Title: Pre-K Curriculum and Instruction
1Pre-K Curriculum and Instruction
- Patricia H. Ging, EdD
- Associate Professor of Education
- Tennessee Wesleyan College
- 423.746.5237
- "The stronger the start, the better the finish."
- Those words, Secretary of Education Richard Riley
says, should be our motto for early childhood
education. - http//www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr256.shtm
l - Education World 8/10/2000
3Curriculum and Instruction
- Covers a wide range of areas
- General Instruction and Specific Subjects
4Curriculum and Instruction
- Teachers of young children must know
- What to teach
- When to teach
- How to teach
5Curriculum and Instruction
- Education should interconnect concepts across the
6Curriculum and Instruction
- Learning involves knowledge of the subject as
well as understanding the process - The teacher should have a strong understanding of
detailed material as well as the processes of
child development
7General Instruction
- The curriculum process
- Structuring a curriculum
- Implementing a curriculum
- Revising or modifying a curriculum
- No Common Core Standards
- Aligning a curriculum to reflect state standards
- http//www.state.tn.us/education/ci/earlychildhood
8Teacher Evaluation
- I Can Statements
- Who can count to ten?
- I can count to ten!
9General Instruction
- How routines and transitions reflect a young
childs needs - Balance
- Order
- Depth
- Variety
- Structure
- Challenge
- Physical Activity
10General Instruction
- Instructional strategies
- Play
- Small groups
- Cooperative learning
- Inquiry
- Discovery learning
- Learning centers
- Teacher-directed learning
- Theme
- Directed reading
11General Instruction
- Major theories and models of programmed
instruction - Constructivism
- Montessori
- Project approach
- High/Scope
- Reggio Emilia
12General Information
- What is meant by constructivism? The term refers
to the idea that learners construct knowledge for
themselves---each learner individually (and
socially) constructs meaning---as he or she
learns. Constructing meaning is learning there
is no other kind. The dramatic consequences of
this view are twofold - 1) we have to focus on the learner in thinking
about learning (not on the subject/lesson to be
taught) - 2) There is no knowledge independent of the
meaning attributed to experience (constructed) by
the learner, or community of learners. - Dewey, Piaget and Vigotsky
13General Instruction
- Montessori classroom
- It is necessary for the teacher to guide the
child without letting him feel her presence too
much, so that she may always be ready to supply
the desired help, but may never be the obstacle
between the child and his experience. - Dr. Maria Montessori
14General Information
- What is a Project?A project is an in-depth
investigation of a topic undertaken by a class, a
group of children, or an individual child in an
early childhood classroom or at home.
15General Information
- High/Scope uses an active learning approach to
educating children, imparting skills that will
support their development through school and into
young adulthood. It uses an open educational
framework that provides teachers and caregivers
with a blueprint for daily routine, classroom and
playground organization, teacher-child
interaction, and teacher-child assessment that
encourages independent thinking, initiative, and
- In 1962, the High/Scope Perry Preschool Program
was initiated in Ypsilanti, MI, as a small,
carefully designed research and curriculum
development project to help low-income, at-risk
children in the community gain a positive start
at education and life through a high-quality
preschool program. The High/Scope approach blends
the knowledge of Jean Piaget, a Swiss
psychologist who studied learning and development
patterns of infants and children, with practical
teaching experience in the classroom and other
educational settings. Long-term studies show the
High/Scope approach promotes the healthy
development of children and provides long-lasting
benefits throughout adulthood.
17General Instruction
- The following information is extracted from
Carnegie Mellon Cyert Center for Early
Education. - "The curriculum is not child centered or teacher
directed. The curriculum is child originated and
teacher framed...We have given great care in
selecting the term 'negotiated curriculum'
instead of emergent or child centered curriculum.
We propose that 'negotiated curriculum' better
captures the constructive, continual and
reciprocal relation among teachers, children and
parents and better captures the negotiations
among subject matter representational media and
the children's current knowledge." Innovations
in Early Education The International Reggio
Exchange, vol. 3, no.
18The following overview of the Reggio Emilia
Approach was taken from a packet of information
available at The Hundred Languages of Children
traveling exhibit
- Hailed as an exemplary model of early childhood
education (Newsweek, 1991), the Reggio Emilia
approach to education is committed to the
creation of conditions for learning that will
enhance and facilitate children's construction of
"his or her own powers of thinking through the
synthesis of all the expressive, communicative
and cognitive languages" (Edwards and Forman,
1993). The Reggio Emilia approach to early
childhood education is a city-run and sponsored
system designed for all children from birth
through six years of age. The Reggio Emilia
approach can be viewed as a resource and
inspiration to help educators, parents, and
children as they work together to further develop
their own educational programs.
19General Instruction
- Curriculum integration as it relates to
instruction - Cognitive tasks demanded from a lesson, teaching
practice, or questioning technique
20General Instruction
- How to elicit and encourage in-depth responses
and metacognitive thinking from children at
age-appropriate levels - Techniques for creating effective bridges between
curriculum goals and students previous
experiences (or lack of previous experiences)
21Sample Praxis Questions
- Design a series of literacy lessons for early
childhood education and indicate the state
standards for which the lessons have been
aligned. - Develop activities that involve a variety of
instructional strategies and focus on one
learning concept (e.g., how play, inquiry, and
learning centers could be used to teach number
concepts to 4-year-old children).
22Sample Praxis Questions
- Design a learning activity that incorporates
science, mathematics, and literacy. Indicate
which areas of the curriculum will be integrated
into the lesson. - What would be some appropriate questions that
would elicit in-depth responses and encourage
children to focus on their thinking strategies?
What would be inappropriate questions for young
23Mathematics and Numeracy
- Developmentally appropriate practices in lessons
based on mathematical concepts - Design
- Implementation
- Evaluation
24Mathematics and Numeracy
- Mathematical concepts
- Estimation
- Geometry
- Number sense and numeration
- Whole-number operations
25Sample Praxis Questions
- Design a lesson for 5-year-old children that will
introduce basic geometrical concepts. What
instructional strategies would you use? How would
you evaluate the effectiveness of your lesson? - Identify a state standard for each of the
following mathematical concepts estimation,
geometry, number sense and numeration, and
whole-number operations.
- Developmentally appropriate practice in lessons
that promote oral language expression and
literacy in children - Design
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Importance of providing children with a
literacy-rich environment - Printed material
- As source of information
- For pleasure or recreation
- As a means of recording or communicating
- Availability of reading, writing, and listening
materials, computers, printers, and audiovisual
- Specific literacy concepts
- Writing process
- Phonemic awareness
- Sentence decoding
- Word families
- Root words
- Phonics
- Characteristics of quality childrens books
- Balanced collections that reflect a wide variety
of genres and reflect the makeup of the community - Books that have strong story lines,
age-appropriate themes, illustrations, and/or
read-aloud possibilities
- Specific literacy teaching strategies
- Grapheme-phoneme correspondence
- Journal writing
- Shared reading
- Cueing systems
- Rubrics
- Reflective logs
32Sample Praxis Questions
- Describe a literacy-rich environment for young
children. Explain how the components of the
environment will foster literacy concepts. - Identify each of the following literacy teaching
strategies and how each strategy could be used to
help a student for whom English is a second
language grapheme-phoneme correspondence,
journal writing, shared reading, cueing system,
rubrics, and reflective logs.
33Sample Praxis Questions
- How do phonemic awareness, sentence decoding,
word families, root words, and phonics support
literacy development? Identify each of these
specific literacy concepts and the role each
plays in literacy development. - Design a unit that incorporates the writing
process into daily activities. Specify each stage
of the writing process within the unit.
- Developmentally appropriate practice in lessons
that develop each childs innate curiosity about
the world and broaden each childs procedural and
thinking skills for investigating the world,
solving problems, and making decisions - Design
- Implementation
- evaluation
- General principles of scientific inquiry
- Cause and effect
- Systems
- Scale
- Models
- Change
- Variations
- Structure and function
36Pre-K Standards
37Sample Praxis Questions
- Choose a grade level and design an Earth science
unit that identifies goals, state standards,
activities, and evaluation. - Think about ways in which the principles of
scientific inquiry can be employed for developing
a childs innate curiosity about the world, for
broadening a childs procedural and thinking
skills for investigating the world, solving
problems, and making decisions.
38Social Studies and Character Inquiry
- Developmentally appropriate practice in learning
experiences that promote cultural and character
education - Design
- Implementation
- Evaluation
39Social Studies and Character Inquiry
- Ability to design, implement, and evaluate
lessons that develop the social studies
disciplines - History
- Geography
- Economics
40Sample Praxis Questions
- Design an activity that promotes cultural and
character education. Include extension activities
and evaluation procedures. - Develop an activity that would involve multiple
social studies disciplines (e.g., history,
geography, and economics).
41Creative Arts andAesthetics
- Developmentally appropriate practice in visual
and performing arts lessons that engage and
broaden each childs experiences and skills - Design
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Video
42Creative Arts andAesthetics
- Ability to integrate the arts into content area
studies - Appropriate responses
- to childrens work
43Creative Arts andAesthetics
- Incorporating Art into Daily Routines
- In the classroom
- Potted plants - Various leaf colors, shapes, and
blooming schedules - Some children may notice and remark about the
diversity in the beauty - Others will likely do so with some teacher
44Creative Arts andAesthetics
- A Unique and Wonderful Area
- Use a low table and an attractive tablecloth for
displaying interesting objects - Shell collections, cut flowers in vases, rocks in
various sizes and textures - Change regularly to increase the childrens
curiosity - Children can be encouraged to bring in wonderful
objects for the showcase
45Creative Arts andAesthetics
- Creative Experiences
- After a storm, the children can collect branches
or other items from the playground - Use these items in art projects or in the
Wonderful Showcase Area
46Creative Arts andAesthetics
- White Board
- Children can be assigned to decorate a portion of
the white board. This could be a designated daily
47Sample Praxis Questions
- Design a learning activity for visual and
performing arts that would be appropriate for a
5-year-old child. Identify the learning goal for
this activity and the means for evaluating the
success of this goal. - How can creative arts and aesthetics be used to
enhance learning in other content areas?
48Sample Praxis Questions
- Develop a unit that integrates the arts into
content area studies. Include activities that
integrate the arts with mathematics, literacy,
science, and social studies. - What is the value of creative arts and aesthetics
in education?
49Sample Praxis Questions
- Should creative arts and aesthetics be integrated
with content area studies? Identify several ways
in which creative arts and aesthetics enhance
learning. Are there times when creative arts and
aesthetics might hinder learning?
50Physical Education and Health
- Developmentally appropriate practice in the
content discipline designed to strengthen gross
and fine motor skills and foster a healthy
lifestyle. - Safety procedure and
- precautions.
- Video
51Physical Education and Health
- Impact of medical conditions and procedures to
handle such conditions - Epilepsy
- Diabetes
- Use of injectable medications to prevent allergic
reactions - Handling of blood
52Sample Praxis Questions
- What are some activities that could be conducted
in physical education sessions to strengthen a
5-year-old students fine motor skills - What is the relationship between gross and fine
motor skill development? - What safety information should be conveyed to
53Sample Praxis Questions
- Design a unit on gross motor skills for
6-year-old students. What safety procedures and
precautions should be considered in developing
this unit? - What safety information should be shared with
students to ensure their safety and understanding
of medical conditions?
54Sample Praxis Questions
- Outline the important points that would need to
be discussed during an in-service workshop on the
impact of medical conditions and the procedures
for handling such conditions. Include information
concerning epilepsy, diabetes, use of an EpiPen
for severe allergies, and handling of blood.
- Appropriate use of technology in the early
childhood classroom - How to adapt technology for use with students
with special needs - Ability to evaluate
- effective use of
- technology in the
- early childhood classroom
56Sample Praxis Questions
- Describe an early childhood classroom that
provides students with a variety of opportunities
to interact with technology. Include one activity
for each form of technology specifically
indicating the form of technology and how
technology will enhance learning for the student.
57Sample Praxis Questions
- How can technology be adapted for use with
students with special needs? Indicate adaptations
for physical, emotional, and educational needs
58Sample Praxis Questions
- Develop a unit that will incorporate technology
with literacy. Indicate specific activities that
will enhance literacy learning. Develop
assessment tools that will evaluate the effective
use of technology to attain the specified goals.
- http//www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr256.shtm
l - Education World 8/10/2000 (Study Guide for the
Praxis Education of Young Children Tests)