Title: Removing Alginate and Gypsum from Impression Trays
1Removing Alginate and Gypsum from Impression Trays
Introducing a new product from Whip Mix
2Have you Heard?
Theres a New tray cleaner available from Whip
Mix called Green Envy
pH neutral Gentle to the skin, biodegradable, environmentally friendly, non corrosive
Ease of Use Dissolves alginate and plaster residue
Container Size Larger 2.2 lb jar provides cleaning for more than 500 trays
Fresh Aroma Pleasant light citrus aroma
3Green Envy Tray Cleaner
- Green Envy tray cleaner removes alginate and
gypsum from impression trays naturally pH
What does this mean?
4Safety Concerns
- Many cleaning supplies have active ingredients
that help remove residue from surfaces. - Active ingredients such as sodium carbonate may
cause burns and be irritating to the eyes. - Prolonged immersion of metal trays in active
ingredients may cause some corrosion.
5Hazardous Concerns
- Shipping of hazardous materials requires special
precautions. - When hazardous materials are released into
natural water ways, they can be toxic for animals
and aquatic life.
6pH Neutral Cleaners
- A pH that is neutral means that the pH is
balanced and is not alkaline (base) or acidic. - pH neutral is around 7 on the pH scale.
- A pH neutral cleaning product is gentler on the
skin and safer for employees.
7Environmentally Friendly
- pH neutral cleaners are biodegradable and
environmentally friendly. - Biodegradable is defined as any organic material
that can be broken down by microorganisms into
simpler, more stable compounds. - Biodegradable products decompose in the
environment quickly without polluting.
8Other Views
- According to neutralcleaning.com, an
environmentally friendly product should be pH
neutral, organic, and biodegradable. All
ingredients should be (GRAS) generally recognized
as safe, non-hazardous and non-corrosive. A
properly formulated cleaning product will
minimize the users health exposure, utilize
minimal amounts of water and minimize the overall
impact on the environment.
9Benefits of Safe Cleaners
- Fewer adverse health effects from toxic
compounds. - Fewer hazards in the municipal solid waste
stream. - Less ecosystem destruction from persistent
10Go Green with Envy
- Green Envy tray cleaner is gentle to the skin and
biodegradable safer for the skin and safer for
the environment - Gentle cleaning will not cause corrosion to metal
instruments - Green Envy tray cleaner does not contain toxic
compounds that pose a risk to users
11What Does All This Mean?
Products should be GRAS, which stands for A.
Gentle, resourceful, and safe B. Generating
revenue and sales C. Generally recognized as
safe D. Good reasons, All Seasons
12Green Envy Tray Cleaner
- Green Envy tray cleaner dissolves the alginate
and plaster residue interacts instead of reacts
with soils and surfaces breaking down the
microorganisms into a simpler, more stable
compound - No need to scrap or scour
13Easy on You Easy on Instruments
- Mix 2 scoops of Green Envy tray cleaner in 2 cups
(16 oz) of lukewarm water - Immerse instruments for 15 30 minutes
- Rinse or brush off with warm water
14Go Green with Envy
- The larger 2.2 lb jar provides cleaning for more
than 500 trays (leading competitor offers half
the size and may be hazardous and corrosive) - The only thing left behind after using this pH
neutral, biodegradable product is a fresh, light
citrus aroma
15How Can We Clean Safely?
Tray cleaners safely clean by A. Eating away
the residue organisms B. Breaking down the
residue organisms C. Scaring off the
residue organisms D. Brushing away the
residue organisms
16How To Order
- Green Envy tray cleaner is available through your
favorite Dental Dealer - Call Whip Mix and we will place this order for
you through your favorite Dental Dealer - Sample packs are also available and can be
ordered by calling Whip Mix or requested online - Whip Mix Contact Information
- 800-626-5651
- www.whipmix.com
17Please Share With Us
What is the best way to make sure that you
receive product information and promotions? A.
E-Mail B. Journal Advertising C. Direct
Mail D. Dealer Flyers
18Send Responses to llighthart_at_whipmix.com
- Subject line Go Green with Envy
- Send your answers for the two multiple choice
questions and the first ten correct responses
will receive a 10 American Express gift check
from Whip Mix. - Also include your response on the best way to
reach you, and well send you a recap after
tallying all the feedback.
Thank you for spending time with us. We
appreciate your support.