the
    applicantsthe department usually takes a
    hands-off approach and makes no determination on
    the rankingthat way politics are not a factor
  • The department will not know who ranks where on
    the list
  • Once the list is finalized, the applicant will
    receive a certified letter regarding his/her
    ranking and how long the list is valid

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Post-offer Physical
  • Once the department is in need of new officers,
    they will call those on the listif called,
    he/she will need to complete a post-offer
    physical with a doctor, just like professional
    athletes do when they get traded or sign with a
    new team
  • Typically, the department will pay for the
  • Just a side-note, the physical is no fununless
    you like having a doctor check for a
    herniaalthough surprisingly, the man with the
    rubber gloves is extremely gentle
  • Things usually checked during a physical
  • EKGfor heart problems
  • Chest exam
  • Vision and hearing tests
  • Flexibility and proper body movements
  • Urine screen
  • Blood screen (Diabetes, HIV, TB, Hepatitis, etc.)

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Typically, the last stage of the hiring process
  • You must now convince a psychologist that you are
    sane, and ready to carry a gun! Good luck!
  • Be prepared to once again answer questions
    regarding your background and take several
    psychological personality inventories (e.g., the
    MMPI), which is the Minnesota Multiphasic
    Personality Inventory-2
  • If youve taken the MMPI before, then you know
    the two hours it takes to complete is a lot of
  • Sample question True or False, When Im alone I
    hear voices or see things that arent there.
  • Typically, the Psych. Evaluation is pretty easy,
    its just time-consuming and part of the
    processits also the last line of defense to
    potential citizens of a community where the
    applicant would work if he/she becomes a police
  • Some departments require a polygraph examination
    in addition to the psychological evaluationIve
    also heard of other departments requiring a
    voice-stress test

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Once the applicant is hired and passes all exams,
    he/she will then be swore in by the governing
  • All paid law enforcement officers in Indiana must
    start the ILEA before their one-year hiring date
  • However, some officers will be working (usually
    with a field training officer/FTO) before they
    attend the ILEAthis is common practicealthough,
    they must complete a 48-hour pre-basic academy
    and qualify with the department firearm before

Becoming a Police Officer
  • Any Questions???
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