Title: InFUSE
1InFUSE Bone Graft /LT-CAGE Lumbar Tapered
Fusion DeviceIDE Clinical ResultsG960065
- Hallett H. Mathews, M.D.Richmond, Virginia
2 Important Findings
- Primary study objective met
- High fusion rates
- Shorter operative times and less blood
loss - Avoided complications and pain associated with
bone graft harvesting
3InFUSEBone Graft versus Autograft Harvested
from Iliac Crest
4Clinical Trial Results
5Clinical Trial DesignOpen Surgical Approach
- Prospective, randomized controlled design
- Investigational Treatment -
LT-CAGE Device / InFUSE Bone Graft - Control Treatment -
LT-CAGE Device / autogenous bone
6Study Objectives
- Primary Objective
- Equivalence in Overall Success
7Study Entrance Criteria
- Single level
- Symptomatic degenerative disc disease
- Inclusion/exclusion criteria
8Patient Evaluation
- Preoperatively
- Surgery/Discharge
- Postoperatively
- 6 Weeks, 3 Months, 6 Months
- 12 Months, 24 Months
9Patient Population
- Patients
- - 143 received InFUSE Bone Graft
- - 136 received autogenous bone graft
- 16 Investigational Centers
10Demographic Information
11Surgery Data
12Study Results Based
on 24-Month Data
13Overall Success
- Fusion
- ? 15 point improvement in Oswestry score
- Neurological maintenance or improvement
- No serious adverse event possibly associated to
the device - No second surgery failure
14Overall Success Rates
15Achieved Primary Objective
16Safety Overview
- Adverse events
- Second surgery procedures
- Antibody formation
17Adverse Events
18Adverse Events
19Comparison of Adverse Eventsin Investigational
and ControlTreatment Groups
20Differences noted in
- Graft Site Events -
- Occurred in 6 of control group
- None in investigational group
- Urogenital
- Resolved prior to discharge
21Adverse Events
- Typical for patient population
- Not unanticipated
22Second Surgery Procedures
- Revisions
- Removals
- Supplemental Fixations
- Reoperations
- Other
- Revisions - Failure
- Removals - Failure
- Supplemental Fixations - Failure
- Reoperations
- Other
25Second Surgeries
26Assessment of Antibody Formation
- rhBMP-2
- Bovine Type I Collagen
- Human Type I Collagen
27Comparision ofAuthentic Positive
ResponsesSimilar for both groups
- One patient in each group had positive response
to rhBMP-2. (lt1) - 13 in each group had positive response to bovine
Type I collagen. - None of these patients had positive results
for human Type I collagen.
28Safety Summary
- Investigational and Control group rates
are similar for - Adverse events and second surgery
- Antibody responses
InFUSE Bone Graft eliminates
graft harvesting adverse events
and pain
29 - InFUSE Bone Graft / LT-CAGE
Device - Safe for its intended use
30 Effectiveness OverviewInFUSE Bone Graft /
LT-CAGE Device patients had
- High fusion rates
- Pain relief
- Maintenance or improvement in neurological status
- Primary endpoint
- CT scans and radiographs utilized
- Two teams of independent reviewers
32Fusion Criteria
- Radiographic
- - Bridging trabecular bone
- - Segmental stability
- - Lucent line criteria
- No pseudarthrosis second surgery
33Fusion Success Rates
34Oswestry Low Back PainDisability Questionnaire
35Mean Oswestry Scores
36Oswestry Success 15 Point Improvement
37Neurological Status Measurements
- Motor Function
- Sensory
- Reflexes
- Straight Leg Raise
38Neurological Success Rates
39Secondary Effectiveness Endpoints
- Back pain
- Leg pain
- Disc height maintenance
- SF-36
40Back Pain Results - 24 Months
41Graft Site Pain in Control PatientsMean Scores
42Graft Site Appearance
in Control Patients
43Use of InFUSEBone Graft eliminates
- Negatives of Graft-site Appearance, Pain and
44Laparoscopic Clinical Trial
- Data augment safety profile
- Supports approval of implantation method
- Identical protocol to open study
- 134 Investigational patients
- 14 Sites
45Surgery Data - Laparoscopic
- 2 days shorter hospital stay
- 45 treated on outpatient basis
- Returned to work 20 days sooner
46Overall Success Rates - Laparoscopic
47Safety Results - Comparable to Open
Surgical Treatment Group
48Laparoscopic Versus Control 24 Months
49Fusion Success Rates - Laparoscopic
50Case Histories
51Control Treatment Group
- 37 year old female
- L5 - S1 Level
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53Control Treatment Group
- 38 year old female
- L5 - S1 Level
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55Open Surgical Approach InFUSE Treatment Group
- 42 year old male
- L4 - L5 Level
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57Open Surgical Approach InFUSE Treatment Group
- 36 year old male
- L5 - S1 Level
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59As demonstrated in animal
and human studiesCT scans most practical and
definitive method for detecting bone formation
and determining fusion.
60Patient Satisfaction - 24 Months
61ConclusionsOpen Surgical ApproachClinical Trial
- Achieved Primary Objective - Overall Success Rate
Statistically Equivalent to Control - Benefits - Shorter Operative Times and Less Blood
Loss than Control
62Important Benefits of InFUSE Bone Graft /
LT-CAGELumbar Tapered Fusion Device
- Induces bone formation
- Eliminates the need to harvest autogenous bone
graft in spinal fusion procedures
63Conclusions - Laparoscopic Surgical Approach
Clinical Trial
- Achieved Primary Objective - Overall Success Rate
Statistically Equivalent (and Superior) to
Control - Benefits - Shorter Hospital Stays and Faster
Return to Work
64- InFUSE Bone Graft / LT-CAGE
- Lumbar Tapered Fusion Device
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