Title: 530.352 Materials Selection
1530.352 Materials Selection
Lecture 25 High Temperature CreepMondayNovember
14th, 2005
2High Temperature Creep
?creep f ( T, ?, t )
- Thermally activation deformation
- at constant stress
- over time.
Creep is slow, continuous deformation with time.
3 What is a high temperature? RT
298K, Thair drier ?K, Tcar engine
?K Tjet engine ?K, Tlight bulb
?K, Tfusion reactor ?K What is a long time ?
Light bulbs ?, Jet engines ?, Automobile
engines ?, Steam pipes ?
4What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
??? 500K, Tcar engine 900K Tjet
engine 1,300K, Tlight bulb 2,300K, Tfusion
reactor ??? For metals and ceramics For
polymers high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
5What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
500K, Tcar engine ??? 900K Tjet
engine 1,300K, Tlight bulb 2,300K, Tfusion
reactor ??? For metals and ceramics For
polymers high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
6What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
500K, Tcar engine 900K Tjet engine
??? 10K, Tlight bulb 2,300K, Tfusion reactor
??? For metals and ceramics For polymers
high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
7What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
500K, Tcar engine 900K Tjet engine
1,300K, Tlight bulb ???00K, Tfusion reactor
??? For metals and ceramics For polymers
high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
8What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
500K, Tcar engine 900K Tjet engine
1,300K, Tlight bulb 2,300K, Tfusion reactor
??? For metals and ceramics For polymers
high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
9What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
500K, Tcar engine 900K Tjet engine
1,300K, Tlight bulb 2,300K, Tfusion reactor
??? For metals and ceramics For polymers
high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
10What is high temperature ??
300K? , 500K ?, 1,000K ?, 2,000K
? Applications RT 298K, Thair drier
500K, Tcar engine 900K Tjet engine
1,300K, Tlight bulb 2,300K, Tfusion reactor
??? For metals and ceramics For polymers
high T gt 0.5 Tmelting high T gt Tg
11Creep of lead at RT
12What are long times ??
- Light bulbsreplace every 500-1,000 hrs.
- Jet engines check every 1,000 hrs.
- Car engines2hrs/day x 5 days/wk x 50 wks/yr x
5yrs 2,500 hrs. - Steam pipes???
13What are long times ??
- Light bulbsreplace every 500-1,000 hrs.
- Jet engines check every 1,000 hrs.
- Car engines2hrs/day x 5 days/wk x 50 wks/yr x
5yrs 2,500 hrs. - Steam pipes???
14What are long times ??
- Light bulbsreplace every 500-1,000 hrs.
- Jet engines check every 1,000 hrs.
- Car engines2hrs/day x 5 days/wk x 50 wks/yr x
5yrs 2,500 hrs. - Steam pipes???
15What are long times ??
- Light bulbsreplace every 500-1,000 hrs.
- Jet engines check every 1,000 hrs.
- Car engines2hrs/day x 5 days/wk x 50 wks/yr x
5yrs 2,500 hrs. - Steam pipes???
16Types of Failure and Design Needs
- Displacement Limited
- maintain dimensions or clearance
- Rupture Limited
- fracture to be avoided
- Stress-relaxation Limited
- release of tension
- Buckling Limited
- in thin components
17Creep Testing and Curves
steady-state creep
tertiary creep
primary creep
18Stages of Pure Metal Creep
- Primary creep
- deformation is fast until it strain hardens
- Steady-state creep
- linear response - microstructural SS
- strain hardening recovery (annihilation)
- Tertiary creep
- void formation / necking
19Effect of Stress
Keep T constant change ?
20Stress Exponents
- n 1 diffusion creep
- n 3-5dislocation creep
- n 20threshold stressesdue to particles
log ?
log ?
21Effect of Temperature
Keep ? constant change T
22Qcreep and Qdiffusion
Diffusion controls power-law creep
23Sherby-Dorn Equation
?ss C ??n exp (- Qdiffusion / RT)
Temperature dependence
Stress dependence
Use this equation to calculate creep rate at any
given or new stress or temperature !!
24Example of creep based design
- Ni-base superalloys that are used for jet turbine
applications exhibit Qcreep 320 kJ/mol and
n5. - What is the creep rate at 925 oC and 350 MPa if
C1.7x10-7 and R8.314 J/mol-oC ? - What would the creep rate be if the stress were
increased by 25 MPa ? - What would the creep rate be if the temperature
were increased by 25 oC ? - If your boss wanted to increase the operating
temperature by 50 oC, how much would you have to
decrease the stress to maintain the same creep
rate ?
25Creep rate T925 oC and s350 MPa
?ss C ??n exp (- Q / RT)
?ss 1.7x10-7 3505 exp( -320,000/8.314 x
1198 K ) 1.7x10-7 x 5.25x1012 x
11.1x10-15 10-8 sec-1
26Is 10-8 sec-1 fast ?
Is short for a service life but long for a
graduate student -- must extrapolate from short
tests to long times !!
27Increasing by 25 MPa
?1 / ?2 (?1/ ?2 )n (350/375)5 0.708 ?2
1.4 x 10-8 sec
28Increasing by 25 oC
?2 1.92 x 10-8 sec
29Changing both T and s